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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Wonderland Burlesque's Left To Your Own Devices Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's 
Left To Your Own Devices Quiz

While they don't necessarily rule our lives, our devices serve as an integral part of day-to-day existence. 

How attached are you to yours? Why have you chosen the ones you own? 

Today's quiz is an opportunity to take inventory of the devices which populate and inform our lives.

And I apologize in advance for all the sub-questions, but, in this case, one question seems to beg another.

Let's dig in.

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1/ What kind of phone do you have? How long have you had it? Do you like it?

I have a Droid Maxx 2 Blue, housed in a black Otter Box. I got it four or five years ago and it still seems to be working. Honestly? I don't pay much attention to phones. I don't need the latest technology or the latest version of anything. As long as it continues to work, that's all I care about. 

I like it just fine. It's a little slow, sometimes. But then, I think that has to do more with my impatience at the time than the efficiency of the phone. 

The Otter Box was The Boyfriend's idea. He's a smart cookie.

2/ Your phone: how much time do you spend on it? Talking? Texting? Internet? Apps (which)? Taking photos? Do you take selfies? 

I don't spend much time on my phone. I'm not married to it. These people who act like its attached to their hand? I don't get that. I'm much more interested in life as it takes place around me. And I do feel superior to people who walk around talking on their phone constantly. You don't need to do that while you're driving. You don't need to do that while your walking your dog. Get your face up and out of that thing or you'll miss what's happening around you. 

I guess I just don't understand the mindset. I can see spending time on the phone if it's business related, but I avoid doing even that. Better to send an email or a text. Then it's documented. 

I don't talk on the phone anymore, though I do text; typically, only when necessary. My youngest sister and her husband and The Boyfriend are an exception. We have a line of texts about anything that strikes our fancy. But that's the only on-going thread of that nature. 

I don't give out my phone number unless I absolutely have to. 

I access the internet to map my way to places I've not been, to learn about the weather and, when stuck someplace - like the mechanics or a doctor's office - I will then read the news on my phone. 

I don't take a lot of photos. My phone doesn't have that great of a camera, so it's never become an obsession. And, no, I don't do selfies, except when I need to update my pics on my apps. 

The only time I am a bit phone obsessed? When on Grindr or BBRTS or Scruff or A4A. I do tend to become the monkey pushing the button for a food pellet when on those apps. I've become adept at recognizing such behavior and putting a stop to it. It's not healthy. 

But... when horny? What you gonna do?

And I never listen to music on my phone. Never. I don't know why one would. 

3/ What brand of laptop/PC do you own? How long have you had it? Do you like it?

I currently have five Dells. It's what we use at work and when they run their life course (according to the workplace) they're given to the employees to do with as they please. Sometimes people don't want them and they would end up at my desk. I've donated a number of them and also given some to a couple of kids in the neighborhood to help with school. 

They work great and are maxed out as far as memory and speed. The only thing lacking is a great video card. They're not the greatest when it comes to video game graphics. 

4/ Your laptop/PC: how much time do you spend on it and what are you doing? Has the focus of your usage changed over the years?

Not a day goes by. I am constantly on my laptop - except when working out, at the prairie, gardening, visiting my Mom, cooking, playing piano or watching a movie - you get the idea. I spend way too much time on them.

Why five laptops? One is for work and only work (though I will check the news on there and do my personal banking). One is for this blog and playing video games. One is for a program called Noteworthy composer. It sits beside my spinet piano - in the event I am feeling inspired and want to create sheet music. One is strictly for porn, though I don't watch much - only when that itch can't be scratched any other way. And one is a back-up.  

I used to spend tons of time on sites like Adam4Adam, Manhunt, etc. I don't even remember the names of some of them. Ever since the day I discovered that you could hook up that way? Well, it became an obsession. Now? Not so much. I've relaxed a lot when it comes to sex. I used to view it the way some do internet shopping (and I did go through an eBay phase). However, not only do you miss out on life when that's your focus, you also expose yourself to all the rotten things people can do to one another on the internet. 

