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Monday, April 10, 2023

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 142 - Just Us Guys: Part 2 of 3

Acquired Tastes XLIII
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 142
Just Us Guys: Part 2 of 3

In the case of American Arts Enterprises, Inc., the publishers of the Just Us Guys series, sadly, cover art remains quite elusive - only found 26 of the 48 covers, but I did find quite a bit of information about the publisher.

Based on the information I could piece together, American Arts Enterprises, Inc., owned and operated by Milton and Beatrice Luros and under the guidance of Robert Reitman, president of AAE (until July 1971) published books between the years 1965-1993. While they did publish a line of legitimate, mainstream romance novels under the umbrella Carousel, they chiefly dealt in heterosexual smut. 

And talk about smut. Here is a list of the heterosexual 'series' I was able to find: 

Adult Player, Adulterous Wives, Swap Meat Library, deLUXX Edition, Jaded Journals, Celebrity Library, Straying Wives, Anal Erotic, Sexplicit Library, Nite Lite Library, Oral Erotic, Stratford Library, Dover Library, Bentley Library, The Infidelity File, Swap & Swing Library, Young & Willing Library, Les Parisiennes, Bedtime Books, Body Talk Library, Explicit Family Books, Half Moon Library, Raunchy Readers, Wanton Wife Journals, Lusty Library, Explicit Library, Back Door Books, Eager Wife Books, Anal Library, Fireside Reader, Secret Lust, Gourmet Silver Edition, Gourmet Gold Edition, and Gourmet Edition.

Near the end of their publishing days, they did away with titling the series and simply referred to the books in terms of three initials: WIF (stories about wives), GRL (story about younger girls), GSK, WKG (stories about sex in the workplace), XXE Edition , NUR (stories about nurses), STG, SNM, and SWP (stories about swapping).

The covers of all these books featured pencil/ink drawings or lurid pornographic photos taken from the publishers magazines. 

Just Us Guys (1985-1990) appears to be their only foray into the gay pulp fiction market. As such, the covers are remarkably different than their heterosexual counterparts, featuring uniform, colored illustrations and pastel borders. The illustrations bring to mind traditional romance novels or high school Scholastica books, rather than hardcore pornography. 

Throughout American Arts Enterprises, Inc.'s history of operation, they claimed residency in a number of locations, including:  Chatsworth, CA, New York, NY, San Diego, CA, South Laguna, CA, and North Hollywood, CA. They may have also operated under the moniker Publisher's Consultants, Inc., while republishing titles from Surrey House and Greenleaf Classics. The reason for all this moving around probably has something to do with all the legal headaches one has to deal with when operating a porn empire - as detailed in the case: People ex rel. Van de Kamp v. American Art Enterprises, Inc. (1977). 

Unlike last week, this week we found ten out of ten covers!

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Author: Tony Moore

Yee-haw! That's right, this is about cowboys... either at a rodeo or maybe a cowboy bar? Maybe taking 'boot-scootin' to a whole new level!

Still, this scene is rather tame; no bulging crotches, no shirtless cowpokes. Well, at least they got the sheriff right this time. He looks like the type that would happily spit on you if you were on fire. Sigh.

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Italian Sausage 
Author: Mike Warlum

Who doesn't love some Italian sausage, am I right? Oh, I'm still a vegetarian, but that is one meat I still consider a very sweet treat. 

My first very serious boyfriend was Italian. Mamma Mia! He was so beautiful. Such soulful eyes, lovely skin and that hair! Sigh. I was a fool to let him go, but then, I spared him a lot of drama, believe me. To this day, I thinking of him fondly and cherish the time we had together. 

Based on the cover, I'm thinking this is the gay version of Crossing Delancey, a 1988 romantic comedy starring the cute as a button Amy Irving, who falls in love (eventually) with a pickle seller, played by Peter Riegert. It's dreamy, in a Moonstruck, sort of way, with Sylvia Sydney, who is always a hoot and Suzzy Roche, one of the Roche Sisters! Check it out. 

Available as a PDF or e-book download at Hommi Publishing.

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Country Boys 
Author: Roy Calhoun

This is the best I could do for this cover, but it's better than nothing. 

As you can see, the illustrator is now fully engaged and on board with the program. While far from hard core, he's no longer making us guess what kind of book this might be. Based on the yuppie in the blue polo shirt, it appears he's locked in on his target and is wasting little time. Yes, the boys are incredibly pretty, which, if I recall correctly, is how they liked them during the mid-'80's or 'the haties' as I like to refer them. Nancy Reagan was president and while Tipper was busy trying to blame rap music for crime and drug use, her husband was attempting to spell 'potatoes'. As for old Ronnie, well, he was losing his G.D. mind to Alzheimer's, so, as far as he was concerned, he was still shooting a movie on the back lot a RKO. 

The one upside? We had our very first gay (unless you count Honest Abe) in the White House. Yes, that flaming little theatre queen, Ronnie, Jr. was flitting in and out of the official going-on's at the big house, disappointing his mother while keeping the tabloids tongues wagging. The only other good thing to come out of it was the first openly gay member on SNL, our very own Terry Sweeney, who got the gig based on - you know it - his impersonation of Ronnie, Jr.'s mother, Nancy. 

