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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday Titillation: Family Tradition by Josman - Part Three

Tuesday Titillation:
Family Tradition
by Josman

Part Three

So, for today's post, I decided to share more work by an artist known as Josman. I think his artwork is amazing. As mentioned in the past, I do have my qualms about his work - his themes tend to center on older men having a somewhat taboo relationship with much younger men.

As I put this collection together, I had to remind myself... this is fantasy. This is a gay fairy tale.

If you don't agree... I understand. But this is the stuff of make-believe. The reality? Well, it looks nothing like this, hons.

I did do a little research on Josman. It seems he used to have a regular comic called Hand Jobs which stopped publishing new material years and years ago. On an on-line discussion board devoted to his work, someone else mentioned that they believed his work was now licensed by a pay site and that is the reason new material has not been forthcoming.

Thing is, no one seems to know exactly what became of him. Someone on the same forum mentioned that he had published a series of horribly inappropriate works and dropped out of sight. However, the authenticity of those work has been questioned by others.

One thing I did learn? I am not alone when it comes to my reaction to his artwork. A couple of blogs praise his work, but then also cop to feeling a bit skeezy about enjoying it.

Personally, I view these as fairy tales... something devoid of anything approaching reality. And that is the context in which they are being presented here, today.

That said, here is the first of three installments of Family Tradition - from the talented hands of Josman.

Taboo? Fantasy?
An interesting bit of gay history?
You decide. To each their own.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Family Affair - Sly & The Family Stone

Monday, October 14, 2024

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 209 - Golden Boy Books, Part 1 of 3

Acquired Tastes XLIII:
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 209
Golden Boy Books
Part 1 of 3

Today we take a look at Golden Boy Books.

Golden Boy Books was an imprint published by Arena Publications, who operated out of a facility at 12011 Sherman Road in North Hollywood, California, 91605. They published a total of 27 titles under this imprint between 1978 and 1979. 

All the books feature colorful artwork by the same artist, done in a very soft, romance-novel type style, with the distinctive 'GB' logo adorning the center of the book's back cover. With few exceptions, the illustration is presented on a white background with a bold, colored title floating above it. 

Back Cover

These books sell for between $50-$189, though listings are somewhat rare.

Here are the first nine titles...  

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 Johnny Silver
 Author: Ward Michaels 
Golden Boy Books

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  Stocks and Bonds
 Author: Kyle Reich 
Golden Boy Books

Kyle Reich is a pseudonym used by Lambert Wilhelm.

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Flight Into Sodomy
 Author: Chad Stuart 
Golden Boy Books

Available as a downloadable PDF or ebook at Hommi Publishing.

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 Richard’s Brother
 Author: Lambert Wilhelm 
Golden Boy Books

William J. Lambert, III (William Maltese) is an extremely prolific author who has written in a number of genres. His pseudonyms include Christopher Dane, Adriana DeBolt, Karl Klyne, Anna Lambert, Billy Lambert, W Lambert III, Willa Lambert, William Maltese, Lambert Wilhelm and several others. He's written gay-oriented novels for many imprints, including Greenleaf Classics, BlueBoy, HIS69 and Golden Boy Books. His most recent novel was published in 2019.

William J. Lampert III

Available as a downloadable PDF or ebook at Hommi Publishing.

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 Montana Bound 
Author: Chad Stuart
 Golden Boy Books 

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Silver Summer
  Author: Ward Michaels 
Golden Boy Books

Available as a downloadable PDF or ebook at Hommi Publishing.

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 Cop Out 
Author: Lambert Wilhelm
 Golden Boy Books 

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 Young Men of the Night 
Author: Raymond Lange
 Golden Boy Books 

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The Sweat Game
 Author: Lambert Wilhelm 
Golden Boy Books
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And that's all for now.

Next week: nine more tantalizing Golden Boy Books titles.

Until then...

Thanks for reading.

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Golden Boy - Bryce Fox

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip: Maya Rudolph

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip: 
Maya Rudolph

In my own personal big gay church, there is a wing dedicated to the Ladies Of Comedy. Theses are the gals who made us laugh and, on occasion, brought a tear to our eyes. They are visionaries, capturing aspects of the human condition while holding up a mirror to the world. Their characters, style, and phrases have helped form our daily vernacular in ways we are not even always aware of - but that is the power of comedy and the magic these ladies all possess. Breaking ground while breaking all the rules?

