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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The Labyrinth of Blue Towers: The Disappearance of Jack Arneson, Chapter 7

The Labyrinth of Blue Towers:

The Disappearance of Jack Arneson

(A Sewing Box Mystery)

Chapter 1: Friday, June 10, 2011, 7:21 pm

Chapter 2: Saturday, June 11, 2011, 8:38 am

Chapter 3: Thursday, June 28, 1984, 10:10 am

Chapter 6: Friday, June 29, 1984, 2:17 pm

Chapter 7: Wednesday, December 19, 1984, 6:03 am

The heater wasn’t kicking in. Jean had performed all her usual rituals; turning the thermostat all the way up, then turning it all the way down, messing with the gas valve on the side, and taking the cover off the unit to allow as much air flow as possible—but still, nothing. Now all she could do was pray. And if that didn’t work, then she’d break down and call Minnegasco - again. She hated the idea of having yet another bill to pay, especially with Christmas right around the corner, but what else could she do? She had no choice; they had to have heat. It was twenty below outside and running the oven full blast with the door open only kept a small part of the kitchen warm.

Fortunately Missy was still bundled up in her bed, asleep. Jean hoped to get this resolved before she woke up. 

Poor thing.


Jean still had so much shopping left to do and Missy’s list kept growing almost daily thanks to all the commercials that accompanied her favorite cartoons Rainbow Brite, Care Bears, and Pound Puppies; everything that girl saw was everything she wanted and needed. Jean kept trying to temper her expectations, explaining that Santa had lots of boys and girls who needed presents, but she was pretty sure the message wasn’t getting through. She hated to disappoint Missy, especially now that Dorie was going to be spending the holidays in the Bahamas with friends, but there were limits (most of which were financial in nature). It might be different if Dorie pitched in a little, but that wasn’t likely to happen

Jeanette, on the other hand, had surprised Jean lately. Ever since Thanksgiving she’d been stopping by unannounced several times a week. Usually it was to pick up some of her stuff, but Jean suspected that was merely more or less an excuse. Jeanette genuinely seemed concerned about Jean’s welfare and also appeared to be paying a bit more attention to her niece. Possibly just a phase, but Jean appreciated it none the less. It also probably had something to do with a certain deadbeat low life biker being pushed out of her daughter’s life. Thank, God! Jean wanted to know what had happened, but knew better than to pry.

As these thoughts raced through her head, Jean sat facing the open oven door, leaning in slightly to get the most out of the heat it offered. She stared at the bit of blue flame she could see, as if it held all the answers.

How long had it been now? Months and months. The dreams. They just kept coming. And last night? Last night was the worst.

Ever since that Arneson boy disappeared last summer, Jean had been dreaming about him almost nightly. In that time the dreams had changed, but only a bit. They always began the same. Each night she would find herself in front of the gigantic furnace before beginning her trip through the maze of blue towers to the room with the cot where Jack sat reading. Only now, Jean seemed to have a little more control - just enough to look around and notice more about her surroundings. Now, she was also able to keep up with Jack when he ran from the makeshift room. She'd walked through the maze of towers so often she felt she could do it blindfolded. This familiarity allowed her to follow the boy. He always led her back to the room with the smooth brick wall.

In that room, she eventually noticed a window; a small rectangle of light. Standing on her tip-toes, she was able to see out. It was winter outside, but there wasn’t enough snow to completely obscure her view. Right next to the window, there was a bush or shrub, it’s brittle, grey branches completely drained of life Just beyond the bush ran a sidewalk. It was always shoveled and salted. On several occasions Jean could see what appeared to be a woman wearing a long, heavy, brown skirt walking past the window. Whenever she tried to bang on the glass to get the woman's attention, the dream would end, so after a few failed attempts, she learned to resist that impulse. 

Past the sidewalk, there was a gravel path. Recently, on certain nights, she noticed some kind of white truck, like a delivery van, parked or idling there. She never saw anyone get in or out of the vehicle, and though she tried, could not see any of its license plate.

As she approached the window, she would find the boy standing there, looking up at it. It was too high for him to look out, though sometimes he tried. If she attempted to help him, he would melt in her arms and the dream would end, so, again, she learned not interfere.

Shortly after returning to the room with the tiny window, an adult hand would reach out of the shadows, offering itself, as if to lead them somewhere. Whenever Jean tried to take the hand. Jack’s hand would be there first. She would then follow, as the boy was led down a hallway. Sometimes the hall would lead to a set of wide stairs made of smooth cement. At the top of the stairs there was a blonde wooden door. The door would open and the boy would disappear on the other side. Jean was never allowed to follow or actually touch the door. Each time she reached for the copper knob, the room would spin and she would find herself alone, back in the room with the tiny window. The first time it happened, she woke up, but since that time, she had been allowed to remain and spend time studying the world on the other side of the small window.

