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Monday, June 26, 2023

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 153 - Adam's Gay Readers, Part 10 of 10

Acquired Tastes XLIII:
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 153
Adam's Gay Readers: Part 10 of 10

This week we continue our ten-part series of posts dedicated to Adam's Gay Reader's.

Adam's Gay Reader's were released under the Surey Books banner, and published from 1983-1991. Whether this imprint is related to other Surrey publications remains to be seen.

The books were distributed by Star Distributors, which operated out of a P.O. Box (P.O. Box 36) at the Canal Street Station in New York City, NY.

A total of 155 titles were published, all featuring distinctively soft, but gay-erotic illustrations, all in a watercolor-like style.

Described by The Book Merchant Jenkins as:

"One of the many gay erotic pulp novels produced in the mid to late 20th century. These short sexually explicit stories, many of which were formulaic and published in easily recognizable series with graphically illustrated covers and titillating titles each targeting a specific sexual niche, demonstrate the breadth of sexual fantasy, occupation, desire, and deviance of the emerging homosexual culture."

And... so far, that's all I have learned about this imprint. If you have any info, leave it in the comments section or contact me via blogger.

This week: I found 12 out of 18 covers!

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My Favorite Freshman
Author: Derek Olson

According to a note on Hommi Publishing's Big Gay List this one is about college jocks who reminisce.

I take it these dudes are at a ski lodge. Never had the pleasure, and I doubt very much that I ever will. That lifestyle? For someone else. Though I do remember the ski culture in the late 1960's to mid 1970's. It was very 'ski bunny' centered and went hand in hand with Hugh Hefner's cocktail crowd. It all seemed very chic to me and while I have had the pleasure of going downhill skiing (and took to it like a duck to water) - I never developed the desire to hang out in a ski lodge by a roasting fire. Even when I see that these days in films it still does not interest me. Though... you put a man in a some thermal underwear or a union suit and... suddenly I am SO THERE.

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Ty’s Alaskan Adventure
Author: Herman Hutznuckle

Remember Ty? The boy who had all those 'first' loves? Well, according to Hommi Publishing's Big Ass List this one is about a college boy who finds a new lover. So it seems Ty has 'graduated'. I take it they found a hot spring... in Alaska? You don't say. It makes me wonder if the illustrator read the book and decided this is the scene for the cover or if one of the editors dictated what it was to be. In any event, made it easy on the illustrator... all he had to draw was a couple of Ken doll heads with perfect coifs!

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Author: Carl Enders
Summer Separation

According to a note on Hommi Publishing's Big Gay List this one is about best friends after high school graduation.

Oh, my... look at the big booty on Ms. Thing in the pink track suit. I'm sure her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard - that is, if they can get over the fact he's wearing a pink track suit. Blondie there sure doesn't seem to mind. It would appear he has his mind on only one thing... and isn't that the purpose of these books?

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Bedtime Stories
Author: Adrian LeChance

Oh, no! It appears our preppy little wonderkin just got caught by someone he knows coming out of an adult boutique. And, as if that's not embarrassing enough, what is that in his clutches? Why that would be baby's first dildo! Why his friend is in a yellow rain slicker when it appears to not be raining? Well... what happens in those private viewing booths stays in those private viewing booths. We hope.

Please note: this is a 'Mixed Guys Book'!

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Twixt Teens & Twenties
Author: Lee Ryder

Twinks? Not my thing. I tolerate them. Will blow them if they wish. Will ride them like The Lone Ranger, if they request. But conversations with them - other than role play talk - leave me wanting. That's why I'd rather pat them on their heads and send them on their way. They are cute. And they are for someone else... not me. They have all the content of an etch a sketch taken out of it's package. Far be it from me to leave so much as a smudge on it. Come to think of it, conversations with them are a bit like staring at a blank screen, too.

Ah, my favorite author, Mr. Lee Ryder!

Lee Ryder

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Study Buddies
Author: Derek Olson

According to a note on Hommi Publishing's Big Gay List this one is about an economics student who is attracted to the guys he tutors.

I'm currently reading Arnie Kantrowitz's memoir, Under The Rainbow. It's all about growing up gay in the pre-stonewall era. He's an entertaining writer and it's a great read. You can get a copy via St. Martin's Press - it's part of their Stonewall Inn Classics collection. In it, he recalls a study session with one of his school chums which really got down to basics. The only math they got done was '69'. And then his mother just had to come home early and ruin it all.

Me? I was too naïve to ever have such an encounter. So, Mr. Kantrowitz's stories sort of confirm a lot of what I thought might be going on - for others. It sure would help to explain the popularity of a certain, very vain, former high school friend of mine. No jock, he... yet, that's whose 'company' he kept - and I always wondered why!

