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Friday, January 25, 2013

Acquired Tastes, XXVI: Blue Collar Men


Work jeans and steel-toed boots.  A soiled wife beater.  A tool belt.  A big-ass truck with a ladder in the back.  An industrial van full of power tools.  And, of course, one specific power tool that will always have a certain segment of the gay male population drooling.  Blue Collar men.; this is the stuff of vintage gay porn.  And if they’re a little sweaty?  A little soiled?  A little ripe?  

They’re all the hotter for it.  

In our little homo dreams, these are hard -working men working (we wish) hard.  That tent in those well-worn Levis remains the focus of many of our wildest fantasies and desires. 

These are the men who in real life haunt the aisles of hardware stores.  The denizens of lumber stores.  You see them in Menards and Home Depot.  You see them sweating in the summer months on the sides of our most traveled roadways.  Some of us can only imagine what their lives are like, while others are brave enough, strong enough and man enough to live that life. The masculine, frequently hyper-macho world that they occupy and navigate through is filled with under-educated, bigoted, ignorant mother fuckers… but those with a lick of sense see through such bravado and stupidity, lending their ilk a kind of grace and quiet, rugged civility that makes gay men moan and salivate just to be in their presence.

They are iconic; the stuff of many a gay pulp novel, and immortalized in idealized drawings by the likes of Tom Finland.  Joe Gage exposed this dominion’s fantastic, dirty gay underbelly in three revolutionary gay films: Kansas City Trucking Co. (1976), El Paso Wrecking Corp. (1978), and L.A. Tool & Die (1979), fueling the masturbatory imaginations of generations to… cum (I love a good pun).

The allure of the Blue Collar man is obvious to anyone who appreciates real men and is not afraid of a little sweat or getting their hands dirty.  They are not for the shallow, designer-label queens – the two universes rarely mesh well. 

All right, men, let’s strip away their ripped, grime-stained 501’s and toss aside those sweat-filled tees.  But tell them to leave on their thick woolen socks, well-worn jocks, and ripe, broken-in work boots (the better to fuck us in) and venture a peek beneath those perspiration soaked pits, get down to brass tacks, take a tug on their eraser size nips, plug in their power tool, and see just what it is that makes us lust for… 

Blue Collar Men

Scope of Activity:

A sexual appreciation by gay men for Blue Collar workers and those gay men who are sexually stimulated by being part of a Blue Collar workforce.  This does not include those who have a fetish for the clothing (work jeans, steel toe boots, wife-beaters, etc.) or the trappings (hard hats, work gloves, tool belts, etc.) of such.

Does not include: Cowboys, Ranch Hands, Farmers, or Service Industry Personnel (Delivery Men, Garbage Men, etc.), Truckers, or Mechanics (all of whom will probably be the subject of some future Acquired taste entries)

Does include: Construction Workers, Plumbers, Electricians, Carpenters, Landscapers, Road Crew Members, Cable Installers, Warehouse Personnel, Factory Workers, House Painters, Contractors, Rehab Crews, House Builders, Roofers, Coal Miners, Steel Workers, Dock Workers, Moving Men

The Official Line:

From Wikipedia:

A blue-collar worker is a member of the working class who performs manual labor. Blue-collar work may involve skilled or unskilled, manufacturing, mining, construction, mechanical, maintenance, technical installation and many other types of physical work. Often something is physically being built or maintained.

In contrast, the white-collar worker typically performs work in an office environment and may involve sitting at a computer or desk. A third type of work is a service worker (pink collar) whose labor is related to customer interaction, entertainment, sales or other service oriented work. Many occupations blend blue, white and/or pink (service) industry categorizations.

Blue-collar work is often paid hourly wage-labor, although some professionals may be paid by the project or salaried. There is a wide range of pay-scales for such work depending upon field of specialty and experience.

Industrial and manual workers often wear durable canvas or cotton clothing that may be soiled during the course of their work. Navy and light blue colors conceal potential dirt or grease on the worker's clothing, helping him or her to appear cleaner. For the same reason, blue is a popular color for coveralls which protect a worker's clothing. Some blue collar workers have uniforms with the name of the business and/or the individual's name embroidered or printed on it.

Historically the popularity of the color blue among manual laborers contrasts with the popularity of white dress shirts worn by men in office environments. The blue collar/white collar color scheme has socio-economic class connotations. However, this distinction has become blurred with the increasing importance of skilled labor, and the relative increase in low-paying, white-collar jobs.

The term blue collar was first used in reference to trades jobs in 1924, in an Alden, Iowa newspaper.

I failed to find a specific term for the fetishism of the blue collar worker. Perhaps, because it has been so prevalent in the gay community for so long, its existence is simply assumed and such definition is not warranted.  Japan has a genre of art called Bara that touches upon this fetish.  In America, the Blue Collar worker has traditionally been the subject of both gay pulp novels, pictorials, and porn.  In San Francisco, the garb of the construction worker was such a part of scene, it even managed its way into the consciousness of mainstream society via Mark Mussler in The Village People.  He was not my ideal of a construction worker, but hey, it was the 1970’s and I think Jacques Morali was lucky to sneak the leather dude past Midwest America.  In light of this, I think a construction worker with more mojo would have been simply too much.

