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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Wonderland Burlesque's First 'Firsts' Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's 
First 'Firsts' Quiz

Firsts are always memorable.

So this should be an easy quiz.

You can keep it simple, or explain your answers - your call.

Let's dive in...

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1/ First Song: The first 45, cassette single, CD single, or download single you purchased? Where did you buy it? Why?

My Eyes Adored You - Frankie Valli

Woolworth's Five And Dime, in the tiny town I grew up in. 

It made me swoon. I was a pre-teen. What did I know?

2/ First Album: The first Vinyl, Cassette, and/or CD you purchased? Where? Why?

I can't remember whether it was Heart's Dreamboat Annie or Melissa Manchester's Melissa album. 

It was definitely via mail order and definitely vinyl. And that was also the reason I ordered them at all. I could sneak them in the house if a friend of mine ordered them for me, had them delivered to his house and then brought them to me at school. That way I was just borrowing albums instead of buying albums... which, for some reason was a big deal with my Mom. 

I had a feeling when I saw Dreamboat Annie's album cover. I didn't know who they were but I wanted that album. And I was in love with Midnight Blue - thought it was the most sophisticated song in the whole world. 

3/ First Grocery Item: First thing you bought at the grocery store when you moved out on your own?

A container of Cool Whip. 

At home, we were only allowed so much on a given dessert, and desserts were really a thing that only occurred when we hosted family gatherings - so it was a rare commodity in our household. 

 I ate the whole thing and felt ill all the next day. Never bought Cool Whip ever again. To this day? The thought of it sickens me. 

4/ First Car: First car you bought on your own - no Mom and Dad help.

Boy, my Dad really helped me out many, many years with vehicles - always used and when I got them I would promise to take care of them and then run them into the ground in short order. 

I think the first one I bought on my own was this old Ford F-150, that a landscaping lesbian was looking to get rid of. I drove that into the ground, too. Cars need oil. Duh.

Then friends gave me... out right gave me - their Yugo. I destroyed that during one of the coldest winters ever. Seems I overcharged the battery or something. 

Then I drove around an ex-boyfriend's old station wagon for a bit, before moving to L.A., where I bought an orange 1972 VW Bug, whose body was in perfect condition. The engine? 

Not so much. 

Returning to Minnesota, I bought a Bronco with giant tires from my brother-in-law. It was awesome, until a mechanic crossed wires on the distributor cap and I gave it to another brother-in-law, who found the mistake and then sold - and kept the money. 

It wasn't until I was 40 that I owned a brand new car. A Saturn. Loved that company. Loved that car. 

5/ First Real Vacation: The first vacation you planned for yourself - no Mom and Dad along.  

My second serious boyfriend (we lived together) wanted to go to North Dakota and visit his family. It was a weird, week-long road trip. We slept/camped in the back of my car - which I think was a red Pinto station wagon (?) I remember visiting at his former best friend's mother's house.  The former best friend hated me on sight, and when I sat down and played piano for everyone, he REALLY hated it. We did all the tourist things and I have no idea what we were living on at the time. I am pretty sure we were probably blowing through some money I got for directing a show. Otherwise, we were always broke.

6/ First Meal You Prepared For Someone Else: Where was it at? Who was it with? What did you serve? 

My first year in college. I invited my roommate and his girlfriend, both of whom were theatre and music chums, to dinner. And I started having social anxiety about the whole thing, so when they arrived, I played waiter and made them eat at a table I set up in the living room (with candles and a flower in the center) - while I ran in and out of the kitchen, serving and clearing and putting new records on the turntable.  

At the time, I only knew basic food, as in... a dinner had: a salad, a meat, a potato, a vegetable, and a dessert.  

The salad was iceberg. The potatoes were baked. The vegetable - frozen broccoli, cauliflower and carrots (because I thought that was fancy). And the meat? Anyone's guess, except I am pretty sure I smothered it in a jar of store bought gravy - brown! And dessert was a piece of cake smothered in Cool Whip. 

I did it so I wouldn't have to talk to them or eat in front of them. I have no idea what was wrong with me. The whole scene was weird and didn't win me any points.

7/ First Serious Date: The first serious date you planned. What did you do? Who was it with?

The boyfriend from the Guthrie swooped into town and drove me off to some small town where they had a restaurant in an old water mill. It was very romantic and even though I was only 17, he convinced the staff to serve me wine. Oh, that was my first serious date. 

As for one I planned? That would be the architect in Minneapolis, who, on our first date, I invited over to my house for dinner. I made fish. And the meal was okay. I was on some strange Tennessee William's Glass Menagerie phase... so I wore a cloak of desperation all evening, thinking it becoming. I gave him a tour of my place. I was just a weirdo. My whole place was decorated with theatre cast offs. Old props, stage furnishings, set pieces, costumes. I had an Xmas tree in my bedroom and played old, scratchy, tinny dance barre music the whole night, so it felt and sounded like we were stuck in time in a horror movie. Not having learned a thing from previous dinners, we ate at a table I sat up in my living room. 