Ahh, yes... a good time was had by all.  

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Undercover Cop
Author: Michael Scott

Odd to see a detective dressed to the nines spying on a massage therapist, but in the haties we took all crime seriously - especially anything that had to do with S-E-X. Yes, there were not a lot of happy endings in the 80's, which is why everybody was walking around stiffer than Steven Segal and more wooden that Sly Stallone (when he wasn't playing Rocky.) 

Not helping the situation? A little thing called HIV. Yeah, that'll take the starch out of of your stiffy, nice and quick. 

Perhaps that is why the detectives are 'hard at work', watching flesh being pummeled by a rub and tug Tommy through a two-way mirror - to make sure they're using condoms! Apparently cops had a lot more time on their hands in those days... 

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Businessman’s Special
Author: Connie Johnson

Oh, for the number of business decisions made during the '80's in the men's rooms of terror towers throughout this great land of ours. If they weren't busy doing blow off the marble surrounding the sink, they were actually blowing some three piece suit in the handicap stall. Small talk at the urinals while emptying one's bladder was as common as herpes on a Sunday morning. Only sometimes the talk was not so small, with millions of dollars being traded and laundered and spent in less time than it took the good Reverend Jim Baker to organize a circle jerk in the locker room of the gym at Heritage USA.

It looks to me, that business man stuffing his semi into the slacks of his Armani suit has, indeed, just closed a deal. But it ain't over until he snorts a line off that marble countertop.

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Chicago River Cruisin’
Author: Ed Kroch

Cruising? On a boat? On a river? In Chicago? 

Why, yes, this is, indeed, still a thing. Turns out it's a marvelous means of discovering "architectural gems and renowned landmarks" in the famed city. You know... like Steamworks, and Man's Country, The Cell Block, Touché, and Jackhammer. 

Honestly, other than a chance to see Sixpence, I can't think of a single reason to visit the city. You know, other than Steamworks, The Lucky Horse Shoe Lounge, etc. Although, I suppose one could put on your best bomber jacket and penny loafers and strut your stuff on the Navy Pier. Just be sure to pack plenty of Binaca Blast. When one's mouth is fresh, others are more likely to put things in it!

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Home Is Where the Hard Is
Author: Carl Creamum

I adore this title... and say it all the time. Here, I always thought I was being original, but it turns out Carl Creamum (great non de plume) got there first. And speaking of coming in second... did it just get hot in here or did our dear illustrator truly turn up the heat with this trio of bleach blondes? 

I do declare... that is the finest staircase entrance this side of Scarlett O'Hara at Tara! Those BVD's are to die for. In fact, there's not a single loser working this cat walk. I just want to know which one is going to end up on all fours. (My money is on the gym bag toting dude on the right.)

Available as a PDF or e-book download at Hommi Publishing.

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On Site Inspection
Author: Larry Woodward

Please not the lack of denim cut-offs in this illustration. Instead we have a pair of super short jogging pants with a split on the side! And while the Mario Brother on the left appears a bit more old school, the yuppie on the right is also sporting a regulation polo shirt. Oh, if only he'd popped the collar!

But never fear... these two electricians appear prepared to amp the voltage on that construction site up to the max! Now that's what I call true electricity!

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 Prisoner of Passion
Author: Tony Moore

Oh, to pine away for an old college crush. It's not something I tend to do, for my crushes are like the wind - who knows which way they will blow? But I do understand that there are some who still cling to the notion of one true love... a soulmate, that proverbial Shel Silverstein 'missing piece'. 

Oh, please, Helen. Get a grip - preferably on the next stiff one you see in the men's room of your local mall. For heaven sakes, why pine when you can dine... as Auntie Mame and our Mistress Maddie are constantly reminding us... life is a banquet - so pig out, Mildred. As Liza with a Z sings, "What good is sitting alone in your room?"  Get out there, Gooch. And don't come back until you're good and stuffed.

For you haven't truly lived until you have something to regret, am I right?  So, live, live, live...

Available as a PDF or e-book download at Hommi Publishing.

Back Cover

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Made In Japan 
Author: Roland Graeme

So... this could be a little racist. If I recall, Asians did not fare all that well in the 1980's, especially when it came to John Hughes films. Yes, a step up from unwatchable mess Mickey Rooney made of Breakfast At Tiffany's, but still cringe inducing stuff. The whole imperialist Caucasian male power imbalance /subservient Asian male appears to be on full display in this illustration. Still, I guess there are entire real relationships built on similar foundations and to each their own. Just don't blame me for hoping the whole house caves in.  

Pretty illustration, its just the subject matter is not my cup of tea. 

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And that's all for now.

Next week: #127-#148.

Until then...

Thanks for reading!

Made In Japan - Buck Owens


whkattk said...

The cover art seems to have gotten better.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Yeah, these covers do follow a style.
I kind of like it, though. I like the splash of lurid color. I have tried to find some one handed gay reading to no avail. Really. They're so scarce!