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Monday, November 29, 2021

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 78 - HIS69, Part 7 of 20

Acquired Tastes XLIII
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 78
HIS69, Part 7 of 20

The HIS69 imprint remained active from 1971 thru 1988, delivering an astounding 240 titles. Surrey House, Inc. / Surree Ltd, Inc. of San Diego and Santee, California are responsible for this imprint which was distributed by the same company as Trojan Books, Manhard Books, Gay Books and Gay Way Books; the Zorro Distribution Company, also operating out of San Diego.

It should be noted that many of these titles, with original artwork included, were simultaneously republished under the Gay Books imprint and then, later, minus the artwork, were also republished under the ManPower imprint.

The artwork for the HIS69 books would go through only two minor shifts with all the covers featuring ink drawings by various uncredited illustrators - artwork quite similar to what we saw with the Manhard imprint.

We've got 13 more weeks to go!

Here are the next twelve titles. This week, once again, I was able to track down all twelve!

A Young Man's Fanny
Author: Bert Shrader

Rather love that title. I'm a sucker for a good pun. Speaking of fanny's (not in the British sense, of course), the butts featured in these drawings all seem to be the same pert, perfectly-rounded globes, minus contours. I wouldn't mind living in that world, though I wonder if, once they age, they end up looking like mine! Perish the thought.

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Cockpit Cruiser
Author: Rod Rammer

A generic illustration for a rather specific topic. I would have expected to see those cockpit crew uni-suits undone down to the naval with a nicely pronounced package attached, maybe a race car in the backdrop. Oh, well... they did make up for it a bit with that pseudonym. Spot on.

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3-Way Plug-In
Author: Eric Todd

My word! Talk about gift baskets! It's been awhile since I've received anything so plentiful. Lots of muscle on display, a bit of fur and a hot porn-stache thrown in. I wouldn't mind that pair showing up at my door, speedos and all. 

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Deep Dick
Author: Frank Jeffries

Interesting illustration. The towel grab and the shy pose? Priceless. I wonder if Mr. Fun Buns is going to get the locker room quickie he's bargaining for?

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Get It In The Rear
Author: Jock Masters
I had to look really closely to determine exactly what the dude on the right was using to obscure his junk. Apparently, it is his billfold. So it would suggest that he's proposing some type of transaction. Could it be that he's sending the blue-jeaned lad to the back of the motel to procure a couple of bottles of soda pop? 

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The Assman Cometh
Author: J.R. Vincent

LOVE any type of classical theatre reference. They say the best writers write about what they know. Eugene O'Neill? He wrote a lot about hopeless alcoholics. Just saying... 

Now, that young man on the receiving end of a bit of old school discipline looks to be VERY young. I wonder what the offense might be? My guess? He did the unforgivable... spooging on a decorative pillow! Damn difficult explaining such stains at the dry cleaners.

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Through The Chute
Author: Daniel Gilbert

Ah, a bit of of coal miner humor! Well, looks like HIS69 finally got one right.  I imagine they're trapped beneath the earth, due to a cave-in. One would think their minds would be concerned about rationing their oxygen... but, apparently their priorities lie elsewhere!

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Shoot It Out!
Author: Rich Cummings

Oh, looks like things at the the pajama party just got a bit real. Seven Minutes In Heaven, anybody? Spin The (Gin) Bottle? A bit of Pin The Tail To The Wall, y'all? Well, no matter the game, it would appear our cover boys are more than up for the task. P.S. I always play to win.

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The Rod Squad
Author: Sy Jaffe

Remember The Mod Squad? Oh, I had a crush on both Julie and Linc. Clarence Williams III? Grrrr. I don't know about playing undercover counter-culture cops... but I would've loved to been part of The Rod Squad! Imagine their adventures! Going undercover at the chicest bathhouse to break up a counterfeit poppers smuggling ring! Or spending a night, dancing beneath the dazzling disco lights in order to get to the bottom (!) of a group of renegade Drag Queens! 

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Come For Lunch
Author: Roger Hart

Back in the days of working in the office, I came for lunch a lot. I'd hit my workplace gym at 10:00 am, get on Grindr and find myself some hot lunch. When it worked, it worked well. It didn't always do the trick. 

But I did.

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Hot Rodding
Author: Bert Shrader

Hot Rod Hearts, indeed. Looks like our cover boy is double-checking before flagging in the winning car. He looks to be quite the trophy. I wonder how many laps it takes to get to the center of this tootsie pop?

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Dick Docs
Author: E. Rex. Dix

Another great television series to consider. Think of all the hot action as these boys are scrubbing up for surgery! Or the mysterious case of 'how did that lightbulb get up that man's rectum?' Or maybe the scene at the E.R. when a set of 'conjoined' twins come in order to be separated! Again... the possibilities stagger the mind.

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And that's all for today.

Next week we will take a look at the next twelve.

We have 13 weeks to go. 

Thanks for reading.

Hot Rod Hearts - Robbie Dupree

1 comment:

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I'm totally into these illustrations.
Love me some beefcake. The titles, though... so, so punny. Some seem to be written by someone with an English degree and some others...