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Saturday, February 12, 2022

Weekend Onesie: Gummy Zzzzz's

Weekend Onesie:
Gummy Zzzzz's

I am a recent convert of sorts... 

I'm now a big fan of 'gummies' - the adult kind. 

Oh, I don't do much (the stuff today is so potent.) All I want is a very tiny nip of it, just to tame my anxiety and I only use it on the weekends. Most would laugh at the tiny sliver I ingest, I am such a lightweight. But dosing appropriately is key to a good time. I need to be fully functional, but with the volume turned way down when it comes to anxiety and things that upset me. Trust me. I'm much more pleasant to be around and it allows me to live with and like myself a bit more.

The other day, as I was shaving and showering, an ad came on the radio for something called Gummy Z's (or something like that.)

This is a product being marketed to parents of children, ages 4 and up, who want their kids to go to sleep when they, the parents, want them to go to sleep. Apparently this is a product to be used so the parents can get back to what's really important in their lives: a cup of Mommy Juice and binge watching Game Of Thrones(?)

You see what's coming? 

A whole generation of kids who don't know how to go to sleep without 'a little help.'

The pharmaceutical industry sees this as a 'future market opportunity.'

I see a generation with a whole new 'learning disability.' One which the pharma folks will, no doubt, be right there to solve (providing you have insurance.)

Parents who use such things in order to manage their children? Well, they're simply refusing to take responsibility for that which they've created. It's like... yes, I want children. I just don't to raise them.

And who can blame them? Raising children? A recipe for disaster, am I right? So? Let somebody or something else do it.

That kind of thinking is what's at issue when it comes to our public school system, too. Parent's use our schools like day care. Whether their kids learn anything? Well, that's just an added bonus, but the main thing is... while at school, the kids are somebody else's problem. And so the schools, of course, are all on board when it comes to doping up our kids. It makes them easier to deal with; medications ensure  complacency, and compliance equals less problems. The schools support the parent, going off to work in order to have insurance so that parent can afford the pharmaceuticals necessary to achieve the desired results. 

The pattern is set: the school complains about a problem child and the parent, believing they are getting to the root of the issue, take the child to a doctor who prescribes whatever is the latest and greatest. Suddenly, everybody is happy. They've  taken the easiest route; medicate them.

Yay, team!

But... that's not taking responsibility. That's not parenting. That's not raising a generation of healthy future adults.

However, that's the pattern, the standard means. Medicate to tolerate. And it only gets worse as we age. Anxiety? Take a pill. High blood pressure? Take a pill. Cholesterol? Take a pill. 

Better living through pharmaceuticals(?)

The pharma companies are so devious, so clever, so exact. They have their methods to ensnare and guarantee participation all figured out. Notice how they spend their advertising bucks:

When spending their advertising dollars, they choose the local and national news shows; shows filled to the brim with lots of high anxiety producing stories. Then, at the next commercial break, in swoops the pharma folks with an ad offering a new medication that will help you deal with your anxiety. Granted, it may cause diarrhea, nausea, and eczema - but no worries! A couple of commercials later they'll offer you a pill to take to resolve all those issues, too.

Rather Orwellian? Or like something out of the film Brazil, don't you think? Oh, this world of ours!

Its rather evil. Insidious. To profit by manipulating people into maintaining a life through pharmaceuticals.

That's why we all have to start doing the right thing and simply say 'no.' You want to know the cure for stress? The cure for anxiety? Eliminate the source.

Does that mean we stick our heads in the sand? Oh, I hope not. That's simply asking for future problems. No. We must be brave. We must learn how to deal with this world minus big pharma. 

We must learn to... *gasp* - cope.

When did we all become so weak? So powerless? So incapable of coping?

Oh, I know it's not easy. With all that's going on in the world? The madness? Social media. Politics. Religion. Genocide. Impending war. Covid-19. 

Other people.

People. They are the worst.

It's all gotten to be a bit much.  

But medicating ourselves in order to cope? 

That's not taking responsibility. That's not actually living a life.

Taking the edge off on occasion as a means of relaxation? Acceptable. But it shouldn't become a way of life. That's not actually living, that's escaping. And, while I totally understand the need to do so, escape is simply not an option - especially if you choose to bring kids into this world. They need you. 100% of the time and 100% awake and aware. And unless your employer hired you when you were high, they deserve 100% of you, too. That's the person they hired. That's what they pay for. 

So, the next time you're seduced by some obnoxiously peppy, bright, jingle-drenched, sterile pharmaceutical ad promising a happy life, or the next time your physician suggests that you start taking this drug or that drug - pause. Ask yourself: is living in an altered state, dependent on some drug really the life you want for yourself? 

Do you want to be yourself? Or what the drug will make you? 

If you can't cope, by all means, drink the Kool-Aid. 

But, perhaps considering alternatives. Exercise. Get outside. Meditate. Eat healthy foods. Drink water. 

If you value who you intrinsically are, if you value your potential as a human being, if you value your unique individual self? 

Then make like Nancy Reagan... 

Just say 'no.'

(Except on the weekends. Then, by all means, take the edge off, darlings. You fucking deserve it.) 

Hope you're having a fabulous weekend.
Do take the edge off, dears. 
In whatever fashion suits you!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Just Like A Pill - P!nk

1 comment:

SickoRicko said...

I like Pink.