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Saturday, July 08, 2023

Weekend Onesie: Think Of The Children!

Weekend Onesie:
 Think Of The Children!

Oh, won't somebody please think of the children?

I certainly won't be... I no longer have any patience for the little germ factories. Yes, I know, I'm one of 'those'.

And it would seem, from time to time. Madison Avenue has also held them in utter contempt. Otherwise, how do we explain such grave indifference?

Just take a look at theses fascinating, irreverent and sometimes downright dangerous examples from the advertising archives.

It certainly does go a long way of explaining what's wrong with 'the older generations'.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Summer is upon us...
So soak it all up, my dears.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

 Think Of The Children! - The Simpsons

(In a perfect world all children would be handed a sharp razor immediately after birth.)

(This is one after party I do not wish to attend)

 (Hmmm. Who's grooming whom?)

(Minnie can do as she pleases, but I, for one, do not want Mickey's 'milk' inside of me.)

"No more tears at bedtime... Caring dads always lube."
(They also slip you a fifty while shopping at Target.)
 Think Of The Children! - The Simpsons

(Does a free pair of penny-panties come with the deal?)

(Maybe Mary's not wiping front to back. Or... is she merely being overzealous?)

(Looks like Mary's gonna make it after all.)
(Get them while they're young, Motorola. Get them while they're young.)

 (One of them keeps kids singing all the way to child protective services. Guess which!)
 Think Of The Children! - The Simpsons


SickoRicko said...

These are terrific!

BatRedneck said...

The milk ad is... flabbergasting. Makes me wonder how Disney and the milk company both could let go with it. Owning an original from a magazine sure would deserve to be framed, LoL!
Thank you Upton for this 'lovely' post.
PS: I too am one of 'those'. I remember the one time a relative asked me if I could babysit their son and I answered sth like "Sorry but I think it would take more than a day to instill an actual education in him. I'll pass."

Mistress Maddie said...

"No more tears at bedtime... Caring dads always lube."

I agree with that. At least that's what I found out from sleeping with my best friend's father in my teenage years. And I think it was Vaseline he lubed me up with too. is it any wonder I like older men?