Foible (foi-ble) (foi b l): 1. A minor weakness or failing of character. 2. The weaker section of a sword blade, from the middle to the tip.
“Who’s he?” asks the 19 year old.
“I have no idea.” I reply. Because I don’t.
“Well..” says the 19 year old. “I didn’t sign up for this.”
He’s about to walk out the door and leave me with the 40 year old. Now, I’m not going to lie. There is part of me that is thinking – hey, how about an impromptu three-way? But, not only is the 40 year old giving off a weird vibe, but I can tell that the 19 year old is not experienced enough to think in those terms, nor is he interested, so I make a decision.
I call out “Hold on.” Turning to the forty-something dude I say “You. You’re gonna have to leave. Sorry. I don’t know what happened here, but this is not… you gotta go.” Dejected, the forty-something dude shuffles past the 19 year old and out of the room with an odd look on his face.
Once the door is closed, I sit on the bed. “What was that?” I ask, beating the 19 year old to the punch. I tell him I have no idea who that guy is. In my mind I’m thinking maybe he’s the other 40 year old that I’d given the room number to and he’d gotten the time wrong. Problem is this man didn’t look anything like that dude’s photo and the time he arrived was no where near the time I set up with the guy on-line, so I ‘m doubting it’s him. That’s when the 19 year old volunteers that he would have arrived sooner but was freaked out watching the other guy wander the halls, checking doors. The 19 year old tells me that he had approached my door several times, only to catch the other guy in the act of testing doors, like he was looking for ones that had been accidently left open!
Freaky. I really should be more careful.
After we get over our brush with weirdness, the 19 year old and I get down to business. His dick is about six and half inches and just okay. His kisses are fine, his pelvic action is fine… it’s all just fine. Was it memorable? Naw. Overall, I will have to rate it as a flavorless fuck. You think I would have been turned on by how young he is, but youth isn’t much of a turn-on for me. In fact, I like them older, and sometimes much older – because age usually equals experience (not necessarily, but typically). I make it as much fun for both of us as I can, totally getting into his black hair and fur. He is the type of guy who usually isn’t into me, and maybe that explains the lack of rapture between us – maybe he just isn’t all that into me. It’s a polite affair, hitting all the important points without much fanfare. Once he shoots his load, I dispose of the condom, hand him a towel and turn on the shower for him. Our small talk is much like the sex we just had – bland and colorless, like some bizarre PowerPoint presentation you sleepwalk your way through. So was I supposed to serve as his sexual mentor? Was this a missed teaching opportunity? Again, naw. I’m not responsible for the sexual development of some random trick. Besides, part of me believes you have to be born with the type of heightened sexual awareness that makes you a good lover. However, our less-than-spectacular tryst does help me make a decision about what the rest of my night will be like: sex free.
After we shower, he leaves and I return to the wedding party. I have a nice night, but much like the sex that preceded it, nice just isn’t cutting it. I turn in early, making promises to stop by the next day to visit with friends and family members.
Waking the next morning, refreshed, I get on-line immediately to see what I can scare up. This is my fun day. I can do as I please, as long as I keep the social commitments I made the previous day. Almost immediately I strike up a conversation with a guy in his mid-thirties, Ita
My ass melts onto his tongue as I steal a glance over my right shoulder to look in the mirror. He’s very handsome, something that makes me a twinge insecure, but I do my best to fight it and simply enjoy the moment. After eating my ass for about five minutes, he stands and begins to undress. I take this opportunity, to turn around and as soon as his dick is available, take it in my mouth. His seven incher is hard as a rock and surrounded by a mass of black pubes. In fact, his entire torso is covered in the same sleek fur which I enjoy to the fullest as my hands explore the rest of his body. It isn’t long before Italian guy is reaching behind my knees, pulling me forward and up ending me so that I land flat on my back with my legs in the air. Pulling me to the edge of the bed, he lines up his dick with my hole. He teases it playfully with the head of his dick as I hand him a condom. Shucking the rubber on like a pro, he lubes up my hole and goes to town. It’s good. There’s no kissing, and I don’t push the issue because he’s hitting all the right spots. He looks good, his muscles tensing up as he pounds away at my hole. He’s very aggressive and physical. Eventually we end up in a heap in the middle of the bed in a hot bit of 69 action. He shoots his load down my throat, I pull out and shoot on his chest. He’s a very likable guy; polite, affable and unassuming. While I was initially intimidated by his good looks, his pleasant demeanor puts me at ease. After showering, he heads back to the coffee shop.
