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Monday, March 18, 2024

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 185 - Pendulum Books

Acquired Tastes XLIII
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 185
Pendulum Books

This week we take a look at the gay titles offered by Pendulum Books.

As is typical of this type of publisher, very little is known about Pendulum Books. 

Pendulum Books, Inc. operated out of  Atlanta, Georgia, in an office at 123 Simpson Street N.W.

The bulk of their output was heterosexual smut running the usual gamut - incest, swapping, hustlers and prostitutes, bondage, S&M, etc., with at least one known lesbian novel and ten gay male titles. 

The books we'll be taking a look at were published from 1968 to 1970, which very well may be the lifespan of the imprint. During its lifetime, Pendulum Books published 500 titles.

During that time, the paperback covers would go through four distinct design periods: colorful block optic graphics, then a pink and black frame design featuring an overexposed art photo, then a black background with a color photo, and finally, a distinctive white frame on a black background featuring a traditional color illustration. All four styles are represented among the ten titles we'll take a look at today and all four include the distinctive banner in the up right corner which declared "Positively Adults Only!"

The last few pages of the books were reserved for ads offering readers the opportunity to purchase other books the imprint offered. 

Of the ten gay titles, I was only able to find seven covers. 

Let's take a look...

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The Coming Race
Author: E. S. Moore
Pendulum Books

Described as: The saga of a modern-day Don Juan, whose acts of sex and violence, as in a Greek tragedy, ultimately bring retribution upon him - but he certainly lives his dissolute life to the fullest. 

192 pages. Found a copy for $9 at AbeBooks (plus $4.50 shipping).

Back Cover

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I Homosexual
Author: Adrian James
Pendulum Books 

Described as: A trip around the world was all it took to show the youth that straight sex was not for him - the happiness lay only in the arms of another man. 

Found two copies: one for $99 at Kayo Books or one for $45.50 at AbeBooks.

Back Cover

Table Of Contents

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Holding My Own
Author: William S. Kiowa
Pedulum Books

Found a copy for $25 at Hommi Publishing.

Available as a downloadable PDF or ebook at Hommi Publishing.

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The Gay Sucker
Author: Michael Hunt
Pendulum Books

Cover not found.

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Come Gay
Author: Ben Stark
Pendulum Books

Cover not found.

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 Size Queen
Author: Ben Stark
Pendulum Books 

This one includes an introduction by Carl Driver.

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Lonely Man
Author: Jean Paul
Pendulum Books

Cover not found.

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Made with Clay
Author: Carl Driver
Pendulum Books

Carl Driver has written books for many of the vintage gay pulp imprints we've taken a look at as part of this series.

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Extra Man
 Author: Gene North
Pendulum Books

Gene North is another name that keeps popping up. He wrote a number of titles for Greenleaf Classics.

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Trade Secret
Author: James Insley
Pendulum Books

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And that's all we have for Pendulum Books.

Next week: another set  of titillating titles from another vintage gay pulp fiction imprint.

Until then...

Thanks for reading.

Size Queen - DJ Inox feat. Adam Joseph


Xersex said...

very interesting

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

POSITIVELY Adults only? Don't say more.
And Size Queen looks very, very nice. I have a thing for blonds with a mustache.


Xersex said...

love this vintage set!
These books should be put in a museum!