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Monday, September 16, 2013

Black Leather BDSM Camp, Part II: Morning Becomes Electric

Thursday, 8:00 pm – 1:00 am (cont.)

We walked into the bar.  I scanned the place.  Nothing much happening.  There’s nobody there, except a couple of the naked, big-bellied daddy-types and I was not feeling it.  I gave Bob a quick tour and asked if he would like a drink.  He declined and left shortly after.  Guess he’d rather watch ‘Dexter’ on DVD in his tent.  Looking around the bar, I realized that it was simply more of the same; nice enough guys, but no one I was going to spark with.

Leaving the bar, I noted that it had gotten a tad cooler as the night had descended.  Still, it was a beautiful night.  I made a pit stop in the main restroom before heading toward my tent.  When I arrived, Bob was out, now dressed in a pair of jeans, staring at the night sky.  The stars were brilliant and we began picking out various constellations. 

After a point, conversation dwindled and Bob announced that he would be turning in.  I told him that, given the night air, if he got too cold he could always come cuddle in my tent.  Laughing, he said that I was welcome in his tent, too, but if I came a’knockin’ I’d better bring a big stick.  With that he disappeared inside his tent.

I looked back up to the night sky weighing my options.  I could go back to the bar, but I was pretty sure that was a losing cause.  I could go for another walk in the woods, but it seemed too cold for outdoor type adventures and I seriously doubted I would find anyone lurking about.  That left Bob.  I began playing with my dick through my lycra shorts, wondering how he would react if I showed up, big stick in hand. 

Bob.  He had been kind of a downer since he arrived, but then, what if I was the one that made his trip worthwhile?  Seeing no other prospect at hand, I crept over to the opening of his tent and hunkered down.  “Knock, knock,” I said, in my smokiest voice.  As Bob unzipped the opening, I pulled the front of my shorts down, revealing my rock hard, Viagra-fueled cock. It was a gamble, but I figured it would demonstrate that I was serious. 

“Oh, my!  You weren’t kidding.  That… that’s a nice-sized stick.  Come on in.”

I stood up just outside the tent, and shucked off my t-shirt, shorts, and jogging shoes before crawling inside.  His tent was exactly like mine, but his air mattress was only a single, not a queen. It was a tight fit, but we managed.  I helped Bob with his underwear and moved in for a kiss. 

It was okay.  Clearly the dude was not into major suck-face, the way I was, so I played polite and kept reading his body language.  I could tell the brakes were still on a bit.  That told me that he probably would not be begging for me to fuck him, which is something I love a bottom to do.  No, it looked like I was going to be in the driver’s seat for this one, and I was going to have to pay strict attention to and comply with all posted traffic signs.  

Bob’s bod was nice; hairless, lithe, a tad soft, but nothing I couldn’t work with.  Realizing that the kissing was not going to get a hell of a lot better, I moved down to his cock.  It was already hard. It was about a half inch shorter than mine, but only half as thick, so it slid easily down my throat.  Once at the root I flexed my throat and was rewarded with the sounds of a very satisfied recipient.  Bob was on his back and let me have my way.  

Thing was, my dick needed some attention, too, and clearly my tent mate was not big on initiating anything.  With his dick still in my mouth, I moved my body around the other way so that he would have access to my cock, believing that once it was presented, we would fall into a hot session of 69’ing. 

But no.  I had to reach down and place his hands on it.  Once I did, he began to jerk me.  That’s when it occurred to me that Bob was probably playing out some kind of role play; that he was used to a dom top ordering him to do shit and was awaiting direction.   

Not that I had a problem with that.  The Viagra was proving super successful and I was as hard as a twenty-year old.  Which was nice.  Not only would I be in control of my orgasm, I would also be in control of the where and what would be going down in that tent.

“Kiss it,” I hissed.  If he wanted to play ‘uninitiated boy’, I was more that up to fulfilling that fantasy for him, never mind that there was a mere year in age between us.
He did as told, and at that point, my mouth began issuing orders as my hand got busy stroking his dick.  “Now kiss my balls.”  Again, he complied.  There was something tentative about the way he went about things, as if he was a novice, which I was pretty sure was not the case, but merely part of his act.

“Now suck my cock.”  He opened his mouth and I guided my dick inside.  At this point I returned my attention to his cock, again taking him down to the root where I nursed on it for a bit.  Bob would only take my dick into his mouth about halfway and at some point I decided that was not enough.  I rose up and straddled his chest, aiming my cock at his mouth.  Holding the back of his head, I began fucking his face.  Images of me face fucking a sex doll sprang into my head.  Now, I’m cool if a dude wants to play passive, but I do like a little more life than Bob was showing.  Still, you work with what you got, right?

I moved my body down and began nut fucking him.  Cock-on-cock frottage; he seemed to be enjoying it, moaning and pressing his pelvis into mine a bit, but I was still not convinced this fire was ever going to ignite.  One of the ways I measured the temperature in the tent was by kissing.  His kisses remained little more than pecks, so I decided not to push it… yet.

