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Friday, November 05, 2021

Friday Fun: Happy Nation Love Your Red Hair Day!

Friday Fun: 
Happy Nation Love Your Red Hair Day!

Certainly, gingers, or natural redheads are not the only people these days with red hair.

But, for some reason, I immediately started focusing on naturally red-headed men sporting a beard or scruff. I guess I was in a mood.

And that's whom I am celebrating today.

My heart simply melts whenever my eyes spy a ginger with face fringe.

I don't recall that I've had the pleasure, although, my memory isn't what it used to be, so...

Yes, there have been so many sailors through this here port! Who has time to keep track of 'em all?

But today, (unlike most) is not about me... it's about these delicious mens! 101 to be exact, all waiting below for your pleasure. And yes, a number of them appear more than once... but who wouldn't want more than one shot with some of these handsome spitfires?

So sit back, and enjoy yourself a carrot-topped smoothie (or two...)

And dream of all that healthy, nutritious carotene simply begging to be extracted!

--- ---

Have a lovely weekend.
How is it possible October is gone?
Who knows where the time goes?
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Icy Red - The Motels

Red - Bette Midler


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Love me a scruffy ginger. I have never understood what is it with people and redheads. I find beefy, scruffy gingers quite attractive. It does help if they have a nice dick.


whkattk said...

I've always loved redheads. I always crushed bigtime on them as a kid. Ginger hair and freckles! Love it.

Anonymous said...

Too bad the gene that causes red hair is 'disappearing'.

SickoRicko said...

By the time I got to the end I was hyperventilating and passed out.

Inexplicable DeVice said...

Oh, I had such a crush on a ginger shelf-stacker when I worked in a supermarket in my youth. Aside from a little stubble now and again, he was free of face fuzz. I might have to do some reminiscing now...

But before I go, the bendy Number 51 with those beautiful freckles is gorgeous!

BatRedneck said...

Same as above: I always was attracted to gingers, and their pilosity comes in such a variety of nuances. I never understood the pseudo reluctance of some people towards redhead men, but I told myself "good, that'll leave more for me" ;-)
Great set, now my mood has gone spicy...

Xersex said...

love gingers so much! take a look here to inspire you