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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday Titillation: Helium Heels

Tuesday Titillation: 
Helium Heels

Today, I am just head over heels!

Or, maybe that should be heels over head.

In any case, these men all seem to have a bad case of helium heels.

Well, just as you can't keep a good man down...

When it comes to some men?

You can't keep their legs from flying up in the air!

Just be careful, my dears...

Those rug burns are a beyotch!

Throw caution to the wind.
And your heels up in the air.
Look at life from a different POV!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Head Over Heels - The GoGo's

Head Over Heels - ABBA


Zman said...

just beautiful!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh yes!
To be that flexible!!!

And the Hole/Pole combo? Yes.


Mistress Maddie said...

I like to be versatile....but if a hot south American is around and wants my ass...i find my heels do rather fill with helium quickly. That's right baby...tap my ass!!!