That's why I don't do social media - save this blog. No Facebook. People treat each other like crap on there. People in real life are rude and thoughtless enough as it is - I don't need to expose myself to the crazy belonging to others.

5/ Do you own a television? Brand? How old? 

It's a Vizio. Five years old? I had to turn it on in order to find what it was. A big flat screen thing I bought for The Ex when he thought he'd broken the one I'd previously bought him. He phoned me and was all upset, because he didn't have the means of replacing it, so I ran and bought him a new one and set it all up for him. He's a television addict. On all day long. Two weeks later, he calls me and tells me that the old one still works - that he did something weird to it so thought it didn't work - and since it had a bigger screen and was more expensive than the one I bought to replace it, would I mind coming and getting the new one and setting up the old. 

And that's how I came to own a flat screen television. 

It is rarely on.

6/ Your television: on average, how many hours of programming do you watch? What was the most recent program/movie viewed? 

I don't watch much. Only on the weekends.

I used to watch the early (3:30 am) news for a number of years, but stopped when they switched out the anchors with young, hip people whom I immediately disliked. So, now? It's rarely on. The only time I watch anything - and I have a Netflix account - is at The Boyfriend's, on the weekend. He has a Prime account, so we watch movies and the occasional series. 

The most recent thing I watched? A bad horror film; June. About a possessed little girl. Dumb and terrible. Casper Van Dien stars as the foster dad and, while handsome in a soap opera way, he's a terrible actor and the film sucked. 

That's how I like to watch movies. Hit and miss. Take a chance. Some are winners, but most are stinkers.

7/ Do you own a Blu-Ray player? A DVD player? A VCR? Brands? What is the most recent movie you purchased?

I own a Sony DVD/VCR combo. I actually have a spare one stored. I love VHS tapes. I don't know why. Adolescence? I very, very rarely watch anything, but I really like having one. 

I can't remember the last one I bought. I typically buy them used. I only pick up odd films you don't see listed on Netflix or Prime. I keep them because I think... what if civilization goes to hell and you're stuck in the bunker? At least I will have stuff to watch. But then, if that happens, the electrical grid will be one of the first things to go, so... yeah. That's why I own books!

8/ Do you own a CD player? A boom box? A radio? A phonograph/turntable? Which do you use the most? What is the most recent music you listened to?

I have this little round, yellow Sony CD player I play when I do my bathroom regimen. I love it. I used it back in the days when I would rehab houses. I simply love the design, very classic. So I won't part with it. 

No boombox, though The Boyfriend has one we use when we work out. 

I have a radio at The Boyfriend's place. I adore it. It's a little leather suitcase with travel stickers all over it. It had a cool tiny clock in it with hands, but I broke it. The radio runs on batteries only and I listen to it all the time when in the bathroom or sometimes when I garden. 

I have a turntable. A nice one. An old Technics model. The other components are Sony stuff, but it's all there - tuner, CD, equalizer - I even have a dual cassette deck. I don't know too much about it the equalizer. I move the knobs until things sound good. I love vinyl - in the same way that I love VHS tapes. I love owning them, looking at them and, on rare occasions, I will play an album while cleaning or getting ready in the bathroom. Nothing sounds like vinyl and I'm very nostalgic about it. 

Most recent thing I listened to? I am still listening to Kylie Minogue's Disco. I am obsessed. It plays non-stop in the car, which is where I listen to music the most. It's a feel good disc and puts me in a great mood.

9/ Do you own a camera? A digital camera? A video camera? Brands? 

I no longer own a regular camera. I went through a purge where I got rid of piano/keyboards, cameras, digital cameras, video recorders, recording equipment, amps, etc. Cleaned house. Regret some of it, but am mostly glad it is gone. Have already replaced some of it (keyboards). But not a regular camera.

