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Saturday, February 04, 2023

Weekend Onesie: Mother's Little Helpers

Weekend Onesie: Mother's Little Helpers

Oh, yes, children... it is that time of year once again.

That horrible gaping yawn of a season known as... mid-winter.

The midwinter blues? Common as a 'KarCrashian', I'm afraid.

And everyone has their means of coping... exercise, outdoor activities, crafting, social clubs, museums, baking, eating, sex, Netflix... the list goes on and on. But the one that may come back to haunt is... self-medicating.

A little edible? A nice martini? A couple of mother's little helpers? All well and good - in moderation. Overdoing it? Never a good thing, my dears.

So, keep that in mind should you choose to go that route. After all, you want to be good and alert when spring does finally arrive. 

And it will. It's just a matter of time.

In the meantime? Look at it this way: at least we have Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras and St. Patrick's Day to distract us.

To celebrate?

Maybe.. bake a cake?

This has been a public service message from little old me.
Hang in there, sugar babies.
Spring is on it's way.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Mother's Little Helper - The Rolling Stones


Bob said...

That sound you hear is me knocking wood that don't suffer SAD.
Still, a martini sounds good.

Deliciousdeity said...

Bob, thankfully I don't either, but last night in Toronto it was minus 29 degrees centigrade. I had to take a bus, streetcar, and then the subway to get home from my shift. When I got home I remembered a bottle of Graham's Late Bottled Port (2017) in the armoire. I drank what remained in the bottle at midnight. Nectar of the late night Gods, I held my snifter cupped in both hands.

Mistress Maddie said...

Yeah, Im another one doesn't mind winter or suffer from SAD. I mean, I look at winter as a time to relax and recharge my batteries and sleep.