Wonderland Burlesque's
Let's All Go To The Movies
She's A Lady!
Part XXV
Yes, sometimes? It takes a lady.
And sometimes that lady doesn't necessarily comply willingly!
Or so these films would have us believe.
They promise lots of drama, the occasional comedy or musical, and a little bit of dirt!
Let's take a walk down Hollywood Blvd. and shine a light on these magnificent classic films.
This way, if you please. But remember...
Ladies first!
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Satan Met A Lady
This American detective film was directed by William Dieterle and stars Bette Davis and Warren William.
Apparently, the third time is the charm! This is a remake of The Maltese Falcon (1931), with the character of Sam Spade renamed Ted Shane, while the falcon becomes a ram's horn filled with jewels. Warner Brothers, who had bought the rights to Dashiell Hammett's 1930 novel, would remake it a third time: The Maltese Falcon (1941) - the latter being the most famous version of all.
Filming began on December 1, 1935, although leading lady Bette Davis, upset that she was being forced to film "junk", failed to report to the set. "I was so distressed by the whole tone of the script and the vapidity of my part that I marched up to Mr. Warner's office and demanded that I be given work that was commensurate with my proven ability," she recalled in her autobiography. "I was promised wonderful things if only I would do this film." She complained directly to Jack L. Warner and was promptly put on suspension. But, after three days, and needing the money to support her mother and sister as well as herself, Bette reported to work.
After the film wrapped, Davis stole away to London, having been placed on suspension, yet again, for refusing to portray a lumberjack in God's Country and the Woman. In later years, she recalled insisting "I won't do it! Satan Met a Lady was bad enough, but this is absolute tripe."
Bosley Crowther of the New York Times called the film "a cynical farce of elaborate and sustained cheapness" that "deserves to be quoted as a classic of dullness". He observed: "Without taking sides in a controversy of such titanic proportions, it is no more than gallantry to observe that if Bette Davis had not effectually espoused her own cause against the Warners recently by quitting her job, the Federal Government eventually would have had to step in and do something about her. After viewing Satan Met a Lady... all thinking people must acknowledge that a Bette Davis Reclamation Project (BDRP) to prevent the waste of this gifted lady's talents would not be a too-drastic addition to our various programs for the conservation of natural resources." He concluded, "So disconnected and lunatic are the picture's incidents, so irrelevant and monstrous its people, that one lives through it in constant expectation of seeing a group of uniformed individuals appear suddenly from behind the furniture and take the entire cast into protective custody. There is no story, merely a farrago of nonsense representing a series of practical studio compromises with an unworkable script. It is the kind of mistake over which the considerate and discreet thing is to draw the veil of silence."
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Make Way For A Lady
This American romantic comedy/drama was directed by David Burton and stars Herbert Marshall, Anne Shirley, Gertrude Michael and Margot Grahame.
Grahame married twice. She moved into a home in the Hollywood Hills after her separation from British actor Francis Lister in 1935. She then married Canadian millionaire Allen McMartin in 1938. They divorced in 1946. In 1948, Grahame began a relationship with the British literary agent A. D. Peters that continued until his death in 1973.
In her later years, Grahame was reportedly "full of bitter regret and resentment" at, amongst other things, the fact that Peters had never married her. She frequently complained that she was "bloated" and had her hair colored, in her own words, "'red as flaming fires of hell'". Her housekeeper at the time of her death was Lily (née Budge), wife of the impoverished 13th Earl of Galloway. Grahame died in London on New Year's Day of 1982, aged 70, from chronic bronchitis. She had no survivors and was cremated.
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The Lone Wolf Meets A Lady
This American drama was directed by Sidney Salkow and stars Warren William, Eric Blore and Jean Muir.
The Lone Wolf character dates back to 1914, when author Louis Joseph Vance invented him for a series of books, later adapted for twenty-four Lone Wolf films (1917–1949). Warren Williams starred in nine of the films (1939–1943), with The Lone Wolf Meets a Lady being his third such picture.
In February 1940 the MPAA/PCA informed Columbia that a number of changes in the script were necessary before the film could receive certification. Among the many demands by the PCA were that the "radio announcer must not be characterized, in any way, as a pansy"; that the drinking in the film must be "held to an absolute minimum"; that all hiccupping be eliminated; that the "business of Pete slapping and cuffing Joan" be eliminated; that the film not reveal the details of the crime; and that there be "no showing of panties or other particularly intimate garments."
Jean Muir
Jean Muir was an American stage and film actress and educator. She was the first performer to be blacklisted after her name appeared in the anti-Communist 1950 pamphlet Red Channels.
Muir's Broadway debut came in The Truth Game (1930) at age 19. She was signed by Warner Bros. in 1933 and made 14 films in her first three years there. She played opposite several famous actors including Warren William, Paul Muni, Richard Barthelmess and Franchot Tone, but she returned to Broadway in 1937 because she was unsatisfied with her film roles. Muir invoked the disfavor of studio executives because of her involvement in formation of the Screen Actors Guild, her tendency to question the way the film business operated, and her resistance to posing for publicity photographs.
In 1950, Muir was named as a Communist sympathizer by the notorious pamphlet Red Channels, and immediately removed from the cast of the television sitcom The Aldrich Family, in which she had been cast as Mrs. Aldrich. NBC had received between 20 and 30 phone calls protesting her being in the show. General Foods, the sponsor, said that it would not sponsor programs in which "controversial persons" were featured. Though the company later received thousands of calls protesting the decision, it was not reversed.
On December 20, 1940, Muir married entertainment attorney / television producer, Henry Jaffe in New York. They had three children. She went on to teach drama at two universities. In the mid-1950s she reportedly suffered from alcoholism and cirrhosis of the liver.
In 1950, Muir was named as a Communist sympathizer by the notorious pamphlet Red Channels, and immediately removed from the cast of the television sitcom The Aldrich Family, in which she had been cast as Mrs. Aldrich. NBC had received between 20 and 30 phone calls protesting her being in the show. General Foods, the sponsor, said that it would not sponsor programs in which "controversial persons" were featured. Though the company later received thousands of calls protesting the decision, it was not reversed.
On December 20, 1940, Muir married entertainment attorney / television producer, Henry Jaffe in New York. They had three children. She went on to teach drama at two universities. In the mid-1950s she reportedly suffered from alcoholism and cirrhosis of the liver.
Sandy Is A Lady
Baby Sandy (real name Sandra Lea Henville),is a former American child film actress. Henville was born, prematurely, in hospital in Los Angeles, California. She performed in her first film at the age of 15 months. She was considered "Universal Pictures' wonder baby" and their answer to Shirley Temple. She appeared in a total of eight pictures. Her last film was before her fifth birthday, made for a second rank studio, Republic Pictures. She grew up and worked in the legal department of a local government. She married and divorced twice, and had two sons.
The Captain Is A Lady
This supposed 'B' film features a truly remarkable supporting cast - Marjorie Main, Beulah Bondi, Virginia Grey, Helen Broderick, Billy Burke, Cecil Cunningham and Helen Westley.
I love me some early Davis films!
Oh, but Bette Davis would chew up any scenery. No matter how bad the material.
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