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Monday, December 16, 2024

Wonderland Burlesque's The Twelve Days Before Xmas - Day Four: Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus - George Jones & Tammy Wynette

Wonderland Burlesque's
The Twelve Days Before Xmas
Day Four:
Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus - George Jones & Tammy Wynette

Time for a little country twang! And it comes in the form of country royalty, country music's first super-couple: George Jones and Tammy Wynette. 

One can only imagine the lead up to Xmas at their Nashville digs: Tammy, a cup of coffee in hand, resplendent in a floor-length champagne-colored peignoir set, her likewise colored hair set upon her head in a shimmering cascade of curls, staring through half-lidded false-lashed eyes at the giant, brilliant white artificial tree taking center stage in her pristine living room, its red bulbs shining bightly, reminding her of the pills she has to take in order to sit upright each morning (where were those damn pills?), while, across town, George wakes up, after having slept face down, on the beer-sticky, cigarette butt strewn floor of one of his favorite honkytonks (the one where they let him plug the jukebox as he listens over and over again to Tammy warbling Stand By Your Man until the moment he passes out), a sprig of mistletoe stuck to his sweaty forehead, a Hallmark card wishing the love of his life a Merry Christmas, crumpled in the front right pocket of his Levi workman-cut jeans.

But America (well, certain parts, anyway) were only all to willing to welcome them into their homes for the holidays, for they were the king and queen of country music, and now? Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus!

Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus - George Jones & Tammy Wynette

This little ditty, released by Epic Records (5-11077) in 1973, was a one-off single, coming on the heels of their prior album, 1972's We Love To Sing About Jesus. It didn't chart, but, it also didn't matter. Tammy and George were both a bit too 'preoccupied ' to even notice.

For a mere two years later, they were petitioning the court for a D-I-V-O-R-C-E!

Hmm, I wonder who got custody of the elves?

Oh, my! Only eight more days, my dears!

1 comment:

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Well, she was way too pretty for him.
Talk about a common man. And I cackled all the way that first paragraph!!! LOL