The always outrageous Maya Rudolph.

If this diva sees a way to get a laugh? She so goes there. 

Fearless. Confident. Living out loud.

She's equal parts brassy and demure. The color pallet of emotions she has to work with reads like an ever-evolving kaleidoscope. 

Her brand of comedy is bigger than life, a life she constantly seizes by the balls and drags around behind her. Oh, yeah... there's no keeping up with this comedic icon.

Braying and slaying, the number of classic comedic moments astounds. And she shows no sign of stopping. 

Her secret weapon? She's always kept it real, always lived a full-bodied life. It's kept her grounded... and smart, whip smart.

This combination of beauty, talent, and drive?

Well, it's safe to say we've only seen the first two acts of this epic production.

My advice?

Stay tuned.

The gospel according to her?

Well, here are three from the hip, dropping from her lips.

The topic? Being A Funny Lady

"I learned the enormous power of writing for yourself, especially now that people seem to be receptive to the fact that women can write."

"I've never set out to write a funny movie or be a funny comedian as a woman. I am a woman. I don't really have a choice in the matter. My goal is just to be funny."

"I like being a funny lady. I think there's nothing sexier than a funny lady."

"I really love laughing."

"Before I had children, everything about my life was devoted to Saturday Night Live."

"I've been writing joke songs since I was a kid and it served me well at SNL. I can write those in my sleep. In fact, I have."

"I like comedy as a group sport."

"I don't know if comedy is a male sport. I always wondered that."

"Without a doubt in sketch comedy there are fewer women than men."

"I never thought I'd get a chance to do what I'm doing. It's such a dream."

"To have your childhood dream realized is a really big deal."

"When I'm acting, I'm much taller and thinner in my mind. Then I see myself and I'm like 'Oh, right. I forgot. That's what I look like.'"

"I feel like I'm a drag queen."

Shia And Maya - Maya Rudolph and Shia LaBeouf

Five Minutes Of Maya Rudolph's Funniest Moments
Netflix Is A Joke

I'm Your Mother - Maya Rudolph

And one last parting shot...

"I was a loud child, and if my mother sang to me, I would be quiet."

"My mom was black and my dad is Jewish, and I lost my mom when I was seven. That made me feel really different from other kids."

"Most of my life I didn't feel very normal. There's definitely been some moments where I feel like, all right, I've finally graduated and I'm a normal lady."

"To grow up with the loss of your mother is a scar that never goes away."

"There are days when I wonder why my mom couldn't be here to see this."

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Weekend Onesie: The Magic Of Burton Rice - Part XI

Weekend Onesie:
The Magic Of Burton Rice
Part XI

As you may know, on Thursdays, Wonderland Burlesque does a series of posts about old movies, featuring movie posters. During the course of research, I fell in love with a particular type of poster art, enough so that I wanted to learn a bit more about the artist.

That's what I'll be sharing with you the next few Saturdays, as part of the Weekend Onesie series (which is rarely about a single image, so, not sure why I cling to that title).

I remain in awe of this man and his work; the sheer volume and quality is astounding. He must have slaved over his drawing table like a madman. His movie posters for Bluebird and Pathé are not all he did... he also created book covers, advertisements, and sheet music art. For this series, I've chosen to group them according to visual type.

I find his use of color and white space quite amazing and far ahead of his time. 

Here's a bit of information (all cribbed from various sites) about the artist and samples of his work.

The Magic Of Burton Rice

American designer, illustrator, photographer, and poster artist Burton Rice is best known for his work creating posters for the Bluebird Photoplays division of Universal Pictures between 1916 and 1919. Little else is known about him.

He was an American native born in a Chicago suburb on April 15, 1894. Records show that he returned from France in 1917, when he was 23 years old, and again in 1924, aged 30. In 1943 his draft registration card showed him living in New York city, and self-employed.

Burton designed a wide range of products, but you might know him under a different name. When designing fashion pieces, he often used the pseudonym of Dynevor Rhys. No one knows why Rice did this. Some believe he wished to save his real name for fine art, but this was never confirmed. This change happened after his New York studio burned down in November of 1923. After the fire, Rice began submitting magazine covers as Dynevor Rhys.

In 1959, he returned to Chicago.

He died in Paris on April 4, 1977.

Through his years as a designer, Burton Rice produced many impressive pieces. His posters help capture an era. Through his work, we can better experience the time period.

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Behind The Scenes - The Sheik