I own a digital camera - a Vivitar. The Boyfriend won it at work and gave it to me. It doesn't have a memory card, though and, while I tried to buy one, I didn't buy the right one, so have never gotten it to work. I take pics with my phone, but I used to have a lot of digital cameras and was into taking nude pics of myself. I got out of the habit and now I put up with the terrible selfies I take of myself in the bathroom mirror.

I miss having a camera with a timer. 

And I own a Sony video camera; a small hand held. It's nice. But I have no idea how to use it and no need. So, it sits in the box. I take it out and try to figure it out, but am too lazy to read the instructions. With this kind of stuff? If it's not intuitive? I'm not interested in using it. 

10/ Do you own an X-Box, a PlayStation, an Nintendo or similar video game unit? What games do you play most?

The Boyfriend bought me an Nintendo something or other. It is a special limited edition Animal Crossing edition (I always call it Animal Planet - drives The Boyfriend crazy). Initially, I was into it, but my interest has waned, to the point where The Boyfriend wants me to give it to my youngest sister, because he thinks she would appreciate it more.

That's not happening. 

Sometimes you simply like owning something for the sake of owning it. 

Otherwise, I play vid games on one of my laptops. Civ 5, mostly. Or it used to be. I am no longer obsessed with that game. 

The Boyfriend, on the other hand? He owns every video game unit ever and plays games constantly. I can't. I can't sit there that long and I can't play first-person games (they make me nauseated), so that eliminates a ton of possibilities.

I like point and click games best. Less anxiety. Some of those vid games? Zombie games? Big anxiety producers. 

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That's all for now, kids.

Okay, it's your turn. 

Leave your answers in the comments section or post it on your own blog and leave a link here. 

I love hearing from you, and learn a little bit more about you every time you do. 

Thank you for reading and participating. 

Left To My Own Devices - Pet Shop Boys

Take Another Picture - Quarterflash


Mistress Maddie said...

I love the accompanying pictures....I find myself in many of those being naughty.

What kind of phone do you have? How long have you had it? Cell phone and laptop. The less the better.

Your phone: how much time do you spend on it? Talking? Texting? Internet? Apps (which)? Taking photos? Do you take selfies? Phone. My mobile device. It's my only phone so all I know call that and clients alike. I use the laptop for internet most of the time. Texting yes! And you have seen my selfies!!!!!! See what happens if I get bored?!?!?! I do Instagram too, but not near as frequent as blogging. I have watch porn on it when on the road.

What brand of laptop/PC do you own? I have had a dell samsung for the last 5 years. LOVE it. It easy to use and navigate. I'm not tech savvy. And it's nice a wide screen.

Do you own a television? Brand? How old? A 48" flatscreen. brand? no idea. But I don't watch it but a few times a week.

Your television: on average, how many hours of programming do you watch? What was the most recent program/movie viewed? I watch mostly PBS and BBC to watch my Brit coms and murder mystery shows, Call the Midwife. Other the Pose...that's it. I do like my TMC for old movies.

Do you own a Blu-Ray player? A DVD player? A VCR? I have a DVD.

Do you own a CD player? A boom box? A radio? A phonograph/turntable? Which do you use the most? I don't have a boombox or a stereo anymore once the ex moved out. I play cd's on the DVD player and the song and info comes out on the tv. I have my radio on most of the time listening to WRTI.. mu classical and jazz station.

Do you own a camera? A digital camera? I use to different digital cameras and my cell camera for pictures and videos.

Do you own an X-Box, a PlayStation, an Nintendo or similar video game unit? I have no gaming devices.

I guess I better get more modern equipment if I start a only fans huh? I will need a cameramen you know Upton!!!

whkattk said...

