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Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Wonderland Burlesque's The Twelve Days Before Xmas - Day Twelve: Don't Wait Till The Night Before Christmas - Dick Robertson

Wonderland Burlesque's
The Twelve Days Before Xmas
Day Twelve:
Don't Wait 'Till The Night Before Christmas - Dick Robertson

We end this year's The Twelve Days Before Xmas with a most appropriately titled song, Don't Wait 'Till The Night Before Christmas. Don't wait - not to buy presents or send out cards or invite relatives into your home, but... to be good. 

These days? Good is in short supply, my friends. So, do your best and try to do just a little this year, be it a donation to a worthy cause, a visit to a shut-in, a favor for a friend, or a mere smile shared with a stranger during this hectic time of year. Any act of kindness will do. For an act of kindness can serve as a sort of catalyst - people truly do pay it forward - the smallest gesture can grow exponentially, yielding a wave of even greater magnitude, reaching unknown corners of the world. 

I hope you've enjoyed this journey through holiday musical obscurity as much as I have. Thank you for visiting and thank you for listening.

Wishing all of you a wonderous holiday. 
Enjoy your time and each other.
Happy Holidays, my dears.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Don't Wait Till The Night Before Christmas - Dick Robertson
And His Orchestra

Don't Wait Till the Night Before Christmas is performed by Dick Robertson and His Orchestra,  featuring vocals by Dick Robertson, himself. It was released in 1939 on Decca Records as single 2782-A.

Dick Robertson

Dick Robertson was an American jazz and popular music singer who, starting in 1928, recorded prolifically with such band leaders Ben Pollack, Nat Shilkret And The Victor Orchestra, Red Nichols, Duke Ellington and Andy Kirk, Benny Goodman and Fletcher Henderson, and Clarence Williams He also recorded as the leader of his own studio orchestras. As of the mid-1940s, he began concentrating on writing songs of his own.

Don't wait...


whkattk said...

It's been a wonderful journey!
Merry Christmas!

Mistress Maddie said...

You know i love this song ...any nostalgic Christmas song....and of course Dick.

A Happy Yuletide Upton!!!!!!🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