Acquired Tastes XLIII:
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 180
Pyramid Books
Phil Hirsch was vice president of Pyramid Books from 1955-1975 and had his name as author or editor on many of Pyramid's books, which included: anthologies of jokes, cartoons and humor, westerns, murder mysteries, war combat, biographies, television program tie-ins, games, romance, and adult fiction. While not the most prolific publisher of science fiction and fantasy, Pyramid did offer some notable original titles.
Many of their early gay pulps were reissues of literary novels with gay themes. They, along with titles from the other genres, were frequently republished, given a new cover and remarketed.
The seven titles below represent their gay male output (though there may be more). I've included their alternative covers and back covers when possible.
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Twilight Men
Author: Andre Tellier
Pyramid Books
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Never The Same Again
Author: Gerald Tesch
Pyramid Books
Back Cover
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The Divided Path
Author: Nial Kent
Pyramid Books
Author: Eric Jourdan
Pyramid Books
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The Heart In Exile
Author: Rodney Garland
Pyramid Books
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Until next time...
Thanks for reading!
Bitter Love - Pia Mia
Those are some good covers, and cover blurbs.
OMG, the covers!!!
Love them.
And this is a perfect time capsule of those years: misinformed, lurid, scandalous. I truly feel for the men who had to live through that...
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