Eventually, Jack would return. He usually had something with him to eat. Jean thought it was a piece of bread or a pastry of some kind. For some reason, this made Jean feel better. She also thought the boy seemed less anxious when he returned from the room with the blonde door.

Other times, a different hand would appear and lead Jack down the same hallway, though through a different door. There, they would find themselves in the maze of blue towers.

Jean would do her best to follow, but could never arrive in time to enter the makeshift room with the metal door at the same time Jack did. Instead, she would find herself locked out, unable to open or move through the door. Rather than wait for the door to open, Jean would turn around and try to make her way back through the maze of blue towers, but as familiar as she was with the layout, she always managed to get lost and would then wake up.

In the daytime, Jean felt haunted. The dreams left her exhausted, restless and out-of-sorts. Given their frequency, she was beginning to agree with Terri; perhaps there was something in them that might be useful to the police. Every morning Terri would call, asking for any new developments. She had become as hooked on Jean’s dreams as she was on her soaps. Terri offered all sorts of interpretations, none of which made any sense to Jean. For Jean, the dreams were very literal, save for a few of the odder elements, such as the giant eye and the maze of blue towers. Still, that didn’t prevent Terri from offering her two cents worth. She also kept prodding Jean to contact the police. So far Jean had resisted doing so, though, on occasion, she was tempted.

Around Thanksgiving, Jean happened to catch an interview with the boy’s mother on one of the local news programs. Her blonde hair was still cut in a blunt style that reminded Jean of skater Dorothy Hamill, but the rest of the woman was unrecognizable. Dressed in a sharp suit jacket, Jack’s mother appeared thinner in body and more severe about the face. Clearly the tragedy was taking a toll. She was talking about missing and exploited children.

Watching, it had torn Jean's heart out, moving her so much that she thought she should reach out to the authorities as Terri kept suggesting. But before doing so, she decided to run it past Dorie to see what she thought and... that was the end of it. Dorie listened intently as Jean shared her dream, but balked at the idea of her mother going to the police. Her daughter called the dreams nonsense and said the cops would treat Jean like a nut job. Besides, they had better things to do than waste their time listening to some old woman’s dreams. That had stung quite a bit. With that. Jean decided it was probably best to wait, until she had more information - something more concrete. That is, until last night...

Last night, her dream had begun as it always did, with her standing in front of the furnace before making her way through the maze to the metal door. The moment Jean moved through the metal door she knew something was different. Feeling along the wall, she could not find the eye. Where had it gone? Turning around, she felt a bit more assured, because the cot with the blanket was still there, but when she lifted the blanket - Jack was not there. 

He was gone!

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Dreams - Fleetwood Mac

Monday, February 27, 2023

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 136 - Adonis Classics, Part 21 of 25

Acquired Tastes XLIII
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 136
Adonis Classics, Part 21 of 25

Greenleaf Classic Books, the publishers of  the Adonis Classics imprint, began in 1959 and continued until 1971, when management lost focus on the business due to the government's prosecution of obscenity, which became of major concern. 

By 1974, a new management team and staff were in place, operating out of an office at 7523 Raytheon Road in San Diego and production ceased on all existing imprints. In an attempt to break into mainstream markets, two new imprints were started which used cover art and titles that were not provocative. These efforts failed.

In 1975, with the loosening of censorship laws, the Adonis Classics imprint began production. It marks the end of Greenleaf Classic's Classic Age (1959-1975.) 

Adonis Classics would release a total of 252 titles during it's lifespan. 

The first twenty covers feature white backgrounds (with one exception) and colored drawings or black and white pencil illustrations. After the first two titles, a particular type-face was established, with the title appearing above the illustration. The distinctive Adonis Classics symbol was established with either the seventh or eighth title in the series.

After the first twenty titles, the imprint switched to their iconic red covers (though sometimes pink,) featuring a black and white pencil or ink illustration framed in a black circle which has an arrow attached - the universal sign for the planet Mars or to designate something as 'male.' The book's title at the top of the cover is similarly encased in a white circle with an arrow (the symbol for the planet Mars and 'male'.)

This week: 10 out of 10 covers were found.

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Pump An Iron-Hard Stud 
Author: Barry Dunn
AC 311 

January 1984! Say it isn't so! A new decade of titles. 