Psychological Aspects:

Power: masculine power, muscle power, macho man, bull-balls, power.   

They built America.  The build the world.  So we bestow upon them a well-earned place in our collective psyches.  For gay men, that has a sexual component.  It takes muscles to do hard work.  Muscles are sexy; we imagine them flexing and bending our physical selves.  Muscles equal power. 

Then there is the sweat and grime.  This lack of fear of getting their hands dirty, of sweating it out, of powering through it… reinforces their relationship to their work and cements our appreciation for their efforts.  Writers may put words to painters.  Artists, paint to canvas.  But these motherfuckers?  They really build things.  They move America and the world.  They do work that matters.

The fact that they do this and, typically, do so with a lack of pretension and little need for recognition beyond a beer at the end of the day and a paycheck at the end of the week places them in a rare, coveted category of men… they are REAL MEN.  They can be the biggest bottom, the nelliest of queens – but as long as they meet their deadlines, haul ass, and use their brute force to transform our physical world into the world we need to function via infrastructure, housing, and the like?  Then they are real men.

And we want to have sex with them.


Never assume your Blue Collar man is an idiot, has no knowledge of art, has never read a book, or can’t whip up a nice evening gown or three-layer cake when the occasion demands it.  Sure, there is a possibility that a majority of these real men have no interest in any of those things, but one should never assume a superior knowledge of cultural endeavors.  Just as a real woman can bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan… the same goes for a real man.

Unless you ARE a Blue Collar man, don’t try to dress like one.  As with Mark Mussler of the Village People, those of who appreciate them can spot a poser a mile away. 

Getting sweaty and dirty at work does not mean your Blue Collar man doesn’t like to smell good.  Always check that armpit for deodorant before running your tongue through his arm bush.

Just because your Blue Collar man is all muscled up and butch, don’t assume that he doesn’t take it up the ass.  Macho-fucking power bottoms are hot.

Unless you ARE a Blue Collar man, don’t visit your Blue Collar man at his job site.  Dude has to deal with enough bullshit from his fat-necked, ignorant co-workers.  Don’t make your man suffer more.

Just because you hire a bunch of roofers, or landscapers, or a hot plumber or electrician, do not oogle them to obviously.  Eye candy is great, but they are there to perform their job for you, so be classy and only sneak the occasional peek (like when that plumber has his head under your kitchen sink with his bod sprawled out on your floor).  And NEVER hit on them.  If they want a little something, something  - let them be the ones to ask (or demand).

My Experience:

I have that white collar thing going on… and that is because I like having health insurance, access to technology, daily access to a kick ass gym, and a 401k with stock options.  Also I don’t mind parking my lazy ass behind a desk for up to eight hours a day (it gives me time to write and surf the net). 

But… there is this other side to me… and I am sure I am not unique in this – but I have my Blue Collar side, too.  Okay, so I may not be everyone’s idea of Blue Collar, but I do rehab houses.  I am part of a four member LLC.  We have seven rental properties.  We bought them when the housing market went to hell, dirt cheap, fixed them up, installed security systems, fenced the yards (we actively encourage dog ownership and the adoption of dogs in need of rescue), and brought them all up to code.  I do all the painting.  And the cleaning.  And the landscaping.  I will help out with installing new windows, doors, replacing floors, and the like.  I even learned how to install lighting fixtures – which, with my healthy fear of electricity – was a major undertaking.

Therefore, I got to hang out in these bombed out houses for hours and hours and hours.  Usually on the weekends.  Usually alone.  Or… maybe not so alone.  

I missed out on it with my first rehab, but by the second house, I was internet savvy enough to get dudes to come meet me and then meat me!  It has made for some hot encounters.  By my third house, I was running tricks through like cars at a car wash.  Sure, it didn’t always work.  Not everybody is into that kind of scene – too messy, too anonymous, too skanky.  But those that were into it (and those are the only ones that have ever mattered); we had us some butt-fucking good times.

Typically I would invite them over and have them walk in on me, naked with my ass up in the air.  I thought it would be like walking into an abandoned house and finding some stupid whore hole waiting for sperm.  Did I feel like a slut?  Oh, yeah.  And that was part of its appeal.  For those coming to fuck me, I think the appeal had to do with the setting and the idea of shoving their tool into someone who might be considered Blue Collar.  Sometimes I would leave on my painter pants – a pair of ripped up, dirty, sloppy 501’s.  This would add to the illusion. I was almost always sweaty and dirty.

