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Sunday, March 19, 2023

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip: Edith Piaf

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip 
Edith Piaf

In my own personal big gay church, there is a wing dedicated to what can only be described as...The True Divas. These are ones that may do many things in life, but from the moment they opened their mouths to sing they became the one thing they were meant to become: a true diva.

One such beautiful soul...

Edith Piaf.

Piaf, the little sparrow.

One would never expect such a large voice to come from such a diminutive form. Yet, it sprang forth radiant, jubilant, sorrowful, mournful and defiant - a force to be reckoned with.

Dramatic, emotive, spellbinding... singing songs born of the streets of Paris, the universal need for love, and the heart of a lion.

She lived a life of reckless abandon, following her heart wherever it would lead. Haunted by demons, courted by the stars, seduced by narcotics.

Pain from her body. Pain from numerous car accidents. Pain from love...

It all took its toll, as did the morphine and alcohol upon which she would become dependent. 

As her celebrated life swirled downward, her identity would become forever entwined with a nation, and she, their national heroine, would live forever.

The gospel according to her?

Well, here are three from the hip, dropping from her lips.

The topics? Love, Music, Money, Disobedience and Death

"As far as I'm concerned, love means fighting, big fat lies, and a couple of slaps across the face."

"I think you have to pay for love with bitter tears."

"To sing is to bring to life; impossible if the words are mediocre, however good the music."

"I've always wanted to sing, just as I've always known that one day I would have my own niche in the annals of song. It was a feeling I had."

"Singing is a way of escaping. It's another world. I'm no longer on earth."

"Money? How did I lose it? I never did lose it. I just never knew where it went."

"If God has allowed me to earn so much money, it is because He knows I give it all away."

"Don't care what people say. Don't give a damn about their laws."

"All I've done all my life is disobey."

Hymne à l'amour - Edith Piaf

Je Ne Regrette Rien - Edith Piaf 

La Vie En Rose - Edith Piaf

And one last parting shot...

"I wouldn't mind at all coming back to earth after my death."

"Death is the beginning of something."

"Death does not exist."

"Every damn thing you do in this life, you have to pay for."


Bob said...

Love them all,. but to me she's always be La Vie En Rose.

Greggy said...

I’m disappointed you didn’t mention anything about her involvement with the Resistance during WW2. It was known she was a staunch Resistance fighter who was willing to pay any price to liberate France from the Nazi occupation. Her defiance and determination shamed most of the politicians of that era. That alone made her a national hero , plus it didn’t hurt that she had super star talent

Gary M. said...

She truly was an icon...a national treasure in her day.