Now, I'm all for spotting someone at the gym. In fact, back in the days before Covid, those sideways glances as others are pumping iron made for great motivation. They certainly got me to the gym everyday. Like Aerosmith - I didn't want to miss a thing! Besides...

You never knew when one of those glances would lead to a connection; the kind where after your work outs are done, you find yourself standing next to each other in the showers!

Available as an e-book or a pdf download at Hommi Publishing.

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Cousin Loving Chicken
Author: Jason Bonds
AC 312 

Fun on the farm! Yee haw!

Now, I don't recommend dropping trou around heavy machinery. Strikes me as sort of risky. But, when the mood strikes, I suppose throwing caution becomes a casualty. I know I probably couldn't resist a the sort of package being presented in the above illustration. Though I would be worried about what the neighbors might say. But then, maybe that's why farmers have so much land. Yes... just acres and acres of fun!

Available as an e-book or a pdf download at Hommi Publishing.

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Hung Jailboy 
Author: Wes Cranston
AC 313 

More jailhouse fun! This time with an age dynamic thrown in. Oh, to be seen as fresh meat. 

Of course, with my luck, my cellmate wouldn't look anything like the boys from Oz - as in that wonderfully homoerotic series about prison life featuring the likes of Ernie Hudson, J.K. Simmons, and Christopher Meloni. No, I'd more likely be stuck with The Cowardly Lion or The Wizard.

Well, in such circumstances, one makes due with what one has on hand, right?

Available as an e-book or a pdf download at Hommi Publishing.

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Biker’s Chicken Punk 
Author: Barry Dunn
AC 314 

A young fresh thing to pass around. 

In my youth, I hung out at a biker bar. For some reason, it was the hang for this one theatre group I was involved with. I think I was only 17, but I got served. And tried to play pool - I was terrible, but it was fun. As for the bikers that hung out at that bar? Well, I suppose if you took one home and gave it a bath, maybe you could salvage something - but the bulk of them were to scary for this Mary.

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Slave Sons 
Author: Kurt Kimble
AC 315 

Older man, younger man. 

I dunno. I see those folks seeking such an arrangement and I don't get it. Role play, sure. But some folks take this sort of thing way too seriously. 

But then I'm not the sort to set up anything with even a whiff of permanence - that just leads to disappoint, for them. Now, on occasion, I will stumble into a situation where someone much, much younger than myself is looking to get busy, and, in that instance, I will make an exception. 

By now, you know me... like George Michael, I never turn down a free meal.

Available as an e-book or a pdf download at Hommi Publishing.

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Buddies Behind Bars 
Author: Barry Dunn
AC 316 

Still more jailhouse shenanigans. 

It appears there are three to a cell in this prison. And blondie there is the welcoming committee, for that sure appears to be one fine looking open house. Another fine illustration. And based on specifications shown, I'm wondering if the artist actually read the books before creating the cover?

Available as an e-book or a pdf download at Hommi Publishing.

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Bathhouse Bondage 
Author: Wes Cranston
AC 317

I have been to bathhouses. And I have walked up on some pretty intense scenes, mostly involving a sling in motion. But I do not recall that bondage ever played much of a role. Traffic always seemed so fluid, as men move from area to area. Personally? I just can't imagine staying in one place long enough to be tied down. But I suppose it does happen... maybe in those little rooms with the doors you can rent? The thing is... bondage requires a lot of props, and unless you arrive with the one you're going to be playing with, I can't imagine hauling all that stuff around in search of someone who might be interested. Sounds like a cumbersome exercise in disappointment to me.

Available as an e-book or a pdf download at Hommi Publishing.

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Into – FF, B&D, S&M 
Author: Barry Dunn
AC 318 

Those are some refined tastes. I have dabbled in all three, but I can't imagine a steady diet of any of them. But then, people do go through phases. Trouble is, when the phase is over, what do you do with all the props you've collected? I was really into cock rings for a time. But once that obsession ran it's course, I had all sorts of them scattered about. I had no idea what to do with them, so they sat in various plastic containers. Every time I saw them, I'd feel guilty about them just sitting around. I mean, it's not the kind of thing one sells at a rummage sale or donates to Goodwill. 

The solution? One night I was meeting up with a man who was super GGG - good, giving, and game for anything. I grabbed those cock rings and put them in my backpack. At the end of our little play session - which had surpassed both our wildest dreams, I handed the stuff to him. I figured he'd find good use for it... and now? No more guilt. I'm free of it. And - it all found a good home!

