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Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Wonderland Burlesque's For Pet's Sake Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's 
For Pet's Sake Quiz

They come into our lives and add so much pleasure. And even though we know it's not to last forever, we give them our hearts. 

No, I'm not talking about that trick you just met in the woods or down by the docks... I am talking about pets. 

Cats, dogs, hamsters, gerbils, exotic birds... what have you. And that's what I'd like you to talk about today; those little companions who grace and have graced our lives, giving more than we have any right to expect. 

Oh, and by the way... as cat's only have nine lives? So, too, this quiz has only nine questions!

1/ Are you an 'animal' person?

Yes. And I always will be, though, I must say, I am evolving a bit. There for a time, I would take on any challenge, but as I start eying retirement, with my goal of travelling in mind, I am becoming much more conscious of the commitment being made when taking on a new family member and the fairness of the situation. 

It's not like I will be travelling 24/7. Not at all. But at the same time, I don't feel it would be fair to take on additional animals at this time. 

First, I don't want to be an absent owner. I find that sort of behavior irresponsible. If you make a commitment to care for an animal - you should make choices with your life where that animal is included as a priority, not simply a passing consideration. You have to be present in that animal's life. I'm always shocked at how selfish and blind people are when it comes to pets. If you ignore them, they act out. So, if your pet has behavior issues and you can't figure out why? Look in the mirror, dear. Most issues can be resolved if one simply honors the commitment made when you took the little fella into your home. Spending quality time with an animal? That's part of that commitment. And that's also, typically, an easy solution to any behavioral issues that spring up. 

Which is why, as I look to travel more, I know that there may be a time period when pet ownership is not something I can afford - emotionally or ethically. 

2/ What was your first pet and what was it's name? How old were you?

Back on the farm, I know we had  two different dogs when I was just a wee thing. I don't remember what happened to the one, but the other - a neighboring farmer hated and that a-hole eventually ran him over with his truck. 

Enter Lady - a basset/beagle mix. I was three or four years old. 

The sweetest, kindest dog, Lady had a great personality. When we moved into town, we had neighbors to the right of us; an older married couple, immigrants from Czechoslovakia, who were very nice to us, but they loved our dog. As time progressed, we noticed Lady putting on excessive weight, eventually learning that when the kindly couple had lunch or dinner, they always made an extra portion for Lady! 

Lady taught me what pet ownership was about.

By the time I was a senior in high school, Lady was quite elderly and couldn't climb stairs. She would cry at night at the bottom of the stairs until I went down and got her and she would spend the night in my room. She was terrified of thunder, so I spent many nights under my bed holding her, letting her know it would be alright. 

I went off to college and never really made sure that my two sisters or mother were aware of everything Lady needed. 

When I came home for Xmas break, I noticed that all the rugs which populated various corners of rooms in the house were missing. I asked. Lady had passed away in late October. My mom just forgot to tell me. So, I never got to say good-bye. 

She was a wonderful dog.

3/ In your lifetime, how many pets have you had?

Not counting the cats at The Boyfriend's - one cat, seven dogs. Because I was so involved in theatre all those years? I could not have a pet. I was never home, and having a pet and living that life? Not compatible. And after that I was travelling quite a bit. It was only when recovering from my illness and returning to Minnesota that I took on being a pet owner. I knew it would ground me, and I needed stability at that time. 

That's when Beau, my first Chihuahua came into my life. He gave me purpose and focus. I owe him so much.

4/ Have you ever adopted a pet from the pound, a rescue organization, or a shelter?

Oddly, of the six dogs that I have had since 1998, only one came directly from such a place. 

Beau was found at a Menards lumber store.

Paco (Chihuahua #2) was just a pup and about to be euthanized because the owner, a waitress The Ex used to work with, was having a baby and moving to Sweden and hadn't bothered getting proper papers for the dog to travel - and came to the realization that she couldn't take the dog with her, so she was just going to put him down. So, hearing this, The Ex and I swooped in. 

He was the cutest thing ever. 

Mona's owner married and had a baby with a man who hated her dog - a lovely, rather rare, 'deer' Chihuahua. The man used to kick her and had injured her quite badly. She was only with us a short time (six months). I am still unclear exactly why she passed away - it was a blur of vet visits and medications. It was all very sad, and we did everything we could to save her. She remains the most beautiful dog I have ever seen. 