1. Android Samsung. Got it two or three years ago when the last one conked out. Do I like it? Meh.
2. Very, very little time using it. A single charge will last 3 to 4 days. No selfies.
3. My computer is a laptop; Lenovo Legion. Bought it in Dec when the last one crapped out. I do like it...not as much as the previous one.
4. Pretty much all day. This is my job now.
5. Yep. It's a Sharp Smart TV. Actually inherited this. The previous one was an old, old Pioneer rear projection. The wife turns that thing on whenever she's home. Makes me nuts.
6. Me? Two hours of news coverage, then an evening's entertainment - if I can find anything worth watching.
7. Yep, we have a DVD - never use it anymore. The last film purchased: The Hobbit series - still wrapped in cellophane.
8. CD, yep. Boom box: Nope. Radio, yep (1972 Pioneer receiver). Phonograph, yep (1 Sony turntable; 1 Technics turntable). Most recent music: Babs, "Duets."
9. Yep. The MIL gave it to me. Sits in a drawer gathering dust.
10. None of those. Have never been into video games.

SickoRicko said...

Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. Love all the images!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, The PSB! They're coming to Chi in the Fall!
Ok, so let's see. First, I watched that porn with the guy playing videos. I have no idea how he multitasked with that stud nailing him. I can't imagine not giving him all my attention!

Ok, so yeah. Devices.
I'm an Apple fanboy so yeah, iPhone and Mac and iPad. Love them.
I text some and do FaceTime. I seldom call and I have the phone set that if the person is not in my Contacts, the call goes straight to voicemail. Hate telemarketers. I take tons of photos and selfies. All the fucking time. I don't speak on the phone when driving. The phone blocks the first call and sends a text to my favs when I'm driving. I could talk on the Bluetooth but I don't.
I listen to music and podcasts in the phone. I use the bluetooth in the car to connect. I sometimes listen to the radio there, too. Funny how I listen to my own playlists more than the radio. And I only listen to records (I also own a Technics! It was a gift from a friend's mom). I don't own a CD player.
I have Waze for GPS and the Weather app. I don't read on the phone. Shit's too difficult. I do play Words with Friends, though. What is BBRTS? I know the others, but not that one.
I have a time limit on the apps. Twenty minutes a day. After that, the phone clocks me. I use the Mac for work. The iPad for smut.
I usually blog on the Mac. I cannot comment on blogs when I'm on the iPad: it hates google chrome.
My TV is old. I think it's about ten years old. Not smart. I have an AppleTV connected to it. It works just fine. I watch TV mostly in the evening. During the day I may check some Discovery/History videos of the day on YouTube. But that's all.
I don't play video games. They make me dizzy.
And that's about all.


Mark Greene said...

1. I have an android. I find iPhones hard to learn. I am very minimalistic when it comes to my phone. I don't need many apps and gadget. Give me communication, music, and my calculator and I'm good. I just got it a few month ago after my old one died. I am not a fan of updating the latest and greatest cause it's just going to be obsolete in two years. I keep my phones till the wheels fall off. if they had wheels.

2. I don't spend much time on the phone I talk about an hour with a friend each day. I don't feel like it always has to be on me. I know when to turn that fucker off ! NO I don't take selfies or many other pictures with that phone. I am a photographer. How dare you ask such a question ! LOL

3. MacBook Pro. It's my baby! I'm a Mac guy. I just hate their phones. I love my MacBook. we go for walks in the park. We have dinner together. Siri knows what Daddy likes. We were made for each other. Most of my time on my computer is spent editing images. I have thousands upon thousands of images. Mostly of the men I've photographed over the years. I do a lot of work on building my sites and creating posts for my blog.

4. I can't tell you how much time I spent on it. I know it's a good amount. I know my eye sight isn't like it used to be. So maybe a bit more than I need to. and nope usage hasn't changed much. My vision has. It must be true what they say: Play with it and you'll go blind.

5. Fuck televison! No really! Fuck T.V.!

6. I guess I can skip this one! see answer number 5. LOL

7. I have hundreds of old VHS tapes that I can't watch because the VCR is not compatible with my T.V. Technology can be a bitch sometimes.

