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Saturday, November 23, 2024

Weekend Onesie: The Stuff Of Nightmares!

Weekend Onesie: 
The Stuff Of Nightmares!

Oh, the horrors committed in the name of arts and crafts.

For me? Someone inviting me into their crafting room is the equivalent of inviting a boy scout into a sex dungeon. 


With the Thanksgiving Holiday soon upon us like a social vampire, I thought we could take a brief look at this journey into the insane... featuring the stuff of nightmares - and, perhaps something to sit in the center of the table at your upcoming family gathering.

Now, I'm sure... well, pretty sure... their parents meant well, but clearly, all the children pictured are going to require future time on an analyst's couch.

Arts and crafts... 

It's not a crime.

But it should be.

Come to think of it...

I think there are statutes on the books limiting the amount of tin foil one can torture!

With the coming of winter...
We must all beware the terror known as...
 Arts and crafts!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Arts And Crafts - Red Light Company

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