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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wonderland Burlesque's As The Diva Turns! - Kylie, Addison, and Anne-Marie

Wonderland Burlesque's
As The Diva Turns!
Kylie, Addison, and Anne-Marie

Spotlighting some recent diva turns...

I must say, you are in for quite the treat.

Up first? Shining like a living disco ball, we have the ever-flourishing Kylie Minogue lending her dazzle to Alok on the electro-static promise of Last Night I Dreamt I Fell In Love.

Then, burning from a whisper to a whisper, masquerading and unmasked as a scream for help, we have buzz queen Addison Rae with the musically-curious High Fashion.

And finally, with an anthem for these days, my dears, (Oh! These Days), it's the no-nonsense stylings of Anne-Marie, laying it down truthfully so as to calm your fears, with the ever-loving realness that is Don't Panic.  

All in all, a trio of destined-to be-classic diva turns.

When it comes to shoes, I'll be a slut, indeed!

Midweek hump?
Feeling in the dumps?
Here's some music to make your heart jump!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Last Night I Dreamt I Was In Love- Alok 
& Kylie Minogue

High Fashion - Addison Rae

Don't Panic - Anne-Marie

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