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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Weekend Onesie: A Cure For What Ails You

Weekend Onesie:
A Cure For What Ails You

Problems in the bedroom department?

Well, never fear.

Madison Avenue is here!

With plenty of suggestions to cure whatever ails you.

Need a bit of stimulation? Searching for that special tingle?

Yes, they've got something for everyone.

But buyer beware!

You just might get more than you bargained for!

My advice?
Always read the find print.
The more you know!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Tingle - Samantha Schultz

Hmm. Discreet and effective!

Ummm... no, papa, no!

For those who enjoy the sensation of being jackhammered.

For those who enjoy the discreet.

For those who like to go hardcore.

Ummm... ouch!

Or, just go with the direct, tried and proven method.

Check out that little 'ring of fire'! 
Get that special tingle!

Puff Daddy, indeed!

Gives a new meaning to cranking it!

Once you got it, you'll need something to carry it in...

Of course, there are all sorts of protection.

Maybe you're looking for the sort of love that lasts longer?

Speaking of  stimuli...

You'll need something to carry your goodies in!

Of course, you could get your stimuli the old-fashioned way...

Or maybe you need a different kind of stimuli.

Perhaps you're looking for additional thrills.

Or no thrills at all.

Me? All my life all I was looking for was one thing.
If I had only known!

Stimulation - Wa Wa Nee

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