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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip: Carly Simon

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip: 
Carly Simon

In my own, personal, big gay church, there is a wing dedicated to Those of the Heart. These are the singers, songwriters and muses who have spent a lifetime capturing various aspects of the human condition. Frequently, due to the whims of the music business, once they've reached a certain plateau, the industry had no idea what to do with them. Still, many persevered, having emotional truths to share and bare, eventually finding their own way. One such siren?

Carly Simon

Yes, it's hard to feel sorry for Carly Simon.

But her life has not been without it's challenges. She's a breast cancer survivor. She survived James Taylor. She raised two children and spent 20 years married to a man she didn't know was gay.

Born into a world of privilege, she was guaranteed to succeed at whatever she chose to take on. 

The self-absorption of adolescence, with its slings and arrows (real and imagined) accompanied by that burning desire to make a mark on the world, can aid in the development of skills useful as a young adult. 

Her ability to link words to emotions has always been her strength.

In her lifetime, she's had many stories to tell; tales that spoke to others navigating the same murky, exhilarating, waters.

Yes. Ivy league. White. Suburban. 

But they have feelings, too. The struggles of privileged white girls deserve to be heard and given voice.
Everyone's pain is valid. Even that of rich, protected white women.  

Emotional pain is a universal language. Those lucky enough to develop the skill of sharing theirs through song serve as guides for others.

Think of all the female wrists in Martha's Vineyard that remain un-slashed, thanks to Simon's music.

In a way, she's the musical Sylvia Plath for several generations of women.

And there's nothing ironic about what I am saying here. No side-eye. No snark. No shade.

Simon is as deserving as any other diva who resides in my big gay church.

Privilege opens many doors (including those to the heart.) Far be it for me to try and close one because of it.

Hers has always been an electric presence; charisma, glamour, sophistication personified.

And what she has gifted us?

A musical diary left open for all to read.

The gospel according to her?

Well, here are three from the hip, dropping from her lips.

The topic? Emotional Pain

"One of the things that has always motivated me to write is the desire to get it out and look at it in an objective way, so that it doesn't cause me any serious pain by staying inside."

"I always think it's interesting to dig a little bit deeper every time you go to someplace that seems like a revelation or a strong connection to an emotional truth. I try to get to those peculiar and particular things that you never think of to say."

"Everyone has problems, and learning to share them is essential. Hiding pain requires an enormous amount of energy; sharing it is liberating."
That's The Way I Always Heard It Should Be -
Carly Simon

Coming Around Again - Carly Simon

Island - Carly Simon

And one more parting shot...

"You know when you take the paint off an old canvas and you discover that something's been painted underneath it? That's what I feel like - that part of the old is coming through the new. You usually can't tell what's inspiring until you look back on it."


The Mistress said...

"In a way, she's the musical Sylvia Plath for several generations of women." Excellent observation.

I know most of her songs by heart. I admire those singers who know how to tell a story and can take us on an emotional ride.

Jimmy said...

I love C S. She was always known for having stage fright. She never wrote a bad song.

Anonymous said...

Nobody Does It Better!


SickoRicko said...

She's got it goin' on.

Anonymous said...

She was a guest on Finding Your Roots a few yrs back and it turns out her mother's family are Cuban although her dad's family was a part of the Simon & Schuster publishing empire.