Weekend Onesie:
Love Yourself!
It's the question asked by every little gay boy at one time or another...
"Why can't I find a man to love me?"
Why, indeed...
With Valentine's day slapping us in the face next Friday like Joan Crawford in... well, any movie, really... I thought it was time to remind one and all that there is strength and beauty to be found in the power of one!
Yes.. just one.
Singular sensation.
That be you, boo.
Although magazines, movies, television, and social media may disagree (along with your family and friends), trust me, sometimes being alone is exactly what the doctor ordered!
So, laugh in the face of conformity... this Valentine's Day, aim cupid's bow elsewhere and embrace being you for you!
The journey to our authentic self...
Doesn't begin with losing ourselves in another!
Treasure yourselves, my dears.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque
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Love Yourself - Justin Bieber
It's easy to fall prey to such stark declaratives!
The assumption is:
It's us, not them.
And all too frequently,
the comments of others sting,
adding fuel to the fire.
Is it our appearance?
Our lack of social savviness?
Or due to our place in the world?
We do what we can with what we have.
We scour social media, magazines,
television and the like...
We even go so far as to put ourselves out there.
We end up giving our hearts to those
who fail to mirror our expectations,
causing us, once again, to look within.
Leading us back to making
stark, declarative statements.
It's all, or nothing. It's black or it's white.
In the end, this cyclical rollercoaster of self-flagellation
eventually leads us to one conclusion...
Things could always be worse, darling!
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Have a Happy Valentine's Day, my dears.
Love Yourself - Mary J. Blige feat A$AP Rocky
After three long terms, two of which I don't regret, I have learned I function and seem to be happier and myself on my own. I mean my dating and hook ups is fun, but I live living independently and by myself.
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