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Saturday, August 12, 2023

Weekend Onesie: Think Of The Children! Part VI - Nutrition: The Sugar Edition

Weekend Onesie:
Think Of The Children! Part VI
Nutrition: The Sugar Edition

Here's one to grow on!

Let 'em eat cake, indeed.  

It seems Madison Avenue had no qualms about selling sugar as a vitally-necessary, nutritious part of a developing child's diet.

Yes... the child's well-being; I'm sure that's what's behind the appeals made.

Well, it sure was successful... and explains a lot. Just look at the generation after generation of soda pop swilling, candy bar chomping, cake gobbling meat puppets which populate the United States.

World leader? Sure thing. In obesity!

Small wonder we're a population overrun with conditions such as diabetes, ADHD, autism, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease. 

Let's take a look at these vintage ads promoting one heck of a way to ensure a child's health and well-being.

Wishing you all a glorious weekend.
Eat healthy, exercise and live long.
Keeping healthy promotes happiness.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Sugar For The Pill - Slowdrive

The ad that caught mother's eye... and led to a lifetime of health issues!
Something tells me little Judy would grow up to have an addiction issue of some kind.

Trust me, one day? Mary wound down. Poor, Mary!
We already covered the Kayo Syrup folks contribution to this industry. Here's one of their also-ran competitors.

Ah, liquid candy! Never too soon...

Now all baby needs is a jigger of gin.

This is a bottle-fed baby.

Go on... mix it up a little.

Also mixes well with anti-freeze.

Oh, really?

That's right... have a lasting impact on your children! Pass it down!

Not sure what a 'boy's' appetite is... but I certainly did develop one! 
For boys!

Like lab rats in a maze.

As shown earlier in this series, the good people at Dupont have nothing but the very best in mind when it comes to your child's health and well-being.

Psst. Kid! Take my advice... Don't sit on grandpa's lap!

Our good friend, dextrose, doing their part...

Candy: the opiate of the people.

Never heard of these candy bars, though, I could do have a yen for a Big Yank.

Boys to men. Children to addicts.

Et tu, Budweiser!

What makes Joe grow? 
Glutenous fistfuls of frothy baked corn syrup.

When in doubt? Slip 'em some vitamins!

Mmm. Milky chocolate goodness!

Sugar Pills - The Japanese House

1 comment:

SickoRicko said...

Capitalism at its finest.