Atula. The Hun. He was this terrible Boston terrier. Just a monster. I adored him so much. His yowl had to be heard to be appreciated. He was quite elderly when he came into our lives. A co-worker was moving to work in Taiwan and he knew I had taken in animals in the past, so he pressured me to take on both his Boston terriers. My mom took the younger of the two, Billie. And The Ex and I took on Atula - who had some medical and behavioral issues. Turns out most of the problems stemmed from the fact that this man had two dogs and no time. They spent up to 16 hours a day in their kennels. He also lived in apartment, so no yard. He was divorced and hung onto the dogs so his kids would come visit. Both animals were very screwed up. Watching Atula navigate our fenced-in backyard for the first time?  As heartbreaking as it was hilarious. He had these big bug-eyes and was terrified of the grass. He warmed up to it quickly, though. His final two years were as best as we could make them. He seemed very happy.

Millie, whose story I shared in a relatively recent post, was a tea-cup Chihuahua my second youngest sister rescued from people who truly had no idea what pet ownership means - and I'll leave it at that. I simply adored her. 

Which brings us to Hercules... the only dog I have ever acquired through a 'rescue' organization.

5/ Who currently resides at your house? How old? How did you acquire them?

Hercules. After Beau passed away, I got a phone call at work from the The Ex - "I found a dog who looks just like Beau. We have to go get him." Now, I know this is not a good idea - dogs are not interchangeable and you can't 'replace' one with another, but The Ex knew I was heartbroken when Beau died, and this was his way of 'fixing' things. So, I protested, but acquiesced. 

Hercules was at a foster home as part of this dog rescue organization. We get there. The woman has far too many dogs given her tiny house and miniscule yard. Hercules? Looks nothing like Beau (of course) and is, in fact, four times larger than Beau. I look at The Ex like... 'what have you done.' But by then, I knew it was too late... Hercules was our responsibility. Period. If nothing else, he had to be taken out of that home. 

Here's everything we learned after adopting Hercules: he'd been hit on the head with a hammer repeatedly and had suffered a bit of brain damage (he's a sweetie, but not a bright bulb). A child poked out one of his eyes with a ball point pen and the org couldn't afford the surgery required to save the eye. No, that fell to us. Two surgeries and $6 K later, turns out they'd waited too long, and we could not save the eye, so Herc has a glass one, which isn't fooling anybody, but The Ex didn't want the other dogs (?) (Millie, our only pup at the time, was blind.) to make fun of him. 

Herc is a love. During the pandemic, I began walking him daily. It doesn't take long and it's good for both of us. He barks too much and is afraid of everything, but such a sweetie. 

6/ Of course, the ones currently with you are your favorites, but is there one from your past you miss the most?

I do miss them all. I sometimes stare at the backyard and imagine them all there at once. 

I would be hard pressed to pick one, but if I had to? Beau. He was my light. I owe him my life. 

7/ Do you have friends or family members with pets that you adore? What are they, how old and what is/are their name(s)?

My Mom has Billie (the Boston Terrier) and Pepper. Pepper came from an animal shelter. When my Mom and Dad moved across the street from me (because Dad was failing - Alzheimer's) they had a Shih Tzu named Lil who passed away. My Mom thought my Dad missed Lil and wanted another dog. I suggested we go to the shelter. She saw a Jack Russell Terrier she liked and asked to have some private time with the dog. We were led to this large, fenced pen and were told to stand at one end. The dog was brought in and left off the leash. Her name was Pepa, so my Mom called for Pepper... the dog ran across the length of the room and jumped right into my Mom's arms. Well... end of story. 

Pepper has/had terrible anxiety issues which cost my Mom lots of curtains (which Pepper kept tearing off the windows) and Pepper some of her teeth (she would chew her kennels - even metal ones.) Fast forward. She adored my Dad (she would curl up with him in his hospital bed) and has mellowed with age. She's a sweetie. 

Billie bites. And pees. It's gotten better, but we have to watch him constantly. Boston Terriers are not known for biting, but, apparently, while being locked in his kennel up to 16 hours a day, Billie didn't get that memo - and his previous owner failed to mention it. He's a cute, funny little guy. I adore him and he seems very happy. 

The Boyfriend has four, had five, cats. Cedric, I wrote about last Xmas. That leaves: Wonk, a 21-year old black cat who is cranky and a sweetie, LeRoy - a four year old black cat that The Boyfriend adopted as a kitten (he's an odd duck, stand-offish), Theo, the Siamese no one at the shelter wanted to adopt because he has a broken tail (that's all I needed to hear)(he is a stand-offish love), and Tuxedo - who I have written about in the past - who continues to make great strides. I consider myself co-owner of Tuxedo and am very grateful The Boyfriend agreed to take him on. 

My youngest sister has three cats: Boris - a giant black coon-cat, Natasha - a tuxedo cat who taught me about tuxedo cats (very, very stand-offish/everything on their terms), and Molly - who is a dwarf Siamese (some special breed) and is cute as a button. They all came from the local animal shelter, which my sister supports. 
8/ If you currently have a pet, could you see your life without one? And if you don't currently have a pet, would you want one and what would it be?

