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Sunday, April 23, 2023

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip: Kathy Griffin

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip:
Kathy Griffin

In my own personal big gay church, there is a wing dedicated to the Ladies Of Comedy. Theses are the gals who made us laugh and, on occasion, brought a tear to our eyes. They are visionaries, capturing aspects of the human condition while holding up a mirror to the world. Their characters, style, and phrases have helped form our daily vernacular in ways we are not even always aware of - but that is the power of comedy and the magic these ladies all possess. Breaking ground while breaking all the rules?

Kathy Griffin.

Warrior, survivor, gossip, provocateur... best friend a gay ever had!

If you look at her career, whether you enjoy her humor or not, you have to admit that the lady has quite the work ethic. How can you not admire her very special brand of D.I.Y. brand of stardom.

The thing is - Kathy broke a lot of rules. Via a supporting role in a sitcom, she gained access into a world the public was never meant to see. She met The Wizards of Hollywood... and pulled back the curtain. 

She was fearless. And a little mean. But the targets? They more than deserved it. 

Calling out hypocrisy, double-standards, acts of sheer ego and audacity... Griffin told it as she saw it. 

But she's more than a acidic trumpeter. 

The diva's got heart.

She loved her parents. And that was as endearing se it was sincere. Maggie was a hoot and we're all the better for Kathy having shared her spotlight with her mother. 

Her dogs have always meant the world to her and she continues to be a first class animal activist. 

Has she always made the best choices? Perhaps not. But she also paid a price for it. Getting banned? Being called out? Receiving death threats? All a part of the game when you're Kathy Griffin.

But she always bounced back. Even after her worst moment - a statement which backfired in ways few could have predicted - she managed to turn it around, went on tour, told her story, and created a historic, one-of-a-kind comedic document. 

The lady made history while perfectly captured the mad times we live in.

But then she came up against something she couldn't fully beat... cancer. It was a game changer. 

Whether she ever resumes her career remains to be seen. 

But if you're counting her out? 

Well, given her history, I wouldn't bet on it. 

The gospel according to her?

Well, here are three from the hip, dropping from her lips.

The topic? The Act

--- ---

"I have no limits, no filter, no class, no poise. No decorum. Just fun."

"I have a no-apology policy. No apologies for jokes. I apologize in my real life all the time. I say ridiculous things, I make mistakes constantly. But when I'm on stage, I'm at a microphone... it's a joke!"

"So I wonder if anything should ever be off limits."

"Oh, I constantly say things that I regret. I mortify myself constantly. But that's just part of the deal. I'm not really sure what's going to come out of my mouth."
"A lot of stars don't have a sense of humor."

"A lot of celebrities, especially when you're talking about the really big ones, live in what I call the fame bubble. Nobody ever says no to them or challenges them or even teases them."

"But if something funny happens, I can't resist. I have to tell the people."

"I'm always listening and watching; my ear is like a boom mike. And judging, frankly. Constantly judging."

"Well, my whole thing with gossip is I couldn't care less if it's true."

"Remember, folks, I am a comedian, not a journalist."

"I can say whatever I want. So do not bring the kids. It's definitely rated R."

"The great thing about celebrity culture is that they can't seem to stop themselves from displaying their ridiculous behavior. I feel it's my job as a serious investigative journalist to witness all kinds of behavior and then report back to the audience through the prism of my own anger and bitterness."

"So yes, I say things I regret constantly, and I just can't help it."

"I have what I call A-list moments, but believe me, I'm still on the D-list."

"I'm not somebody who no matter where I go there are paparazzi or any of that nonsense. But I have a little window into that world and I can enter it and dance around. I want to be the audience's ticket into the party."

"I also don't have a desire to be on the A-list. I feel more people can relate to the D-list than the A-list."

"Pretty much everywhere I go, I'm pretty much thinking I'm going to be bounced. I am still the outsider who snuck into the party. I identify with the regular person, because that is who I am."

"That's life when you're on the D-list."

Barbara Walters - Kathy Griffin

I Hate Cirque Du Soleil / Celine Dion - Kathy Griffin

 Kathy & Maggie Griffin Visit A Psychic

And one last parting shot...

"Laughter is the only truly free emotion. Even love can be compelled, if someone feels bound to someone else, practically captive. But no one can compel laughter. It’s the ultimate proof of freedom."


SickoRicko said...

I like her. Thanks for this post.

Anonymous said...

She’s a washed up psycho Has Been. Only psycho deranged individuals find anything she says funny. They need to lock her and Rosie O’Donnell up in a padded room and throw away the key.

whkattk said...

Oh, she's resuming her stand-up career. First sold-our show coming up in Vegas.... The woman is hilarious! Of course, as we see from Anonymous, she is not for everyone. LOL.

Sassybear said...

Love her. Brave. Courageous. Fearless. The world need her perspective, humor, and voice.