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Sunday, December 01, 2024

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip: Charli XCX

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip:
Charli XCX

In my own personal big gay church there is a wing dedicated to those who belong to the Rhythm Nation. These divas got us to think, encouraged us to love and respect ourselves, made us feel sexy as hell and... most importantly, got us to dance!

One such musical brat?

Charli XCX!

While undeniably beautiful, her real super power is her ability to write massive smash pop hits. 

To say she's smart is an understatement.

To say she's got her fingers on the pulse of modern society? 

Well, now you're saying something.

It's true. She's brash and bold, with a fresh sense of humor and... a need to be nice.

This is not your typical poser with a diva fetish. Far from it. Though she can count those on the cutting edge of pop music as familiars, she's much more interested in making quality music with a long lifespan. She wants her fingers in many pies, her prints all over the charts, with an eye on becoming a true musical influencer. 

And while fashion may dictate, she loves to buck a trend, bend a standard and skewer those who pose. She lives unafraid and will to work hard for herself and on the behalf of others. 

On the scene since she was 14, her focus has shifted multiple times, but one thing remains as true as that knowing look in her eyes...

This is not your ordinary pop princess. 

No, sir. 

This one means to be queen!

(But not a mean queen.)

The gospel according to her?

Well, here are three from the hip, dropping from her lips.

The topic? Cool vs. Nice

"I'm not interested in the idea of celebrity."
"I really just want to change the way women think about themselves. A lot of young girls are quite lost."
"There's something about girls together, uniting, that I just thought was cool."
"In the '90s, there was always this continuous pitting of women against each other in the media, trying to make them battle it out."

"I think debate is good. Everyone has an opinion, and it's definitely healthy to voice those."

"If there's intelligence behind an opinion, then I'm all for expressing it, but I would never just start a fight with someone for the sake of it - that's just not me."
"Females should stand by each other, especially in an industry which seems to try so hard to pin us up against each other and make us fight. It's not about that for me. I refuse to be sucked into a twisted world of insecurity and lose who I am."
"I think I'm a girl's girl in the sense that I support women a lot, and I'm definitely all for girl power, but I think I'm quite a tomboy at heart - even though I love my fashion and dressing up, I think my essence is very boyish."


"I just feel like the songs I write lend themselves to this girl-power feeling, and those are the artists that I looked up to when I was younger."
"I spent a lot of my teenage years experimenting with who I was as a person and not really getting it right. And then, I think, I realized that I just had to chill out in life."
"I was never the cool kid in school, and loads of people told me that I was weird, that I dressed uncool and did uncool things, that I was too nice, too happy."

"When you're growing up, I think there's this idea that the coolest people are the ones who are really rude and feverish. But I've come to realize that isn't cool."
"I think the best people are the ones who are just as nice and fun. This is really cheesy, but you only have one life - why spend most of it pretending to be cool?"

"I feel like I'm a pop star without being a diva."
"I feel like when people meet me, I'm very much not what they expected I would be. I'm not a diva, and I'm not mean to people or have weird rules."

"Being nice is awesome. You have more fun; you meet more people."

"I get on with people. I don't hang out with people who aren't nice. It's like, be real or go home."

"You should respect the people you are around."
"My one thing is respect. I don't care about anything else. You should respect everyone around you - the people who work for you, peers. Be classy."

"My philosophy is to treat people how you want to be treated."

Boom Clap - Charli XCX

1999 - Charli XCX with Troye Sivan

360 - Charli XCX

And one last parting shot...

Most of my favorite artists are strong females.

From the moment I stepped into this industry, I've always had to fight for my ideas and for my voice to be heard.
I think it's awesome when a woman is in control of everything she's doing, especially in an industry like this where people think that doesn't happen often, but it really does - well, from my knowledge and how I manage my own project.
When I got signed, I had just turned 16. I felt like I had to continuously have these confrontations with older men who were doubting my ideas because I was a woman, because I was 16.
I actually think it doesn't even matter what age you are or what sex - though that does play into it sometimes - you always have to fight in any kind of creative world because nobody knows your own brain and your own creative ideas better than you do.

Some people think of feminine as just being pretty and quiet and sweet, but I also think being feminine is being angry and also being sexy and aggressive and passionate.
If you're in control of everything, then no matter what it is, you can make that feminine.
I believe I deserve everything that could maybe happen. And I don't think that's a cocky thing to say because I've worked really hard, and I've never bitten the hand that fed me, and I've always been really respectful

1 comment:

Mistress Maddie said...

I love her and her music. I have a cousin in Chicago that gets mistaken for her all the time. Her or Minnie Drivier. It's funny to see it happen.