He didn't bolt until I mentioned that I hoped we could be more than just friends. That sent him running for the nearest exit. 

In hindsight? Good call.

If I met me back then? I'd run for the hills, too. Little fucking weirdo.  

8/ First Kiss: First real passionate kiss - no grade school stuff.

The first kiss that meant the world was with the actor from the Guthrie. Swoon. He was Italian and had these amazing lips. I wanted to melt in his mouth and live there forever. 

He made me feel like my body was made of shimmering, living glitter.

9/ First Time You Went All The Way: Who'd you do it with? Spill!

I was 17, doing summer stock. I'd just graduated high school. It was 3:00 am on the Thursday before an opening of a new show and I was helping the lighting designer, who was also one of the actors, reset lights. We were sitting on the catwalk with our legs dangling over the orchestra pit and he leaned over and kissed me. 

We went to his place; a tiny house near the theatre. It was hot and fun and awful and amazing. 

The next day he acted like it never happened and I was crushed. 

And that's when I learned how awful actors can be. 

10/ First Heartbreak: The first time you or someone else broke your heart?

I broke my own heart when I broke up with the actor from the Guthrie. He wanted me to move to New York City and I was terrified, so I broke it off. It was stupid of me. I told him I didn't want to be gay... like I had a choice in the matter!

I remember taking all his love letters and burning them at 4:00 am in the front yard of this house where I had an apartment - thinking I would be rid of him. But, no. 

He haunted me for years and years. 

In a way, he still does.

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Okay, your turn. Leave your answers in the comments section. 

That's all for now.

Thanks for reading... and sharing!

First Time - Teeks (Visualizer)

First Time - Kygo & Ellie Goulding


Mistress Maddie said...

First Song: The first 45, cassette single, CD single, or download single you purchased? Bananarama's Venus

First Album: The first Vinyl, Cassette, and/or CD you purchased? Im pretty sure it was Madonna's Like A Virgin.

First Grocery Item: First thing you bought at the grocery store when you moved out on your own? I have no idea. Probably pasta.

First Car: First car you bought on your own, Volkswagen Jetta. A Yugo!!!! Your lucky to still be here in that death trap!

First Real Vacation: The first vacation you planned for yourself. Germany

First Meal You Prepared For Someone Else: Where was it at? Who was it with? What did you serve? A Valentine dinner for a ex boyfriend at my place, which I cooked completely nude, except for an apron.

First Serious Date: The first serious date you planned. What did you do? Who was it with? Some guy named Randy at the movies. Sexual tension was high. We ended up having sex in the car before we left the parking lot.

First Kiss: First real passionate kiss and all the way and first heartbreak all are the same first real boyfriend. The kissing and sex were hot as hell and he was also the one who made me a size queen...he had a big cock and knew how to use it. And were still very good friends, one of my oldest and longest friendships. He's the one I stay with when I go to the Woods Campground.

whkattk said...

1. Bobby's Girl - I think I was maybe 10 or 11.
2. Funny Girl Soundtrack - That voice and song interpretation mesmerized me.
3. Can't remember...but it was most likely a 6-pack of Pepsi. We weren't allowed to drink that kind of thing very often.
4. Pontiac LeMans Convertible
5. Key West. Still love that little island.
6. Spaghetti and meatballs. Hosted a bunch of guys from the squadron. Made everything from scratch - it's still my specialty.
7. Out to see a movie...can't remember the movie - I think we were too busy making out.
8. The woman I eventually married - the first wife. Boy, was THAT a mistake.
9. See #8.
10. See #8.

Bob said...

1/ First Song: The first 45, cassette single, CD single, or download single you purchased? Where did you buy it? Why?
It was probably a Supremes 45 because even way back then I loved me some Miss Ross. And I probably bought it at a local drug store, five-and-dime.

2/ First Album: The first Vinyl, Cassette, and/or CD you purchased? Where? Why?

Lady Sings The Blues soundtrack. I’m sensing a theme with me …

3/ First Grocery Item: First thing you bought at the grocery store when you moved out on your own?
Cereal. It works for every meal!

4/ First Car: First car you bought on your own - no Mom and Dad help.

A 1969 VW Bug. I paid $400 for it, drove it for about five years and sold it for $1,000. I still miss that car!

5/ First Real Vacation: The first vacation you planned for yourself - no Mom and Dad along.

Lotsa trips to visit friends in Southern California. A trip to NYC with friends. I traveled a lot once I was “of age.”

6/ First Meal You Prepared For Someone Else: Where was it at? Who was it with? What did you serve?

I love scallops, even way back, so the first meal I cooked was a seared scallop dish for a date, with veggies, pasts salad and wine.
It was a nice romantic dinner.

7/ First Serious Date: The first serious date you planned. What did you do? Who was it with?

It was casual; a visit to a local brew pub and just some conversation. We were just getting to know one another so it was kind of serious and romantic and uneasy and such. And it turned into something very nice.

8/ First Kiss: First real passionate kiss - no grade school stuff.

