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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Doing my Duty as a Serviceman: We're All Soldiers in the Army of Something

Spring fever hit me a little early this year. As the sun and rain awakens Minnesota from its frigid slumber, I’ve been busy cruising several local parks – places that I have not visited for some time. Part of the reason for my absence has been due to my preoccupation with other outlets for sexual fulfillment, but in the case of one particular park I can say unequivocally it was due to the quality of men it seems to attract; guys who don’t seem to have any other outlet or activities, guys who don’t know what the term smaller portion means, guys who haven’t seen the inside of a gym or a dentist’s office in ages, guys who live in the bottom a bottle, and guys too old to be doing what they want to be doing (kettle beige, yes, but even I know my limits). It’s a sad little place, but one I haven’t quite kicked to the curb yet because it is so convenient – although I am more likely now to drive away after spending only 20 minutes there, rather than wait until something interesting arrives (it usually doesn’t). It only takes a few of the usual suspects to show up and start eying me before I’m slipping back into my seat belt and bolting. However, on occasion, I will get a pleasant surprise or two, or three, or four.

One Tuesday, the sun seemed particularly kind. There was moisture in the air, the kind that my skin has been denied way too long. It lifted my spirits just enough to start thinking about the great outdoors and its many sensual wonders. After work I stopped at the park that I had promised myself I would avoid -not because of the temptation, but because its lack thereof. It was such a nice day that I did not feel like wasting time, so I told myself that if there wasn’t anything of interest around, I would not be around very long either.

The winter and the park commission have not been kind to this park. Set aside the fact that they built really nice public restrooms that are never open (no doubt due to the types of activity they would attract). And forget all about that far parking lot that they shut down a few years back because of the type of activity it was attracting. And never mind that promised horse shoe area; it has all gone to the weeds. Their latest efforts to curb cruising activity in the park – or a sure sign of laziness on their part – has been their gating of the parking lot to the far south and their refusal to plow any of the snow leading to and in the parking lots to the north. That just leaves two parking lots, which you would think would be enough, but you have to keep in mind that there are tons of people who come to this particular park so their dogs can run off leash. They know what the other cars and trucks with the suspicious looking single males hunched down in the driver’s seat are all about. They don’t like it, but they also know they have no choice but to park next to us. And we don’t like it any more than they do. Those dog owners cramp our style. So it is an uneasy alliance to say the least.

I pull into my favorite spot and right away my eye is attracted to this rather large pick-up truck. It is huge, but not in a monster truck sort of way, although it is definitely quite a hi
ke up to the passenger seat. I have discreetly parked myself one spot away from it. Checking out the driver, I notice he’s mid-forties with a full head of salt and pepper hair, heavy on the pepper. I figure this is worth checking out, so I decide to hang. During the next ten minutes I undo my tie, gargle, brush my teeth and locate my poppers. During that same ten minutes I am cruised by two of the regulars, neither of whom do anything for me. One of them knows this, takes the hint and leaves shortly after arriving. The other, however, is one of those who can’t take a hint, so I end up showing him the back of my head until such time as his attention is taken elsewhere and he, too, drives off. That leaves the truck, my car and one other vehicle. In a rare instance of great timing, the owner of the other vehicle, one those dog owners, shows up, loads up his dog and takes his leave.

Now keep in mind that all I have seen of the gentleman in the truck is the top of his head and his eyes. The truck is so high that is all I can see from my vantage point in the driver’s seat of my economy sized car. Given that, I’m still all excited, thinking that something is about to happen. Will I get invited over (I love climbing up into the cab of those things) or will he walk over to me? I didn’t even get a chance to get nervous before he was out of his truck and walking my direction. Only he wasn’t. He walked right behind my car and made his way to the port-a-potty just up the hill. Did he expect me to follow? Without turning around once to indicate whether or not I should follow, he disappears behind the pine tree and into the john. Deciding to err on the side of possible sexual tryst, I grab my poppers and get out of my car. There is one way to tell whether or not this is a dude looking for a little lip service or if it is a dude just taking care of business, and that is the color of the little sign above the door handle of the port-a-potty. Red means stop – as in – I’m taking care of business or I’m not interested. Green means come on in, honey, the water is fine. Granted, on rare occasions someone wanting to take care of business just forgets to flip that door handle and lock it, but there is a way out of this, too. You open the door and then immediately say, “Oh! I’m sorry. Please excuse me.” If they are just there to do their business the door closes and they never make that same mistake again. But if they are looking for a little something-something they will gesture for you to come on in. In this case, I am ushered in with a gruff little laugh of derision, as in, oh, you silly little fag, get in here and suck my dick.

I sit down on the closed lid of the toilet and he turns to me, dick in hand. Granted, this is close quarters and there is only so much one can do, but in the past I have managed to get quite a bit done despite the lack of elbow room. And don’t get all grossed out about the port-a-potty aspect of this scene, fortunately this particular unit is cleaned on a regular basis and doesn’t stink. Much. It does smell of antiseptic chemicals, but then I must confess I have sucked dick in much less sanitary surroundings.