By my fifth house, one-on-one action still cut it, but I began adding into the mix multiples.  The most I ever got to come to a house at one time, as in, a tag teaming event, was four.  It was late at night, in the summer, so we were sweating up a stream.  Of the guys: one was not hot… so much so I was rude and kind of left him on his own, one was this dude who has fucked me before – he tends to like to dom, cum, and leave, and on this occasion it was no different, one dude was this sweet versatile guy that I have played around with before (but no more – he always has a dirty ass) and I think he was there primarily to watch, and one hot dude who actually was there for a tag team event and left minus his nut, but disappointed none the less.   I left disappointed too, but hey, they can’t all be the Indy 500.

Setting up a Blue Collar scene does not guarantee a hot time.  By my sixth house?  I was going through the motions.  I tried different scenes, even set up a temporary glory hole, but it all left me wanting.  If I ever rehab another house at this point?  I have a feeling that I’ll just be hiring other people to take care of shit for me.  Sure, I might have sex in the empty house, but I’m through thinking I’m somebody I’m not.  The LLC is successful enough that we can now afford to hire people to do stuff, and my dick is just not into it – namely all the work - anymore.

When I worked downtown, I managed a presentation space that put me in direct contact with all sorts of contractors, painters, dry wall guys, electricians, etc. It was fun, and it gave me a glimpse into their world.  Some were hot as hell, and others were just sweet.  I never had a bad experience with any of them and I assumed they all knew I was gay as hell.  If they minded, they never said anything or sneered at me.  Sometimes they made me feel like one of the crew. Nothing of a sexual nature ever happened there (with them) – it would have jeopardized my relationship with them and been too unprofessional (yes, I do have SOME standards).

When I was in theatre, I built a lot of sets with a lot of hunks.  I was too shy and sexually inexperienced at the time – and maybe in a bit of denial – and never initiated any kind of sex on the set.  I did get hit on by this SUPER cute little bearded dude once, but didn't realize he was hitting on me until many years later.  Damn, I would have done him, too – I saw his dick once in the dressing room and it was SO FUCKING PRETTY.  Probably would have married his ass and be living in Texas now.  Such is life.

Okay, confession time – and I’m gonna be honest with you here.  Main reason I wanted to write this entry?  So I could post these pictures!  Oh, yeah.  I said that!  I love me some dirty, sweaty, construction sited, jock strap wearing gay men!  And yes, I am delusional in thinking my rehabbing houses puts me anywhere near the same category as some of these men… but I really find dudes that lay tar and build garages damn sexy.  They do the work that makes our lives function, and if I had the opportunity, I would gladly let them spray the inside of my unworthy anal canal with their spirited foam.

But in the end, I realize that pictures like the ones I am posting here, and the occasional vid showing a construction crew getting down and dirty on the job site, are as close as I’ll every truly come to getting sweaty with some Blue Collar men.  And I have a feeling that may be true for many of those of us who admire these men. 

Well, at least we have the internet!

My Conclusion:

I think only Military men can rival the sexual mystique of Blue Collar men. They are both in a class of their own.  It’s about muscle and might.  It’s about being of service and doing one’s duty.  It’s about a kind of strength that comes through hard, back-breaking labor. 

And… it all sounds like sex, to me.

Those of us that admire them do so in appreciation for the world that they build.  We recognize their talents, their knowledge, dedication, and hard work. 

We are also able to recognize a hottie in a pair of well-filled-out work pants and some well-worn Dickies. 

And their arm pits.

Did I mention their arm pits?


O!Daddie said...

... got in with no problems at all.

On top of being smokin hot, my handyman doesn't work for less than $40/hour and is booked weeks in advance. The plumber and electrician who worked on my new kitchen each charge $90/hr for private work not through HD or Lowes. A big-rig owner/operator I used to play with occasionally made over $100K a year.

So what if they can't quote Shakespeare.. I'd take off my hat and my pants for them any day.

Koba said...

VERY hot set! I def have a thing for blue collar dudes!

Ray's Cowboy said...

I have to say I have seen eveal "blue Collar WOrkers" I have thought about asking if I could service them. I had this one god that came to my house; i was truly in lust with him. I would not mind if he billed me all day to suck his cock. be it never happened.



Interesting reflection! Great photos! They really brought home the way we react to such men! Might steal a few for my blog! Hugs, Patrick

Anonymous said...

Hi! Nice guys in here man!!! You said almost everything about them!! The first one is so cute and beautiful! Your blog is nice! I have already added your link! Check my blog list 1! Love always and all ways!!! Kisses! Bye bye!!

Stan said...

the blue collar type men I used to meet in the park to suck their dicks all used to complain that their wives wouldn't do it and that's why they needed fags to. I still beat off just thinking about them.

whkattk said...

This is one HOT fuckin' post - and not just for the pictures! I've been so tempted to hit on some of the guys who were at the house to fix things... But, as you suggest, I don't - I've continued to wait for them. Alas! none has made a single move.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Have done these too. I think I'm Bougie but I definitely lean towards the working class for a good hump.


Zman said...

thank god for the working man!