Instead, I rolled over behind him, so we were spooning and began running by cock along the crack of his ass.  He was definitely receptive, but, again, took no initiative; moaned, but gave no directives, uttered no plea to be fucked.   I reached around and began jerking his dick.  He was still hard, which I took as a good sign.  So, maybe we weren’t a match made in heaven, but there were worse ways to spend an evening.

And then, out of the blue, I smacked his ass!

That got him going.  So I did it again.  Suddenly I realized that this was exactly what he had hoped for… rough sex.  Now, I can be extremely aggressive when it comes to the sack, but I’m not much for smacking some dude around.  In fact, I’m fairly vanilla when it comes to force or violence; I can’t think of a situation where it would be appropriate. OTK spanking is about as rough as I get.   

And I did.  I spanked the shit out of that ass.  Normally?  I might have been a little concerned about the noise being heard by others, but it was a gay BDSM event, so, if anything, maybe I was doing the neighborhood a service.  Who knows, maybe those around us would get inspired, tucked away in their campers and nearby cabins.  All I knew was - at that moment – it got my blood roiling.

Next, I forced him face down on the air mattress and mounted his ass, rubbing my dick along the crack of his ass.  Soon I was bouncing on top of him for all I was worth.  It felt good, and I kept hoping he’d invite me in.

He didn’t.

I ended up rolling over to one side of him again, ready to blow my load.  But I held off, telling him “the boy comes first”.  His hand moved quickly to his own dick and as we kissed and jerked, I finally got a little in the way of passion.  His mouth opened up and my tongue darted in to explore, his, doing the same.  He’s working his dick something furious and the payoff came in big ropey spurts of pearly white, spewed all over his lithe torso.

“My turn”, I told him.  I didn’t wait, fearing that he would cool off now that he had cum.  My jizz joined his, as I coated his abs with my load.  The kisses were still he began rubbing the combined juices into his bod. Panting, I rolled off him.  Suprisingly, he spooned into me. It felt good.  But I had no intention of spending the night.  This was about getting my nut and making the best of a less-than-stellar evening.

Still, I lingered until such time that I could extradite myself without seeming like I was trying to flee.  Hey, I can be a gentlemen when I have to.  I thanked him for the fun and tell him I’d see him in the morning.  Slipping out of the tent, I felt pretty good.  Sure, I didn’t get to fuck him, but this was nice – and safe.  So that was the upside.
For some reason, I decided to go take a shower.   What a shock that was.  My teeth were literally chattering as I ran to and from the restrooms.  Safe and warmer back in my own tent, I zipped it up and enjoyed the comfort of the flannel interior of the sleeping bag I was using a cover for the air mattress.  I had a silky nylon one to use as a comforter.  It’s then that I realized… I didn’t have a damn pillow!
Shivering, back I trotted out to my car, where I rifled through my trunk and found a couple of blankets which I rolled up and made a pillow.  It worked, until I realized I was so cold I needed an additional blanket, which meant losing half my pillow.  In any event, it was a night of fitful sleep.  Maybe it was the excitement of the pending days.  Maybe it was the cold.  I love sleeping outside and really, my air mattress and sleeping bags could not have been more comfortable. Maybe it was the Viagra!
Friday, 5:30 am – 3:30 pm

I awoke the next morning with that fried-eye feeling that always accompanies a night on Viagra.  I decide then and there that I wouldn’t be doing any more on this trip. From this point forward, I was going to be all-bottom.

At 5:30 am no one else was about.  Everything was damp and the cold cut through in a way that made me want to scurry back to the tent.  For some reason it never occured to me to start a fire.  I was hungry.  Fruit and dry granola, washed down with some orange juice. It hit the spot.  After running to the bathroom, I dived back into my tent.  I may have actually slept for a bit then. 

By 7:00 am I was up, again.  I grabbed all my stuff and headed alone to the bathroom in order to shave, shower, etc. Halfway there I hear someone call out to me… it was Bob.  We both have clothing on, due to the chill still in the air, a chill that didn’t burn off until several hours later.

So, this was a first for me: I would be shaving my ass and balls in front of someone.  But it all felt much more natural than I would have expected.  That was until the lady from one of the nearby trailers joined us.  I wasn’t sure how to feel about it.  She (older, heavyset, courteous) wasn’t bothered by any of it all.  Bob, of course, was.  But when in Rome (or, in this case, Wisconsin)… I decided to go with it, though I chose to douche later.

We checked in at the restaurant.  Nope, not open for breakfast.  Damn.  I had brought some instant coffee, but had no way of heating water.  Fortunately, Bob came to the rescue.  He even provided a little vial of Via (Starbuck’s instant coffee).  It was all right. 
We talked briefly about the night before (the bar, not the sex) and more regarding our hopes that more dudes would be joining our ranks as the day progressed.