As stated earlier, yes. I see me without a pet for a period of time in the near future. 

Hercules is my last dog for the time being. I am burnt out. Saying good-bye is too hard. Plus, I don't want to be an irresponsible pet owner; I plan to travel and that does not a good pet owner make. 

I can see myself settling down after a point... and then? Yep, I will adopt someone in need of a home. And who knows? Best made plans and all of that? I know if someone came to me with a sob story, I'd have to change my plans.

Honestly? Other than my very selfish pursuits? I don't see a purpose to my life except to be of help to others - and that includes our animal friends. So, if someone absolutely needed a home? 

I'd simply have to change my plans.

9/ If you could have any animal in the whole world as a pet (in a safe and healthy manner), which would you choose and why?

Oh... there are so many cuties. Kohala Bears, Capybaras, Chipmunks, Possums, Raccoons, Ring-tailed Lemurs, Prairie Dogs, Armadillos... 

But I will go with a Meerkat. And of course, you cannot have just one Meerkat. You must have a backyard dedicated to a Meerkat family. And, of course, you cannot have just one Meerkat family, you must have at least two. 

All of which is a terrible, terrible idea. 

Animals that live in the wild? Need to stay in the wild. We humans need to stop thinking we need to domesticate and 'own' everything. That mindset of ours? 

Well, look where it's gotten us?

--- ---

That's it for today.

So much fun. I adore pets. Pet ownership is serious business - so rewarding - but if undertaken? It must be taken seriously. 

Okay... your turn.

Leave your answers in the comment section or post on your blog and leave a link here. 

For those of you who are not a pet owner/animal person? There are still a couple questions you can answer.

Thanks for sharing.

And, as always, thanks for reading!

Atomic Dog - George Clinton

I Want A Dog - Pet Shop Boys


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Ha! The Pet Shop Boys always get me in the mood.
Now, on to the quiz:

Nope, I'm not an animal person. I've lived with people who like and have animals, though. I have never felt the need to own a pet.

My first pet's name was Doll. I was seven or eight, I think. She was adorable, white as snow. She lived to be fifteen or sixteen, I think.

I have not had many pets. I've lived with several, though. I'm still living with Riley, a codependent, passive aggressive Chihuahua mix and Lulu, a multiple-personality Frenchie mix. I think they were both bought, though, not rescued. Riri is fifteen, I think. Loves chicken and dances for me when I feed her. Lulu has a masochist streak and loves to bring her ball to my feet so I step on it while she tries to take it away from me. This could take up to half an hour. She loves it. She's three, I think.

They're not mine, but I will feed them, let them out and take them for walks. Have you noticed how many people will talk to you when you're walking a doggie?
And nope, I don't want a pet. I don't think I may want one in the future, but I'm not really sure. Like you, I believe in being an ethical pet owner. Or just not have pets.


Mistress Maddie said...

Are you an 'animal' person? That's putting it mildly.

What was your first pet and what was it's name? It was a dachshund names Poochie. I was 6 and got her for Christmas.

In your lifetime, how many pets have you had? 8

Have you ever adopted a pet from the pound, a rescue organization, or a shelter? Yes my last two and current were. Babs, a dachshund, a black cat, Starbooty, and my current love, Buster.

Who currently resides at your house? I and my ex split custody of Buster, so he is it for now. I can't believe he is gonna be 13 soon.

If you currently have a pet, could you see your life without one? ABSOULETLY NOT! But when Buster passes, I will take time between pets like I always do.

If you could have any animal in the whole world as a pet (in a safe and healthy manner), which would you choose and why? I love elephants and their my passion, but if I wanted a animal in the house...I always thought a lion would be awesome. Imagine laying back in that mane!!!!

Im just hopeless. I love ALL animals of the planet.

Bob said...

1/ Are you an 'animal' person?

Yes. I have always had pets, from childhood to adulthood and beyond!

2/ What was your first pet and what was it's name? How old were you?
The first pet I remember was a little mutt dog names Sugar. I was probably three or four. Sugar lived to be 23 and passed away in my Mom’s arms.

3/ In your lifetime, how many pets have you had?

Let’s see ….dogs were Duke, Sugar, Sarge, and Dengoso and Ozzo with Carlos; cats were Sylvester and Pandy, and Muhammed Alley Cat, and then Carlos and I have had Thomas, Scruffy, Lady, Vonice, Sweetie, Spunky, Squeaky, Tuxedo, MaxGoldberg, Tallulhah and Consuelo.

4/ Have you ever adopted a pet from the pound, a rescue organization, or a shelter?

