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Saturday, August 19, 2023

Weekend Onesie: Think Of The Children! Part VII - Nutrition: The Meat & Dairy Edition

Weekend Onesie: 
Think Of The Children! Part VII
Nutrition: The Meat & Dairy Edition

Oh, Madison Avenue... or as I like to think of them - early social media influencers. They sure liked to sell and tell America what it should eat, drink, smoke, do and wear. And without qualms or pause. The big picture? Not nearly as important as the impact of living in 'the now'.

Of course, it all came down to money. Given sufficient cash flow, advertising agencies were willing to shill any and all quack theories - especially when it came to children. For children were the future - as in future revenue. Yes... get them while they're young... and dumb. And keep 'em that way.

Fill them up with fat, sugar, starch and meat! That's the American way!

Today, we take a look at a small sample of their work: food propaganda at it's finest.

Small wonder we are now a nation dependent on ecologically illogical commercial farming, for how else could this nation keep up with our swollen appetites? 

Consume, consume, consume.
Dog whistles : they're not merely political.
Unless... everything is political.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque
--- ---

Consume Or Be Consumed - Slaves feat. Mike D.

Never too early to start clogging your arteries.

We'll even sell you things that aren't food.

Want... a dangerous thing.

Sweeten the offer...

Drowning in creamy dairy.

The want... the must have. Create the need.

The slow seduction of... meat.

Every day!

100% MEAT

We'll make you well.

We'll make you proud.

We'll make you strong.

Nourishing and complete.

This could one day be you. Meat is beautiful. 

Especially when fried in lard.

We'll transition. We'll package. We'll make it easy.

Vital and vigorous! Potted meats! 

Meat product = fun!

Why waste what lies on the killing floor?

Wetting America's appetite...

...for convenience.

It all leads to this: A Fast Food Nation

--- ---

Consume - vaarwell


nakedswimmer said...

But then people forget that 64 oz soda, more than half your daily calories. Big Sugar basically dictated 70s~80s nutrition conventional wisdom, with results anyone could expect.

That's the funny thing about the Bug Sugar 60% carbohydrate diet, people were demonstrably worse off, with 7-year-olds having heart attacks in the 90s, than what had come before.

It changed the politics of the Great Plains as well. You see, George McGovern (D-South Dakota) chaired the very sugar-friendly committee. South Dakota has gradually moved farther to the right because of what they see as a betrayal, as have the other cowboy states.

SickoRicko said...

Wow, what a great post!