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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday's Question Of The Day: Love

Wednesday's Question Of The Day: 

Hump day? Well, I'll give you something to ponder.

Yes, it's time for Wednesday's Question Of The Day.

Each Wednesday, a new question to give you the opportunity to do a bit of self-examination.  Think of it as a way of getting to know all about you and a chance to learn a little more about me. 

That's right. You know me; spill that tea! For I am the king of over-sharing!

Oh, and please leave your responses in the comments section. 

Why, think of this as a little blogging kiki!

Okay! Ready, set... 

Here's today's question:

What does love feel like?

Solid. Solid as a rock. A foundation you can build something upon. 

Like everyone, I used to think it was a rollercoaster. But rollercoasters are scary and unpredictable and designed so, eventually, you must get off. An ending is guaranteed. And if you want to ride again, you have to go back, buy another ticket and wait in line.

When you're young? Take all the rollercoaster rides you want. After all, there's a reason they call them amusement rides.

But once you mature, trust me... your taste will change. You'll tire of the drama. The uncertainty. The ups and downs. It'll become enough to make you sick!

Now, being something solid and firm doesn't necessarily mean it's not also fun. There is something giddy about the prospect of future success, but to experience it you have to have a reason to believe it's possible. And you have to have something solid on which to base such a belief.

I enjoy the comfort. I get to relax and be myself - done with the idea of twisting myself into someone I'm not or expected to be. 

I like the certainty. He's always there, in everything I do now. When the chips are down, he can be counted on to come through, and I am more than capable of doing the same for him. We have each other's backs. I have no doubt there's anything we can't weather - with humor, kindness and consideration. 

It's far from boring. Conversation becomes important. And there are fireworks... especially in the beginning, but one can't live a live a life of explosions and sparks - why, everything around  you would eventually catch fire.

It took me a long time to adopt this attitude. 

But, unless you want to squander your life, time, and energy on nonsense, you'll end up doing the same.

If you're smart? You'll save your last two tickets for that balloon ride.

--- ---

End Of The World - Matt Alber


Bob said...

I think it feels like everything all at once.

whkattk said...

Oh, it's giddy, butterflies, lust. But it's also heartache and pain. And caring and stability. It's saying what you think - but keeping your mouth shut, too. Doing shit because the other wants to, knowing all the while they'll return the favor at some point. It's putting up with shit, because you know there's shit you do that they put up with. It's a bargain, an agreement to be in it thick or thin.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Matt Alber gives me such a thrill!
And Love? Oh, Upton. Love for me is so very complicated. It IS solid. And it is comforting. But it scares me greatly. I've had it once or twice, mind you. And it's always ended. And my heart has taken a long time to heal.


Mistress Maddie said...

Love? LOVE?????? The first three relationships I had were for love. The rest are for money darling.