Weekend Onesie:
Fun With Technology
Part II
Today, we travel in the way-back machine to a time of true innovation!
These products represent great leaps forward for mankind, woman-kind, or any kind!
Obsolete? Never!
For yesterday's technological roadkill is today's eBay must have!
Yes, what goes around comes back around as a bit of prized nostalgia.
And thanks to these vintage advertisements, we'll always be reminded to remember.
Though it may be a video game system whose time has past....
It's now an electronic treasure waiting to be found!
I, for one, am all game!
What's my vintage, you ask?
Oh, darlings, at my age?
I remain grateful to those who value antiques!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque
Digital Witness - St. Vincent
More gadgets, more fun.
Devices so advanced for their time, quickly made obsolete.
Hallmarks of a throw away society.
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