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Suck Scat Boy 
Author: Jason Bonds
AC 319 

Oh, dear... there's that invention improved upon by Thomas Crapper, playing a guest starring role. Man, that looks uncomfortable. Also... this is not the sort of scene I would ever consider. I mean, I do like me some men's room play - tea rooms used to be my thing. But, based on the title of this little opus, I'm thinking those two are headed in a direction I will never go. 

But, as I always say... to each their own, to each their own. One man's crapper is another man's throne!

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Honor Thy Father’s Flesh 
Author: Barry Dunn
AC 320 

Ooo... Daddy's a trucker! Taking his boy on a side road for a bit of fun.

My word, why don't we do it in the road, indeed. 

Available as an e-book or a pdf download at Hommi Publishing.

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And that's all for now.

Tune in next week for ten more tantalizing titillating titles.

Until then...

Thanks for reading!

Why Don't We Do It In The Road - Lowell Fulsom

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip: Phyllis Diller

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip
Phyllis Diller

In my own personal big gay church, there is a wing dedicated to the Ladies Of Comedy. Theses are the gals who made us laugh and, on occasion, brought a tear to our eyes. They are visionaries, capturing aspects of the human condition while holding up a mirror to the world. Their characters, style, and phrases have helped form our daily vernacular in ways we are not even always aware of - but that is the power of comedy and the magic these ladies all possess. Among them?

Phyllis Diller

Talk about a groundbreaker! This lady was out there doing material unlike any before her. 

First off, she wrote most of her own stuff. Secondly, she harpooned the sanctity of a trio of sacred cows: marriage, motherhood and the myth of domestic bliss. 

As if that wasn't enough, throughout her career, she experimented with her costuming, lampooning current fashions and fads. 

And her signature laugh? One of a kind. 

She was welcomed into our living rooms week after week, eventually getting her own sitcom which ran for 30 episodes.

The grace with which she lived and the kindness shown to her fans, truly to be admired.

She never stopped working and she never stopped making us laugh.

The gospel according to her?

Well, her are three from the hip, dropping from her lips.

The topics? Housework, Motherhood, and Growing Old.

"Housework can't kill you, but why take a chance?" 

" Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing." 

" I'm eighteen years behind in my ironing." 

"I buried a lot of my ironing in the back yard."

"The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron."

"My cooking is so bad my kids thought Thanksgiving was to commemorate Pearl Harbor."

"Best way to get rid of kitchen odors? Eat out."

"Tranquilizers work only if you follow the advice on the bottle - keep away from children."

"Most children threaten at times to run away from home. This is the only thing that keeps some parents going."

"We spend the first twelve months of our children's lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and shut up."
"I want my children to have all the things I couldn't afford. Then I want to move in with them."

"Always be nice to your children because they are the ones who will choose your rest home."
"Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age - as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight."

"Old age is when the liver spots show through your gloves."

"You know you're old if your walker has an airbag."

"You know you're old if they have discontinued your blood type."

"You know you're old when someone compliments you on your alligator shoes, and you're barefoot."

Phyllis Diller on The Jim Nabors Show

Phyllis Diller on The Liberace Show

Phyllis Diller on The Dean Martin Show

And one last parting shot...

I've been asked to say a couple of words about my husband, Fang. How about short and cheap?

His finest hour lasted a minute and a half.

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Saturday, February 25, 2023

Weekend Onesie: Never Underestimate The Power Of Naps

Weekend Onesie:
Never Underestimate The Power Of Naps

Experiencing a bit of those midwinter blues?

Here's a cure you might wish to try.

A twenty minute nap can rejuvenate the spirit, leading to increased focus, interest, drive and energy. 

Now, I can think of a number of activities where those qualities might come in handy. 

And keep in mind...

Nothing says you have to nap alone!

Restore your faith in love and life.
Treat yourself to a brief nap, today.
Keep in mind: just because its a snooze doesn't mean it can't be fun!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

In The Afternoon - Josef Salvat

Love In The Afternoon - Chrisette Michele

Friday, February 24, 2023

Friday Fun: Shirt Says It All!

Friday Fun: Shirt Says It All!

When do you know you can take a man at his word?

When it's splayed across his t-shirt!

Reading is fundamental... with the emphasis on fun!

Why, there's no better means of getting the word out there. 

And when they look? Don't hesitate to remind them...

"Hey, buddy! My eyes are up here."

Here's hoping you get 'read' this weekend.
'Read' nice and hard.
All you have to do is get the word out there!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque
Words - Alesso feat. Zara Larsson

Words - Missing Persons