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Monday, March 04, 2024

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 184 - Parisian Press, Part 3 of 4

Acquired Tastes XLIII
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 184
Parisian Press
Part 3 of 4

Today, we take the third of four looks at Parisian Press (not to be confused with Gay Parisian Press - which are related to these and preceded them - or the leaflet-like adult offerings of Parisian Press published during the 1940s, 30s, and 40's in France.

Parisian Press published 45 gay titles during the years 1971 and 1972, running the typical gamut of gay subjects, including: incest, coaches, teachers, brothers, coming out, truckers, military, hustlers, and interracial. In addition, they published a 400 series devoted to heterosexual fare. All titles were printed in the US and were published in San Francisco.

The covers are typically a single color background with a white line drawing (sort of like an x-ray) - unless the solid color is white. In that instance the drawing appears in black ink.  

The books were written by a number of well-established writers, typically using a pseudonym. 

In the back of the book, mail order ads offering these books, gay skin magazines, their Gay Parisian Press titles, and a selection of heterosexual books and magazines. The mail order business operated as Le Salon Mail Order House, Inc. at 1118 Polk Street, San Francisco, CA 94109

Depending on condition, these books run from $18-76 at on-line bookstores, or, frequently, much more on eBay. 

Here are the next 12 titles! This week, I found all 12 covers.

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Lusty Seamen
Author: Jay David Lawrence 
Parisian Press 

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 Fresh from the Farm
Author: Billy Farout
Parisian Press

Billy Farout is the pseudonym of poet William Barber. As Billy Farout, he wrote four titles for this imprint.

Available as a downloadable PDF or ebook at Hommi Publishing.

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 Teen-Age Hustler
Author: Joseph Loring 
Parisian Press 

Available as a downloadable PDF or ebook at Hommi Publishing.

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 City Boys
Author: David L. Rinker
Parisian Press

Available as a downloadable PDF or ebook at Hommi Publishing.

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Deadly Orgasm
Author: John Jackson
Parisian Press 

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Man It Must Be Heaven
Author: Billy Farout
Parisian Press  

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Orgy Italian Style
Author: Mario
Parisian Press

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Too Beautiful
Author: Lambert Wilhelm
Parisian Press

William J. Lambert, III (William Maltese) is an extremely prolific author who has written in a number of genres. His pseudonyms include Christopher Dane, Adriana DeBolt, Karl Klyne, Anna Lambert, Billy Lambert, W Lambert III, Willa Lambert, William Maltese, Lambert Wilhelm and several others. He's written gay-oriented novels for many imprints, including Greenleaf Classics, BlueBoy, His69 and Golden Boy Books. His most recent novel was published in 2019.

William J. Lampert III

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 Caribbean Sex
Author: Lance Prodde 
Parisian Press

Check out that pseudonym! Demonstrating, once again, that the publishers of these books were not without a sense of humor.

Available as a downloadable PDF or ebook at Hommi Publishing.

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It’s Show Biz
Author: John Jackson
Parisian Press 

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Military Orgy
 Author: Eric Stevens
Parisian Press

According to Hommi Publishing's Big Ass List this one is about an ex-hustler from San Francisco stationed in Germany.

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Trucker’s Delight
Author: Jim Colby
Parisian Press

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And that's all for now.

Next week, we'll finish up with Parisian Press.

Until then...

Thanks for reading!

This Must Be Heaven - Lamont Johnson


Xersex said...

I had read lusty semen instead of seamen

whkattk said...

Quite the variety here.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

The themes are hot but the covers are... childish? Like drawn by someone with absolutely no training?