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Saturday, February 19, 2022

Weekend Onesie: 'Wonder' What They Were Thinking?

Weekend Onesie:
'Wonder' What They Were Thinking?

Never turn a blind eye when someone is being tone deaf.

Stevie Wonder for Atari?

Let that sink in.

Stevie may be blind, but this advertisement is tone deaf.

The thing is; this ad was produced in 1981 (30 years ago)...

...and they really should have known better.  

But Stevie agreed to go with it, so? What do you think? 

Tone deaf? 

Or clever?

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend. 
My word, February is over halfway done!
The countdown to spring will soon begin.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Superstition - Stevie Wonder


Bob said...

Tone deaf paired with a buttload of cash I assume.

SickoRicko said...

He musta hadta pay the rent.