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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving! From Wonderland Burlesque

Happy Thanksgiving!
From Wonderland Burlesque

Now, we all know that America's Thanksgiving is based on little more than myth. 

That whole thing about Pilgrims eating turkey on this day? Rubbish.

Or... is it?


I'd like to imagine it all went down a bit more like this!

--- ---

This Thanksgiving?
Make like a turkey and... get stuffed! 
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Let's Have A Kiki / Turkey Lurkey Time - Glee
feat. Sarah Jessica Parker, Lea Michele and Christopher Colfer

Turkey Lurkey Time
from Promises, Promises
1969 Tony Awards


SickoRicko said...

Now THAT's a good dinner!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

That's the kind of stuffing I'm talking about!
Happy Thanksgiving, dahhlink!


Bob said...

I'd like a kiki though maybe I'd lose Lea and SJP's invites???
Happy Turkey Day, Upton!

Jimmy said...

LOVE the first photo! Happy Thanksgiving, Upton.

Mistress Maddie said...

Happy Thanksgiving Upton! Come on over boys, I got all the stuffing for you!!!