A few did.  There was a Harley driving, big-bellied, leather daddy that I immediately named ‘Santa’.  Turns out he was a truck driver who doesn’t mind being called Santa and was a big bottom.
Next, one of the most intriguing couples to grace the event; the boy was late-twenties, in great shape, had a beautiful dick, and a face that reminded me a lot of Jake Gyllenhaal (I kid you not).  He arrived with his partner: a short, portly man with a round face and glasses who was in his sixties and reminded me of a high school English teacher, though he was probably some retired executive enjoying his golden umbrella. 

I never learned their names and I’m not sure why.  I think it was because everyone else at the campground went out of their way to faun over them in an attempt to get to the kid.  But it could also be that I didn’t know what to make of their relationship.  Something about the age gap and the beauty of the younger man made me immediately think rent-a-boy, or houseboy, or something a tad unseemly, but the reality of the matter was, they were a genuine couple.  So maybe it was a typical partnership and it was only my jaundiced (tad jealous) eye that cast them in such a negative light. 

After a morning of sorting files on my laptop (ye gads, there were a ton of them), I stripped down and decided to go for another walk, just to see who was around. Before I did so, I hit the bathroom and douched.  I had been diligent about doing so, just in case I ran into a situation where my ass could be of… some help.  

After cleaning up, I spied a hot daddy sprawled on a picnic table by the lake showing hard, as if he was waiting for someone to come along and service him.  He looked good (in good shape, nice cock) and I started to move toward him, but I was beat to the punch by that plucky little sex elf, Jerry.  I left them to it and change direction.  As I did, I noticed on the diving platform in the middle of the lake a trio of men.  One was standing as the other two serviced his dick.  The sight made me laugh and I figured maybe this whole weekend was looking up.  

Feeling hopeful, I headed over to the other side of the lake, to a trail behind a small cove of campsites.  It led to a hill which overlooked the music stage that faces the bar.  Yesterday, when I trolled through there, I came upon a group of four men.  One of them had a beautiful bushy silver mustache and a nice looking dick.  The other three?  I don’t remember. I was feeling shy, like an interloper.  I said ‘hello’ and quickly moved on.

On this day, there appeared to be only one, a scruffy sort with a nice belly and a magnificent tan.  One-on-one I figured I could handle.  We talked.  His name was Ted and he was there with his partner.  They were the ones with the sling set up in the pavilion by the group showers.  “So, you must be a bottom,” he sighed.  He went on to explain; seems the only dudes that noticed that sling and mention it were bottoms.  Oh, well, guilty as charged. 

I contemplated seeing if I could suck his dick (he’d been playing with it as we talked), although he made it pretty clear that he was mostly there to watch.  But before I could broach the subject, we were joined by an acquaintance of his… Joe.

Joe physically reminded me of my very first partner: a furry, manly little cutie with an unfortunate need to manipulate and control.  Fortunately, Joe’s energy was much less neurotic and his dick, though not hard, appeared to be a bit bigger than my ex’s.  He was wearing a ball cap and had a nice chest full of dark fur.  I liked the twinkle in his eyes and his nose.  Yep, there was a tiny spark there, though it was difficult to tell, because Joe was so low key. 

The three of us made more small talk.  Turned out the dude getting his dick serviced on the diving platform was Ted’s partner, Mick, who was also the DJ for this event.  I made a mental note to bring him a couple of CDs I’d burned of dance tunes – including the most recent Pet Shop Boys’ and Cher’s new one.  Talk turned to the trails and it seemed I had not gone nearly far enough on my earlier walk, for there were a couple of footbridges that were further out and led to a different trail.  They direct me to it and I headed off, promising to see both of them later.  As I left Ted promised, since it was my first time there, that he will make sure I had a good time. Before disappearing down the path toward the footbridges, I told him I was going to hold him to that.

Of course I immediately lost my bearings and messed up the directions given by Ted.  Not seeing the footbridges, I was about to give up when I remembered that he had told me the entrances looked a bit overgrown.  On instinct, I cut across a bunch of empty campsites and lo and behold, there it was - one of the footbridges.  I crossed it and found myself on a defined path.  Again, I marveled at the fact that I was completely naked and free to run about without fear.  The day had warmed considerably and the dappled sun, filtered through the trees felt good on my skin.

I was so glad I had not given up on finding the footbridge.  I continued down the path, where my determination was rewarded even more, for who should appear coming down the path in the opposite direction, but Joe!  My heart flipped.  As he approached, he congratulated me on my ability to follow directions.  His smile was shy and a tad wicked, and it wasn’t long before he reached over and grabbed my dick.  I stooped down just a tad and went in for a kiss. 

It’s electric.

That spark? It immediately burst into flame!

End Part II



O!Daddie said...

Whoa - you had more sex in 2 days than I've had in 2 months - where do I sign up? ☺☺

Bruce said...

Bah! A cliffhanger! Damn you (I say in jest, eager to read more)

whkattk said...

It sounds like you're a one-on-one kinda guy... Unless a threesome or group is cumming up! I don't think I would've left the guy laid back on the picnic table just because the elf had moved in! LOL.

Stan said...

Glad to see things turned out better.