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Monday, February 28, 2022

Acquired Tastes XLIII Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 88 HIS69, Part 17 of 20

Acquired Tastes XLIII
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 88
HIS69, Part 17 of 20 44!

And the countdown continues... three 27(!) more posts for this imprint.

Okay, so... apparently the part of my brain that does math (no, really - I aced even advanced finance classes, so I know it exists) was on vacation the day we started to explore this imprint. What is 281 plus 250? Because THAT's how many covers we have to find for this imprint. Now... I have a feeling that at some point we might be covering a lot of reissues, but that's the truth - 531 titles were published by this imprint. 

I don't know why, but for some reason, I thought - okay, we do 12 per post and have it done in 20 posts. And I don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner exactly how off course I'd gone.  

The HIS69 imprint was active from 1971 thru 1988, delivering an astounding 240 531 titles. Surrey House, Inc. / Surree Ltd, Inc. of San Diego and Santee, California are responsible for this imprint which was distributed by the same company as Trojan Books, Manhard Books, Gay Books and Gay Way Books; the Zorro Distribution Company, also operating out of San Diego.

It should be noted that many of these titles, with original artwork included, were simultaneously republished under the Gay Books imprint and then, later, minus the artwork, were also republished under the ManPower imprint.

The artwork for the HIS69 books would go through only two minor shifts with all the covers featuring ink drawings by various uncredited illustrators - artwork quite similar to what we saw with the Manhard imprint.

Here are the next twelve titles. This week, once again, I was able to track down all twelve.

Chicken Trick
Author: Dick Hunter

What's for dinner? Oh, no... not chicken, again!

Well, why mess with success? Clearly there's a market for questionable product. That said, neither of the dudes pictured appear to qualify as 'chicken.' They both look to be very much of age. 

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Big Stinger
Author: Michael Scott

Makes me think of Shirley MacLaine and the girls in Sweet Charity, belting out Hey, Big Spender.

Oh, in my time, I've been stung by more than a few big ones.

--- ---

California Creamin'
Author: David Langley

I know I always include a song at the bottom of these posts, one that reflects one of the titles shown, but this week! You really must, must, must take the time and view the video below. That anything of this nature ever appeared on national television makes me think that our television did not get all the channels. I was as flummoxed as I was in awe. 

Okay, I've oversold it. Just go watch it, already. 

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Divine Head
Author: Butch Temple

I wonder if anyone ever slipped Bette Midler a copy of this one backstage at the baths? 

Do you think she would have laughed? Or chucked it at the bearer's head?

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Suckin' Truckin' Studs
Author: Lonnie Colson

That is some major man meat on display there! Woof. I'd happily let him slap me around for twenty minutes. Great title, great illustration!

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College Jocks
Author: Michael Scott

I never had the opportunity to live in a dorm. I was always in an apartment or house. I can imagine what a hotbed of social awakening and sexual energy those places must be, like a powder keg waiting to blow. In one way, I'm grateful. I spared a lot of people and myself all the drama I would've brought to the building. But still, I imagine it would have been a great time stumbling upon, not just your own, but someone else's sexuality in such a setting. 

--- ---

Meat Man
Author: Ward Michaels

Wow, whatta sausage fest!

Love this illustration. "Hey, Mister Meat Man... I got a bone to pick with you!"

Something tells me he puts more than just his thumb on the scale... 

--- ---

Teachin' The Chicken
Author Marley Dennis

Another pair of denim cut-offs! Or at least that's what I imagine he's wearing. It's hard to tell, the jpeg is so blurry.

Aww, listen to me.

Wasting all that imagination on just his clothing!

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Full Throat
Author: Michael Scott

Is that a euphemism for giving it all the gusto you can muster?

Because I've got that. And plenty of room, too. They tell me I'm very accommodating.

Hey! The dude in the background? What's he staring at? A shadow peen?

Does that mean there will be six more months of  'Sausage Fest?'

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Hungup Hunk
Author; Ronald Penn

Does that man look shy to you?

Then what's his hang up? 


Now I get it.

I wonder how much his tailor has to adjust for that? This man definitely 'lays' to the right.

--- ---

Gusher Comin'
Author: Chad Stuart

A clever, theme-relevant double entendre! 

Well. Turns out I know my way around a derrick, too

Does that make me an oilman? 

(I do always have baby oil on hand.) (On hand, on chest, on abs, on...)

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Boarded and Bound
Author: Bob Hancock

These guys put the 'cruise' in cruise line!

Is this about butt pirates? 

In other words, a case when your kidnapper quickly becomes the on-board entertainment!

--- ---

And that's all for today. I hope you don't mind me prattling on as you enjoy these illustrations. Gay history, you know! Yes, this is educational!

Next week, another dozen HIS69 titles.

Until then...

Thanks for reading. (Now, watch the video!)

California Dreamin' - Raquel Welch
from the 1970 television special, Raquel
(Must see. Wait for it... you will not be disappointed!)

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip: Tori Amos

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip:
Tori Amos

In my own, personal, big gay church, there is a wing dedicated to Those of the Heart. These are the singers, songwriters and muses who have spent a lifetime capturing various aspects of the human condition. Frequently, due to the whims of the music industry, their lives were not always their own... but they persevered... ultimately remaining true to their roles as seers of the heart. One such soul?

Tori Amos.