8. I have a CD player but most of my music is on my computer. I play my iTunes on my Mac most but sometimes I go back and forth when there is music that's not on my computer. I used to have a turn talble I miss that thing.

9. "Do I own a camera ?" Really? old school film canon AE-1, Canon 40D, Canon rebe,l An old film 8x10, I often use my iPad for 4K video , Go pro hero 9, and Sony AX 100

10. I don't play video games. never been my thing.

Deliciousdeity said...

1. An LG G5. Defunct! A living dinosaur haha. Maybe four years? I bought it for the dual lens and manual settings. Love ISO! Love shutter speeds!
2. Hours of texting, minimal talk. No one wants to see this face, least of all me :)
3. A new PC, an HP. Quite slim. It does its duty. My main computer is an All-in-One beast, housing Ubuntu OS. Love it.
4. Hours of photo editing, for Dd of course. Always always imagery.
5. He does. I watch it vicariously. Or rather, he watches and I listen and we discuss. A Samsung?
6. He watches WAY more. The Assassination of Gianni Versace.
7. I bought a remote DVD player for my beast. Revel in the oldies.
8. Most of my music is on my computer. Scriabin, 2 Impromptus, Opus 14, No. 1. Heart-wrenching beauty.
9. I collect antique cameras. Ask me about them. I can bore you for hours. I mean it.
10. ZERO game playing, oh Gawd.

Bob said...

1/ What kind of phone do you have? How long have you had it? Do you like it?
I have an iPhone 12.I’ve had it since last Fall. Before that I had a flip phone, yes, I did, because I am mot really a phone person. But we needed to upgrade Carlos to a smart phone and got such a deal that I got one too. I like it; I am still not much of a phone person, but I like it.
2/ Your phone: how much time do you spend on it? Talking? Texting? Internet? Apps (which)? Taking photos? Do you take selfies?
I don't spend a lot of time on it. I like it for the camera, but, again, I am not a phone person. I can read my blog on it and do that every so often when I’m bored, but other than that, it’s used to keep in contact with Carlos; we have a land line, yes we do, that I use to make calls.
3/ What brand of laptop/PC do you own? How long have you had it? Do you like it?
We have an HP desktop, I have an HP laptop and Carlos has an iPad Pro that he uses for his music. The desktop and laptop are about a year old, bought together, and the iPad is less than a month old. We like them all but then we are not tech geeks so …
4/ Your laptop/PC: how much time do you spend on it and what are you doing? Has the focus of your usage changed over the years?
I use it a little each day when I don’t want to be in the office on the desktop, or if Carlos is using the office. But there are other things to do each day so I am a get on and get off kinda guy.
5/ Do you own a television? Brand? How old?
I believe it’s a Panasonic but then I’d have to get u and check and I’m lazy. It’s aTV, it gets channels, and does what it should.
6/ Your television: on average, how many hours of programming do you watch? What was the most recent program/movie viewed?
We watch the news over breakfast—there’s a wee Tv on top of the fridge—and watch a little each night; news and trash TV.
7/ Do you own a Blu-Ray player? A DVD player? A VCR? Brands? What is the most recent movie you purchased?
We have a Zenith DVD player. We use it every so often; Carlos loves stories about the royals, so I have gifted him seasons of The Crown on DVD because we don’t Netflix or Hulu or Amazon Prime or whatever.
8/ Do you own a CD player? A boom box? A radio? A phonograph/turntable? Which do you use the most? What is the most recent music you listened to?
We have a CD player in the office, and a turntable, too. But I listen to music when I’m on the computer ON tha computer, and listen to music from ATT U-verse in the living room.
9/ Do you own a camera? A digital camera? A video camera? Brands?
We have a digital camera that I use every so often, but now I use my phone much more. It’s easier to remember to grab and easier to carry around and use. No video camera; never really had the use for one.
10/ Do you own an X-Box, a PlayStation, an Nintendo or similar video game unit? What games do you play most?
No, no no and no.