For starters I try to get a take on just who this man is… he’s mid-forties, his body is good, proportionate, maybe just a tad fleshy – but it is attractive flesh. His face carries a bit of scruff, maybe just a few days worth of beard and it suits him. He has a nice, ruggedly handsome face. The salt and pepper thing works well for him. There is something very blue collar about him. Dressed in jeans, a t-shirt and some work boots he looks very comfortable in this world. This is a man who I would never have a chance at except under these circumstances.

The hunk of meat this man has to offer me brings a fast smile to my face. It is a beauty – fat, thick and large… at least 8.5”. Our eyes meet. They’re nice. They have a glint and energy to them. I can see the young man within the middle-aged man – it’s in his smile. I take a quick hit of poppers before diving in. With a sharp intake of breath he punctuates the air as I move my lips around the head of his dick. He’s only half hard, but that changes fast. Given the circumstances there is a sense of urgency on both our parts. He reaches down and brushes the crotch of my pants with his hand, but it is a half-hearted gesture; the only dick he’s really interested is his own. A nice set of heavy balls hang beneath. They feel luxurious to the touch and I take my usual joy in stretching and playing with them. It doesn’t take long. He shoots, he scores.
The experience leaves us both smiling broadly. He gives me a shy “Thanks.” I tell him, “Anytime.” This seems to please him and another tiny, gruff laugh fills the air.

Waiting until he reaches his truck, I catch my breath. The sunshine hits my face as I open the port-a-potty door. It feels so good. My new friend has climbed into the cab of his truck as I reach the door of my car. He gives me a ‘thumbs up’ as he drives away. In my heart I’m hoping to see more of him, but, in all likelihood that will not happen. He’s not the type that hangs around parks like this in the hope of meeting up with someone like me. But one can hope.

In the car, I gargle, clean my face with a sanitizing wipe; doing what I can to minimize risk. It also gives me a clean slate for my next conquest. Not sure what it is – the sun? Maybe my recent plethora of less than satisfactory sexual unions? But I am definitely in the mood for more. There’s something in the air, too, and I suspect there may be more to be had out there.

Soon the lot fills up with a bunch of the regulars, guys who I have no interest in playing with, so I decide to pull up stakes and move on. I drive about fifteen minutes away to another park. Here, the winter has also had some effect. The city has chosen to only plow two of the available four lots, but that’s okay, as these lots are quite large and far apart. It should be noted that with all the cross country skiers about there is little privacy to be found, which is a bummer and makes the whole cruising thing a little more risky. I pull into the first lot I come upon and take note of a black SUV that has backed into a space closest to the entrance drive. Deciding that it looks promising, I pull in next to it.

In the cab of the SUV is a black man; nice, full, smooth lips, sporting a bald dome. He pays me scant attention as he’s on his cell phone. I decide two can play that game. This has become my favorite ruse in order to waste time, remove suspicion or ignore another cruiser. Yes, it is a pet peeve of mine when others do it to me, but then maybe I am just not taking the hint. I pretend to talk on my cell, glancing over to my left to see if I can catch the eye of the man sitting in the SUV. His face is quite round and he reminds me of that actor that used to be on ABC’s “The Practice”. I always had the hots for that actor, so I decide to stick with the program and see where this might be heading. My play-dar tells me that I have a shot here.

It isn’t long before I notice that while his right hand is busy holding his phone his left hand appears to be busy holding something else. Or maybe I should say stroking something else. Finally I catch his eyes and I give him my most slyly informed smile, letting him know that I know exactly what’s up. He grins back, finishes up his phone conversation as I end my phony phone conversation. During this time, a few cars have filtered in and out of the lot, basically looking for the same thing I am. They’re a lot older and not of much interest to me. Fortunately they don’t stick around. As timing would have it, yet again, the lot is empty except for one other vehicle which is empty – no doubt a cross country enthusiast off on one of the trails. I nod my head and get an affirmative nod from my new found friend. He indicates that I should join him in his vehicle and I do post haste.

As I climb into the passenger side of the front seat, my eyes immediately are captivated by the rather large pole this man is holding in his left hand. He has discreetly covered it with the cloth of his sweater vest, but it leaves no question as to what throbs beneath. I want to get my hands on it as quickly as possible, but he is in the mood for a bit of small talk, which I oblige. Then he unveils his beauty… super thick and at least 8.5”. I am thinking: this is really my lucky day; two nice ones in a row! Glad I left that other park when I did. A quick sniff of poppers later that fuck stick is sliding down my throat with ease. This guy is very verbal, encouraging and complimenting my every move. His voice is soft and deep. He asks to see my di
ck and I oblige by pulling my pants down to my ankles. I work my dick for him a bit, getting it semi-hard – I’m kind of nervous. The risk of discovery is omnipresent, but I love being so exposed. As I play with my cock, he slides his pants down a bit to expose his balls. They look lovely as hell and in short order I’m back to work trying to coax a load out of that big fat dick of his. With my other hand I cradle and play with his balls. He likes what I’m doing, and hasn’t the slightest edge of urgency. Personally, in this type of situation I like to get in and get off as quickly as possible. These places are known as gay cruising areas and the cops have a tendency to show up to the party uninvited.