The first one was not what I wanted. I was about twelve and I was the ‘fag’ at school. One day, one of the bullies found me in the locker room after gym class and kept calling me fag; he pushed my up against a locker and … kissed me. Then he ran, and he never bothered me again.

First one I liked was with a guy in high school, on the down low because he wasn’t as out as I was, but it was nice, and there were many more to follow.

9/ First Time You Went All The Way: Who'd you do it with? Spill!

His name was Danny; my first love and it just sort of happened, even though I wanted it, and think he did as well. It started my first long term relationship.

10/ First Heartbreak: The first time you or someone else broke your heart?

Danny, because he refused to come out to his family, while I was out to mine. He was part of my family, my parents loved him; his parents thought I was just his roommate and made some suggestions that it didn’t look ‘good’ for him to have a gay roommate. And he didn’t say a word.
He came out several years later. Too late for me, though, as I had moved on.
I think I may have broken the heart of a more casual relationship years later. We were friends and hookups and I never saw it going further and was quite open about it, and fine with it, as was he. But while we were ‘hanging’ out, I met Carlos and the whole world changed. I moved 3,000 miles away to be with Carlos and George was heartbroken. I didn’t know that he wanted more, though I don’t know if I could have given him that.

SickoRicko said...

What a terrific bunch of images!

Jimmy said...

This will be a shit stir!

1. I have never bought a single or 45rpm.
2. My first LP was Rachmaninoff Piano concertos.
3. The first thing I bought was Instant Coffee
4. The first car I bought alone was a 1990 Mitsubishi Eclipse. All the
cars before that were given to me by my father from junkyards.
5. My very first vacation was at age 45. My other half was in grad
school so I went on a cross country adventure horseback in Wales.
One of the best times I ever had.
6. The first time I cooked for someone was when I was 19. I was taking
care of my first relationships son (who was six). I was given instruction on how to make chicken and rice. (Hi, Jeffrey)
7. I have never planned a date.
8. A priest in Asheville NC.
9. My first 'All',...I was 18 in Rochester NY. I went under the pretense of visiting The Eastman School of Music. I didn't sit in a chair for three days. That was with my first relationship. It was like non stop fucking from touch down to take off back to NC.
10. Broken heart?...My first relationship.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

It took me a minute to respond because that first photo draw me IN.
I love men kissing. And naked, of course.
Ok, here we go:

-First CD was Billie Holiday. Lady Day sounded amazing, even in my shitty little boombox.
- I bought that CD in a tiny record store that does not exist anymore. I felt so grown up!
- I think the first thing I bought at the grocery was salads? I never really learned how to cook, so I went for salads frist thing.
- My first car was a Saturn SC-1. I loved that car! It was used but I loved that little third door!
- the first real vacation I had was driving around West Virginia. It was early Fall and it was BEAUTIFUL.
- the first meal I prepared for someone else? I think it was pasta Alfredo? I don't really remember. I think it was for my boyfriend at the time. He ate it all. And asked for seconds.
- I think the first serious date was to go to a movie. The boy who took me was a tall blond with fantastic legs who started romancing me in a bar at 11:00 pm and did not stop until he kissed me the next day after that movie.
- first real kiss? Let me think. I think he was this older guy who took me out in a drive and we ended up parking in the outskirts of town and making out. He was a great kisser. Totally spoiled me for other men that would come after him.
- first time all the way? He was an older boy. We were camping, I think and he convinced me to touch his dick. It was a blur after that. Next thing I know, it was all over and he was coming all over me. We did it many times after that, though. I can still remember his smell.
- oh, he was beautiful. It was in college. He looked like Franco Zefirelli's Jesus. He left me for the woman he left for me. She got pregnant and they got married. She was homely, but gave him a child. So there's that.
That was something. I should have made a post with this. The memories!!!


Inexplicable DeVice said...

I'm going to have a go, but I don't remember a lot of my firsts...

First Song: I want to say Stay by Shakespears Sister (vinyl, because Woolworth's had sold out of cassettes), but I actually think my first was "Opposites Attract" by Paula Abdul & The Wild Pair (cassette).

First Album: No idea. Maybe Ralph Tresvant's self-titled 1990 album?

First Grocery Item: Again, no idea. Probably some sort of fruit, as the fruit & veg aisle was the first one in the supermarket nearest my first home?

First Car (I bought on my own): The one I have now - my Alfa Romeo 156. I bought it as a birthday present for myself just over 17 years ago.

First Vacation: I don't think I've ever planned and organised a holiday myself? (I rarely go away for holidays/vacations) I went to Corfu in 2002 with a few friends, but one of them organised it.

First Meal: Can't remember.

First Serious Date: Oh, crikey, I can't remember this either!

First Kiss: Wasn't very good. I hadn't had any experience and didn't really fancy him, and his stubble really irritated my lips and face.

First Time All The Way: With a friend from work at his house. I think it was his first time, too? We were experimenting. It wasn't awful - quite fun, as I recall.

First Heartbreak: When my first serious boyfriend - who I loved more than anyone since - broke up with me when he moved to London. There's still a little part of me that aches when I think of him.