Tuesday Titillation:
A Clean House!
Yes, it's that time of year, again, my dears.For any gay... running a clean house should be of great importance.
If you run a clean house? You never have to close.
Now... this requires outside help, for, while we can do everyone ourselves, we can't do everything ourselves.
So, turn to the experts.
Go get tested and start the new year with a clean slate!
And do it all... get tested for everything, leaving no rock unturned. Better to know what's under there!
For there's nothing as sexy as saying "I just got tested for everything. We're good to go."
And if you do come up with a little problem?
I must stress - due to the ignorance abundant on apps like Grindr - that doesn't make you 'unclean' - that terminology really needs to go the way of certain other unacceptable phrases - it simply means you have a new responsibility and a bit of work to do.
So be a good boy - be responsible and do your homework. Think of it as doing the community a service so you can continue to service the community!
Oh... and unlike a certain Casa du Borghese, here?
Keep your hands off the help!
(Well, at least until you get your test results.)
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