All of our pets are rescues.

5/ Who currently resides at your house? How old? How did you acquire them?
Ozzo, who was rescued from a friend who was moving and couldn’t take her new puppy; he’s about 16 now.
Tuxedo, who was rescued from an animal hospital where Carlos worked, and is about seventeen, we think.
MaxGoldberg was a kitten when he was tossed over our neighbor; s backyard fence. She couldn’t keep him so we took him; he’s fifteen.
Consuelo was rescued when she was about a year old and has been with us for about six years now.

6/ Of course, the ones currently with you are your favorites, but is there one from your past you miss the most?

I miss them all, but I’d have to say Sugar because she was the first one.

7/ Do you have friends or family members with pets that you adore? What are they, how old and what is/are their name(s)?

My brother and sister had pets but really aren’t pet people. My parents always had German Shepherds and they were all good dogs; my Dad still has a shepherd named Billy that he rescued a few years ago.

8/ If you currently have a pet, could you see your life without one? And if you don't currently have a pet, would you want one and what would it be?
I would always want a pet around; I think pets are good for your mental health.

9/ If you could have any animal in the whole world as a pet (in a safe and healthy manner), which would you choose and why?

Oh... lions and tigers, definitely.
Carlos would pick an elephant!

whkattk said...

1. I am SO an animal person. There was a time when i would've had Noah's Ark situation going if I could. Now, like you, I have begin thinking about the situation I may leave behind.
2. A dog. Beagle named Pokey. I think I was 7, maybe 8.
3. Probably not that many. 2 birds (canary) 3 dogs, 3 rabbits, 5 cats.
4. Nope. Not that they weren't rescues. All dogs were ones I took in because their People didn't want them or couldn't keep them. All cats (save 1) were feral. Even 1 of the bunnies was a feral when we found him.
5. A feral cat. Maybe he's 2. Been with us for 1 year now.
6. Yep. I miss Spitz (cat) the most; he was my buddy when I lost my job. No, wait, Beeper (cat); he went everywhere with me. I do mean everywhere, draped across my shoulders.
7. Yes. A cat named Tiger. He gives me nose bumps every time I visit.
8. I'd still like to get another dog. But, I fear it's too late in my life.
9. IDK. An elephant, maybe? Because they're smart and gentle.

SickoRicko said...

Fabulous post! I'm very much an animal lover.

But, you forgot snakes. I owned four many, many years ago: three boas of different varieties and one anaconda. The anaconda was the longest at three feet.

Inexplicable DeVice said...

You're so good to rescue/adopt so many dogs!

1/ Are you an 'animal' person?
Oh, definitely, yes. I much prefer animals to people.

2/ What was your first pet and what was it's name? How old were you?
My first pet was a Netherland dwarf rabbit called Nuffy. He was a terror and bit and scratched like a bastard when taking him out of his hutch, but he loved it once he was out. He'd run around the house and garden, chasing my youngest sister and biting her ankles!
There were a couple of guinea pigs before Nuffy (Arabella and Lorraine), but I'm not sure they were mine, more like the family's (even though I named them).

3/ In your lifetime, how many pets have you had?
Not as many as I'd like. Seven or eight - a couple of rabbits, two dogs, two or three gerbils, and a blackbird (9 or 10 if I include those guinea pigs).

4/ Have you ever adopted a pet from the pound, a rescue organization, or a shelter?
Not yet.

5/ Who currently resides at your house? How old? How did you acquire them?
No pets at the mo. Although there are a few semi-tame pheasants that call in to be fed...

6/ Of course, the ones currently with you are your favorites, but is there one from your past you miss the most?
Moomin! Technically, she was my boyfriend's dog - a Weimeraner. The best, biscuitiest (she smelled like biscuits - oh, er, that's cookies to you Americans) Mooquince/Moomintron/Lady Moomalade in the world!

7/ Do you have friends or family members with pets that you adore? What are they, how old and what is/are their name(s)?
My sisters: one has two cats - Cedric, AKA Cedplop (6, I think?) and Popeye (because he only has one eye, who is about 12); and the other a springer spaniel called Woody (1).

8/ If you currently have a pet, could you see your life without one? And if you don't currently have a pet, would you want one and what would it be?
I'd have another dog. Something big-ish like a Dalmation or Dobermann. Maybe even a Great Dane.

9/ If you could have any animal in the whole world as a pet (in a safe and healthy manner), which would you choose and why?
A small-medium whale! Because if I had a whale, I'd have to live in a partly submerged house and go swimming with it every day. Although, it wouldn't really be my pet as such - just a companion.

And, apparently, having a pet keeps one in tip-top shape, improves one's looks, and negates the need for clothes, if the photos are anything to go by...