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Friday, July 21, 2023

Friday Fun: Happy Racial Harmony Day

Friday Fun: 
Happy Racial Harmony Day

Today we celebrate Racial Harmony Day, which recognizes this country's progress toward becoming a racially peaceful society.

The concept of racial harmony is a beautiful ideal. In order to not risk sullying it, I had to examine whether I should do this type of post to honor the day. Would this be viewed as disrespectful? Was I objectifying people based on the color of their skin or ethnicity? You see...

I see race. 

If you say you don't see race, then you are denying who that person is, their heritage and what they have had to put up with and endure due to the color of their skin or ethnicity. You deny their day to day reality. And robbing them of that is a type of racism. 

So I see race. 

I see and acknowledge the truth of it.

Some see the color of someone's skin and immediately attach preconceived notions or prejudices to that person. In such instances, that person loses their individuality and becomes a trope, a stereotype, a cliché, an anachronism. They are objectified. They are rendered a 'thing'. They are deemed 'other'. 

Some refuse to acknowledge the pain and suffering of indigenous people who have had their lands torn from them or those kidnapped from their motherlands in order to provide this nation free labor. 

Some don't want certain historic facts or personal truths to be shared in classrooms. They'd rather sweep it under the rug than deal with feelings of possible guilt or shame. They'd rather pretend it never happened.

But it did.

And it does.

And it is.

The United States of America continues to have a long way to go as a people when it comes to issues surrounding race. 

For those who have evolved, for those who acknowledge, for those who teach truth and share personal experiences - this day belongs to them... this day should be celebrated for and by them. 

I know I will not live to see true racial harmony in the United States of America. We have too many ignorant and indifferent people in positions of power to achieve such a goal. Until those voices are either silenced or educated, we will not progress, we will not achieve, and we will never live in true harmony. 

That is why our political system in the United States needs to be preserved and protected. That is why every eligible citizen must participate in the process and exercise their right to vote. Only then will we advance as society and bring peace and harmony to this nation.

Ideals are more than a wish or a dream. Ideals are more than lip service or a 'warm fuzzy.' 

Ideals are meant to be achieved. 

Racial harmony is an ideal and it's time to become a reality is long overdue. 

So, today I urge each of you to reach out and do something positive, something progressive, something which promotes the ideal celebrated on this day - be it a simple or difficult conversation, signing up to volunteer for a political campaign, reading and educating yourself regarding the issues of race in the United States, or writing a letter to an elected official. 

I'm sharing these images as a means of promoting harmony. Love is love is love. That is part of how I am celebrating today.

Celebrate this day your way... and help move us all forward as a people.

Get involved. 

And evolve. 

Wishing you all the very best.
One world. Many people. 
Let's make it work, folks.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Sweet Harmony - The Beloved

Living In Harmony - Cliff Richard


Xersex said...

great multiracial sex
happy fringay & weekend!

Mistress Maddie said...

At the rate our government is going there are lots of things I'm not going to say before I'm dead.. racial Harmony being one of them. But this certainly is an interesting way to celebrate it!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

"That is why our political system in the United States needs to be preserved and protected. That is why every eligible citizen must participate in the process and exercise their right to vote. Only then will we advance as society and bring peace and harmony to this nation."



SickoRicko said...

Terrific post!

whkattk said...

With Black nephews, it's a bit difficult to not move things forward. 😊