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Saturday, February 05, 2022

Weekend Onesie: For The Birds

Weekend Onesie: 
For The Birds

The internet works in mysterious ways and is the giver of many unexpected gifts.

My recent interest in collecting copies of the vintage gay pulp novels I feature on this blog each Monday has me checking out eBay on a regular basis.

One of my favorite sellers goes by the name of one of my favorite classic television comediennes and, due to our need to complete business transactions, the seller and I have had cause to email one another.

Lo and behold, turns out this seller has a truly interesting past. I happened to comment on his email address, asking if he, by chance, wrote music.

Turns out he does and he sent me a link to one of his compositions. 

I was rather captivated. Not only did the vintage cartoon keep me on the edge of my seat and emotionally involved, but the odd song soon worked its charms on me as well. Achingly unique, the talent on display was obvious and intriguing.  

A quick Google search later, I knew a bit more about whom I was corresponding with... none other than Carletta Sue Kay.

It had been awhile (2012?) but, as someone who was still in tune to whatever was buzzworthy in the music world, I recalled the name. Although I believe I thought it was the name of a group.

Carletta Sue Kay is none other than Randy Walker. As Carletta (named after a troubled cousin), bewigged and in a carefully selected vintage frock, and backed by a number of accomplished musicians he became a fixture on the San Francisco music scene, creating quite the buzz by 2012, with the impending release of a new album, as well as his work with the potent Magnetic Fields. 

Performing his own compositions in a voice both startling and vibrantly alive, he drew comparisons to art house favorite Antony Hegarty, with a musical style that possesses the sweaty muscle of bar band rock flavored with more than a touch of old vaudevillian flair.

As for Carletta? She's a Warhol Superstar born in the wrong decade. Imagine a fully-engaged Brigid Berlin belting out Bowie or warbling a eerie song about the allure of sloppy kisses?

Something tells me Carletta is destined to appear on this blog as one of my Sunday Divas very soon. 

For the uninitiated, here's a taste of her wares. Enjoy!

More about Carletta Sue Kay:

'Tis the winter of our discontent.
But be of cheerful heart.
For, this too shall pass. 
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Carletta Sue Kay - For The Birds

Joy Division - Carletta Sue Kay

Carletta Sue Kay - Documentary

1 comment:

SickoRicko said...

I thought that flock of birds should that crapped all over that kid at the end.