The industry did all they could to get her to fit into a mold. Instead? She broke that mold and created a new archetype. 

Classically-trained, she was musically fearless, wielding the piano like others worked the  guitar. 

From day one, there has always been something insular, something organic in nature stemming from her compositional outpourings. Music sprang from her fingers like sparks.

Her examination of self would eventually evolve to include a world picture and her place within it. Through character studies and song cycles, she would weave stories both tragic and triumphant. All the while resisting the industry's desire for her to bend to their commercial expectations. She resisted. She was defiant. She called them out for the way they packaged, objectified and sold female artists. 

Through marriage and motherhood, she found herself anew. Forever evolving, cultivating new growth while exploring startling musical territory. 

She's lived as honestly as possible, given her chosen path.

The gospel according to her?

Well, here are three from the hip, dropping from her lips.

The topic? Self-discovery.

"I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it."

"Some people are afraid of what they might find if they try to analyze themselves too much, but you have to crawl into your wounds to discover where your fears are. Once the bleeding starts, the cleansing can begin."

"I think everyone understands grief, the journey it takes us on, whether it's the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, a disappointment. Some people don't deal with it, the power of it. Some do. Some feel the weight of it and it informs their choices. I've had to open up to grief in different contexts."

Crucify - Tori Amos

Sort Of Fairytale - Tori Amos

Promise - Tori Amos

And one last parting shot...

"I know I'm an acquired taste - I'm anchovies. And not everybody wants those hairy little things."

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Weekend Onesie: There's No Business For Fur Business

Weekend Onesie:
There's No Business For Fur Business

A sign of the times? 

The world has given Ribnick Furs the cold shoulder.

Announced last September, the landmark Ribnick Luxury Outerwear in North Loop has sold its building and shut its fur coat store for good last December, ending a stunning 76-year run and bragging rights as the last surviving fur retailer in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Is this a war PETA has won? 

Let's hope so. There are better ways to keep warm, be fashionable, demonstrate privilege, and adorn one's self. I would like to think that being born into this world, raised in a cage, and then slaughtered, so a company can harvest your skin, sew it into a coat in order to make a profit is no longer something that takes place. There's certainly no need for it. There are synthetic, man-made alternatives.

In any event, this is a step in the right direction.  

Who knows? If all goes well, one day plant-based foods will render another horribly abusive industry needless, as well. 

This little victory brought to mind an iconic ad campaign; one that has persevered for decades. The faces that have presented themselves wrapped in a luxurious coat of death are all, indeed, legendary, as are the timeless photos of Richard Avedon, Bill King, and Rocco Laspata.

Here's a bit of trivia about the Blackglama ad campaign: 

 Began in 1968 and ended in 2017.

As of 1980, the models were never paid nor did their names appear on the ads. Instead, they each received a coat of their choice.

Carol Burnett was the only one to turn down a coat and instead asked for the money to be donated to charity.

Dolly Parton, Katharine Hepburn and Jackie Onassis turned down repeated offers to star in the campaign.

Liza Minelli, Lillian Hellman and Bette Davis all posed with lit cigarettes.

Janet Jackson was featured in the campaign two consecutive years in a row (2010 and 2011.) Claudette Colbert also appeared twice (1970 and 1971.)

Andy Warhol was so fond of the Judy Garland ad in the campaign that he turned it into one of his famous colored silkscreens.

The only men to ever pose for the campaign were Ray Charles, Tommy Tune, Luciano Pavorotti and Rudolf Nureyev. Frank Sinatra bowed out at the last minute.

Three years after appearing in the ads, Brigette Bardot would retire from the industry and become an ardent animal rights activist. 

In 1984 Joan Rivers did an homage of a Blackglama ad for the cover of her comedy album with the line altered to read "What Becomes a Semi-Legend Most?"
Ah, yes... there's nothing like a famous face to sell death. Here are a few of the greats:

Million Dollar Face - Rick Springfield

Lana Turner

Joan Crawford

Julie Andrews

Elizabeth Taylor


Ethel Merman

Jessye Norman

Liv Ullman

Ann Miller

Lucille Ball

Janet Jackson

Barbra Streisand 

Lena Horne

Claudette Colbert

Audrey Hepburn

Pearl Bailey

Bette Davis

Anne Margaret

Sophia Loren

Angela Lansbury

Jessica Tandy

Gloria Swanson

Peggy Lee

Shirley MacLaine

Diana Ross

Faye Dunaway

Dinah Shore

Liza Minelli

Lillian Hellman

Barbara Stanwyck

Judy Garland

Catherine Deneuve

Joan Fontaine

Raquel Welch

Claudette Colbert

Natalie Wood

Lillian Gish

Elizabeth Hurley

Rosalind Russell

Brigette Bardot

Leontyne Price

Tommy Tune

Janet Jackson

Ray Charles

Luciano Pavarotti

Carol Burnett

Carol Channing

Marlene Dietrich

Debby Reynolds

Maggie Smith

Lauren Bacall

Maria Callas

Mary Martin

Melina Mercouri

Myrna Loy

Paulette Goddard

Renata Scotto

Rita Hayworth

Ruby Keeler

Suzy Knickerbocker

Beverly Sills

Helen Hayes

Diana Vreeland

Martha Graham, Rudolph Nureyev, and Margot Fonteyn

Billion Dollar Babies - Alice Cooper