A man I’ve seen around before drives in. He’s older with a goatee and normally I don’t give him the time of day, but my new found friend gives him the nod and over he sails. He stands outside the driver’s side and watches as I work that big knob with my mouth. On occasion the guy with the goatee reaches in and plays with the SUV driver’s nuts and shaft, but, so far, that is the extent of his involvement. A few more cars come driving in and this seems to make the driver of the SUV a little uneasy. He suggests we follow him to another park where there are less people. I don’t say anything. If I had my druthers I’d rather get him off right there and then and be done with it, but I can see his point; why risk exposure – which we have thus far, being so out in the open and having spent as long as we have playing.

Both I and the guy with the goatee follow the other dude to this park, about five minutes away. I get stuck in traffic a bit, so they arrive before I do. When I arrive the SUV is parked facing out with a tall snow drift running behind it, masking it from the rest of the park. I do my best surveillance sweep of the park. Nothing looks out of place, so I’m thinking we’re good to go. The man with the goatee has taken my place in the passenger seat of the SUV, so I’m not sure what exactly I’m expected to do. The driver of the SUV gets out and walks around to the passenger side of the vehicle, motioning for me to follow. Like the dutiful little cocksucker I am, I do. The car belonging to the guy with the goatee is parked on the passenger side of the SUV and once I am standing between the cars, the driver of the SUV opens the passenger door, shielding us from view; with the tall snow drift behind us, vehicles on either side of us and the passenger door now open.

The guy with the goatee sitting in the passenger seat has his 7”, uncut dick out, with his pants down to his ankles. Apparently he does not share my interest in cock sucking, but wouldn’t mind if I worked some magic on his gob stopper. The driver of the SUV opens the front of his jeans, exposing his monster cock to the elements. No question which dick gets my attention. Crouching down between the vehicles, I take a quick hit of poppers and start worshipping that big black cock. Surprisingly, the driver of the SUV is a lot taller than I expected and my hands waste no time exploring his chest and stomach. He’s enjoying what I’m doing, while keeping on eye on the progress the dude with the goatee is making with his own dick. Apparently the guy with the goatee is about to cum and the driver of the SUV orders me to suck it and take that load. I do as I’m told, but only because I really want the SUV driver’s load. As I’m swallowing the guy in the passenger seat’s load, the driver of the SUV is jerking his dick. Finished with the guy with the goatee, I turn to get back to work on that big black monster, only to find that he’s about to shoot his load. With me tugging on his nut sack, he gives me a nice hot facial. Once he’s done, I take the time to lick on his knob a bit; just my way of saying good-bye. They both pull up, zip up and buckle up as we make some small talk about doing it again some time. Then we all go our separate ways.

I decide to head back to the other park, the one where I picked up the guy in the black SUV. As I pull up there is another black SUV and I’m thinking maybe lightening will strike twice, but no go. It’s a very handsome, black-haired business man with serious facial hair and an even more serious glower talking on his cell phone. He ends his call and leaves without making eye contact with me once. The next driver who pulls up beside me is this very strange and very old courier dude. I take out my cell phone and give him the back of my head until he drives off. I’m thinking about bagging it when pulling up on my right is a dude I have played with before. He’s a foul-mouthed, furry top, who has used my ass as often as he has used my mouth. A bit older than me and a bit out of shape, he’s a lot of fun and I decide to go for it. Thing is, we’ve never played in his vehicle. He usually insists on playing outside. Now the day is nice, the sun is out, but it is not nearly warm enough for that kind of bare ass fun. I tell him to follow me, and lead him to the park where I just blew those last two guys.

I pull into the lot just as another vehicle is leaving. With no one else in sight, I figure we should be good to go. Climbing into the passenger seat of his car, I feel quite secure; in fact we both feel secure enough to get pretty damn-near naked. The windows steam up fast as he spanks my ass as I blow him. He’s got a reasonable 7” cut cock which I know my way around. Poppers are handed back and forth and after a bit of labor on my part he gets his cookies and then, working my own, so do I. We get our clothes back on and I exit his car quickly. Just as quickly, he’s driving off into memory.

It’s a rather unremarkable end to a very rare day: four in one!

Do I feel like a slut? You bet. Ashamed? Not really. Sometimes I fantasize that I am a prostitute, even th
ough I am way too old and ugly for anyone to actually pay me for my services. Still – these men, they are my johns and when I happen on these kinds of opportunities I feel obliged to get busy. Even though my days of doing a mercy suck are over, I still like to think that what I do is a form of community service – volunteering for a greater cause. And if everything seems cool and I can find something to groove on about a guy, I’ll go for it with a pure sense of duty. Yes, I bring a whole new meaning to the term serviceman.

And with spring and summer coming? Oh, my – something tells me I will be putting in some long ass shifts – maybe even pulling the occasional double! Just the thought of me running it up (and down) some guy’s flag pole has got me standing at attention and saluting.

At ease, soldier! Keep in mind that there’s a lot of snow that has to disappear first.

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