I shower and go about my day, visiting people as promised and taking a drive up into the mountains. I have a very late dinner with family at a mediocre Thai place and return to my hotel where I hop on-line to see if I can rustle up a final taste of what Las Cruces has to offer. I have to be up before dawn (4:30 am), so I am hoping to get on (line) and get off (sexually) as quickly as possible.
Yet another 19 year old hits me up. Same black hair, same pretty eyes, same adequate, 6 inch dick. That college must be a magnet for mediocrity. This one’s a little softer looking and fleshier than the others. He’s turned on by the idea of anonymous hotel action. We set up a time, I rinse out my ass, crack open the door and assume the position. On-line, the dude comes on strong, promising to fuck

That’s it. I have had my fill of dark-haired, college boys. Now all I want is a man. A real, real man. It’s now midnight and I desperately want to nut, preferably while someone is fucking my ass. Back on-line, I get hit up by the older black dude from my first night in Las Cruces, but I’m not feeling it, so I pass. Trudging on into the thick of night, I’m not having any luck, all the while keenly aware that the clock is ticking. I decide to forgo sleep rather than have my trip end on such a lousy sexual note and eventually my persistence pays off.
There has been this guy on-line – late twenties, thin, tall, white, shaved head, big eyes, big dick and a macho heavy profile, uber sexy – whom I’d been seeing on and off for the last few days in the A4A room. He always seems to be going off-line just as I’m getting on. I sent him a ‘smile’ (A4A’s way to indicate interest) and hadn’t gotten any response, so I figured he must not be interested. Wrong! At 1:00 am he’s in the room and hits me up. His opening line? “I wanna fuck your ass. Deep. Where are you?” Music to my ears! I write back practically gushing about how much I’ve been wanting to meet him. I send him the necessary information and he tells me he’ll be there in 15 minutes. Good to his word, he arrives right on time, walking in on me, naked, on all fours, with my ass in the air. Not wasting a moment, he drops his jeans and presses the head of his
In person, he’s, shorter (than expected), thinner and sweeter than in his photos. He’s so lightweight, in fact, later I really get into muscling him around on the bed and come close to actually fucking him, but he begs off, and I back off. That night, we both take turns rimming each other, get deep into 69ing, frottage and the like. He’s an excellent kisser, making for a super hot intense encounter. I love his baby skinhead look, his hot tats, and his hot, hard, thick white trash dick. His fuck stick is super long (9”) and thick with a very slight curve to it. There’s no question that he knows what to do with it. An aggressive fucker, he slams into me every which way he can think of and I am in bottom heaven. An hour and a half flies by before the dude finally shoots his load deep in my gut. Once we both lose our loads, we curl into one another. I keep playing with his dick, which is quite sensitive now, not because I want more sex, but out of a kind of gratitude. He’s sweet, but edgy and he puts up with my need for cuddling for about five minutes.
He showers and leaves and then I shower. I contemplate hitting the sack, but it is now 3:30 and I am supposed to be out the door no later than 4:30. Still wired from the great sex I just had, I half pretend to sleep, afraid, for some reason, to turn off the lights. Fact is I just want to go home. This is my third stay away from my home in four weeks and all I really want is to have my dogs around me and to sleep in my own bed.
Bleary eyed, I pack and bid my room good-bye. Sex-wise, my stay in Las Cruces was a hit and miss affair, but at least it ended on a great note. My last encounter was the final crescendo in an otherwise spotty symphony and an excellent memory to take home.
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