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Men of the Wildwest
Author: Adrian LeChance

Well, shades of my favorite vintage 1970's gay porno, Gold Rush Boys. Yes, a cowboy's down time is actually his 'up' time, if you know what I mean. Bathing in the company of other men... manly men! Why that city slicker sure seems to know where the actions at... I bet he just came by train. With any luck? He'll be pulling one before the night is through!

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The Big Boys

According to a note on Hommi Publishing's Big Gay List this one is about professional football.

The NFL bores the ever loving fuck out of me. I don't like anything about it... except the uniforms - particularly how those football pants (that's their actual name - I looked it up) hug their muscular buttocks. The only other aspect I'm interested in is what goes on in the locker room - and, sadly, they don't televise all that.

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Lambs at Play
Author: Lee Ryder

I may not have found this one's cover, but at least I found another photo of my favorite author!

Lee Ryder

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 First Term
Author: Peter A. Neus

According to a note on Hommi Publishing's Big Gay List this one is about a college student who discovers himself.

Another cover missing in action. But what a great pen name!

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Author: Mark Andrews

Odd title given the illustration. I mean, I get it... they probably both have nice baskets. But this would appear to be about a college student working his way through college as a janitor at the library. As I've shared in the past, libraries are - apparently - great places to get you some action. Now, I'm not sure what Mr. Clean there is suggesting with that vacuum cleaner nozzle - but if that kid in the skin tight jeans is smart enough to get into college, then he probably has sense enough to know that an industrial vacuum is NOT a sex toy.

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Tennis Ace
Author: Jodie Bishop

According to a note on Hommi Publishing's Big Gay List this one is about college jocks.

Are you ready? Given my less than picturesque childhood - we actually played tennis. Yes. We had racquets and everything. Cheap racquets, but... they did the trick. Why? Given our limited financial circumstances did we play tennis? Because it was free! They high school did not have a team, but they did have a tennis court. I was never very good at it, but I did enjoy it. 

These days? I'd be lucky to lob one over the net... it's been so long. Still, it's a sport and a culture which I have some understanding. And I remember in the 'haties' how all the preppies played tennis. You'd think that would have taken all the fun out of it, but... hey, they had to do something besides wear polo shirts and take up space.

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Tropical Heat
Author: Max Martin

Yes! Give me the heat. And those damn cut-off denim shorts. So very hot... and dirty. How I love working up a sweat in the heat of summer wearing as little as possible. It's the closest my life comes to being the set up for a classic bit of gay porn. You add to that the actual possibility of getting some work done which improves the exterior of a house? And I am so beside myself I can smell me.

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Truck Stop Cafe
Author: Paul J. Simon

Aww, that cute ginger is making some dough by washing windows down at the local truck stop. Who knew there was a standard uniform? He's wearing the same outfit my Alan doll wore the day I took him out of the box - so more beach than blacktop parking lot minded. Not that it matters. That outfit sure seems to have caught the attention of one suspender wearing trucker. Looks like our flame-headed boy will soon be busy doing something other than washing windows - which was probably his plan all along.

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Balmy Breezes Blow
Author: Ward Michaels

I was disappointed when I couldn't come up with covers for any of the final books for this imprint. But then I realized, the imprint was at its end of life when they came out, so it's not like there were a lot of copies out there to purchase. When an imprint dies, typically they don't continue to produce copies of a given title. So it stands to reason that these four are probably quite rare and difficult to find.

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Cutting Room Floor
Author: J.J. Sieman

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Author: Ed Kroch
AGR-255 Adam-2

I'm not sure what the significance of 'Adam-2' and 'Adam-1' are. Something they were trying, I guess.

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Author: Lee Ryder
AGR-256 Adam-1

Well, at lease we end with a title by my favorite author.
Lee Ryder

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And that's it for Adam's Gay Readers.

Next week we'll start on a different imprint, featuring another bounty of beautiful covers.

Until then...

Thanks for reading!

Bedtime Story - Madonna


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG that's one of my fab Madonna albums!!!
Also, I wanna lick Lee Ryder all over.

Did I tell you I saw one of these books in a thrift shop? It was under key and lock. It was $90.


WestCoastNerd said...

Finally caught up with this series of pulp posts. OMG Incredible!! I can't believe how much you've found. You've doubled my shopping list!! How am I ever going to track down all this stuff?! I guess I'm in for a lifelong hobby!! The dealers out there are should be paying you a finder's fee!! Thank you so much for doing this!!!