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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Diminishing Returns? Oh, My!


Diminishing Returns? Oh, My!

Update: Things have returned to normal and I was credited with the 1,042 views I would normally have. Yes, I realize that globe doesn't tell the whole story, but frequently there are as many as eight or nine people looking at it - so, I'm not delusional. 

I went in and looked for emails from google. I thought they were spam. One sent me to approve robot.txt. from various somethings - there were six of them. I had to test each one to see if they were compatible with my site, if they passed, I would then hit the submit button. I don't know if that has anything to do with anything, but I did that. There was also a lot of mumbo jumbo about pages not being indexed and... I don't even know what that means. Something about videos and photos, I think. I didn't mess with any of that. 

Anyway, this morning it is back to normal and, yay. 

We now resume our regularly broadcast schedule. 


--- ---

This is odd.

But this is what I have learned.

Apparently Google has a new analytical program. 

So, instead of the 900 to 1,000 clicks a day I used to rack up..., it shows that I have 14-28 clicks a day. 

I'm very sad.

I liked watching those clicks add up. It satisfied my ego. (Yes, I have one!)

Well, now I will just have to be content with... I don't know... 

I have to find a new reward system. 

The writing is reward enough? Having the opportunity is reward enough? Getting to share whatever I want with fourteen people a day... reward enough?

Well, enough. 

I'll just keep doing my thing. 

Even if not as many people as I thought are watching.

You know... I got that little globe in the upper right. It shares geographically where people are tuning in. I think there's a lot more than 14 people...

But, until I find a solution... I guess I'll just have to eat this shit pie. 


Isn't life sweet?


- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque


Anonymous said...

I checked the globe just now, and I was the only person on your blog.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Babes, I had no idea of this.
I only have like forty followers and I only pay attention to what you guys comment, so this is kind of new to me.
I'm gonna have to check this out.


Mistress Maddie said...

I say fuck all of it. I don't know I believe any of it anyhow. But you have to have more than 14 people a day looking at your's too interesting not too. Most bloggers have far more readers and lurkers then commentors anyhow. Besides, you already have the best commentors anyhow, lol!!!!!!