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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Titillation Tuesday: Cup-Pulls

Titillation Tuesday: 

Ah, there's nothing like a hot cup first thing in the morning...

...or the afternoon.

...or the evening, for that matter!

In fact, you can cup mine anytime you like. That's just the way I roll.

Today's Tuesday titillation is all about grabbing yourself a cup of Joe. 

Or Len. Or Dennis. Or Javier. 

Put cream in it if you like... but do stir thoroughly.  Me? I like mine stirred nice and slow.

Sweetener? Not necessary. 

Trust me, these men are sweet enough!

They say you should never drink alone. 
So, invite a friend. Need inspiration?
Then take a gander at these fine cup-pulls.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Coffee - Miguel

Coffee - Sylvan Esso


Xersex said...

love all these male sweetnesses

Mistress Maddie said...

So many of these pictures were so cute adorable and romantic and yet hot. I particularly like the one with the guy in the suit with his hubby sitting on the counter and they both have Mr and Mr mugs.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Miguel is just like I like my coffee!!