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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Wonderland Burlesque's Once Upon A Wish Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's 
Once Upon A Wish Quiz

Ever wish upon a star?

What did you wish for?

That's what we're going to explore today... those things you, in your heart of hearts, long to see and experience, just once!

You can make it as simple as you like... merely list your items, or explain your choices, if you wish.

Now. This is not a bucket list. Because you can wish for whatever you like. 

Sometimes these things are very tangible, as in - they do exist or once existed. Or they can be things/places/people you wish existed.

Yes, today? "A wish is a dream your heart makes..."

--- ---  

1/ A movie or television episode you wish you could see just once...

I have one of each. 

I would love to see the complete, uncut, original Orson Welles rough cut of The Magnificent Ambersons. I am almost certain that, had it been released without studio interference, Agnes Moorehead would have won that Oscar. 

Welles was a masterful storyteller, and the story of The Magnificent Ambersons had so much going for it. I imagine that Welles alternative ending was far more suitable to the story than that of the released movie version or book. 

The other one... well! It too, exists. 

It's the unaired episode of Sky Art's British biographical comedy/drama television series Urban Myths, titled Elizabeth, Michael, and Marlon, which depicts a road trip that allegedly took place after the 9/11 attacks. Because all flights were grounded, Michael Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor and Marlon Brando, in part, fearing for their lives, flee New York City for Los Angeles in a car.

Imagine: Joseph Fiennes as Michael Jackson, Brian Cox as Marlon Brando, Stockard Channing as Elizabeth Taylor, and Carrie Fisher playing herself.

I so want this to have actually happened and I so want to see this episode. I realize the controversy surrounding the casting of Ralph Fiennes as Michael Jackson is a valid one - white actors playing black characters is a no-go. 

However, the idea of Stockard Channing playing circa 2001 Elizabeth Taylor has me salivating. Plus, putting these three personalities in a single car together and sending them cross country? 

Genius. And pure madness.

2/ An album or song you wish you could hear just once...

Only Forever by Anita Baker (2012)
Togetherland by Seal (1999-2001)
Trojan Souls by George Michael (1993)
The Gouster by David Bowie (1974)

All unreleased. All lost to time or sitting in a vault somewhere. 
3/ A book you wish you could read just once...

Naked On My Goat by actress Louise Brooks.
An autobiographical novel. After working on it for years, in a state of madness, she threw it into an incinerator.

4/ Something you dream of eating, drinking, or tasting just once...

So, this one is simple and very doable. But will I ever? 

I should like a chilled glass of Roederer Cristal Rose, 2009. Here's a description I found:

"The rarest Champagne produced by Louis Roederer. Salmon pink with an elegant bouquet and flavors of cherries and red berries that mingle with aromas of lightly toasted nuts and a trace of orange zest. A truly harmonious Rose, delicate, but powerful and enduring."

Or, for that matter, I would settle for regular Cristal. The problem? The price points. I'm the sort that can't see the sense of it. 

I dislike champagne. Loathe it's treacly sweetness. But, for some reason, there exists this idea that if you're spending $300-$500 on a bottle of something - it will be unlike any you've experienced before. That's true of roller blades and bicycles. Is it true of champagne? 

I would kick myself for the rest of my life if I was so foolish as to purchase a bottle of the stuff only to find out that it's just as vile as every other champagne I've tasted. I'd rather donate the money to The Humane Society.

Still... because this is the only thing Mariah Carey drinks (reportedly) I remain intrigued. 

I mean, she's an absolute beacon of good taste, yes? 

(Cheshire Cat grin appears.) 

5/ Some activity you wish you could experience just once...

Sexual ones? A ton. But their/my time has passed and I would feel foolish (and a bit of a bore) listing them. 

And I think about performing somewhere or appearing in a specific play - but how egotistical and what a waste of time and energy that would be. Like anybody wants to see that?

Skydiving? I'd want to do it only once and all by myself. Who would be negligent enough to let me?

Oh... I have it.

I want to attend Melissa Manchester's course on songwriting at USC Thornton School of Music. She fascinates me, as does her songwriting, which I have always found to be unlike anyone else's. 

To understand why, you really have to go back to her roots. Those early albums on Bell Records reveal an artist who, upon finding initial success, was never again planted in an appropriate garden. Her songwriting was her super power, and had she been allowed to grow mature in a nurturing environment? Who knows what further wonders she would have revealed. 

As is? There are tons of hints and loads of great songs to enjoy. So I am grateful. And impressed.

I would simply love the opportunity to hear her talk about her craft and learn more about her process. Those students at USC Thorton? 

Damn lucky.

6/ Some event you wish you could attend just once...

The birth of Christianity. So I could put an end to it right then and there!


George Michael's Symphonica Tour (2011-12).  Or any solo performance. I would have loved to have experienced his music in a live setting. Of course, I would be in the nosebleed section, but then... his magic would have filled the arena, so it wouldn't matter. 

7/ A building or landmark you would like to visit just once...

Stephen Sondheim's dungeon. 

The backroom of a really active, really gritty gay bar in New York City or San Francisco. 

Lynwood Hall - Philadelphia, PA - I adore abandoned buildings, with all their secrets and history. I have a long list of abandoned houses that I would love to walk through. Something about their decay intrigues me. Also, frequently? MURDER was afoot!

8/ A city or a country you would like to visit just once...

There are so many that I absolutely plan on seeing - and I will make those happen. 

But there is one place I will never go and would love to... Moscow. 

Russia terrifies me. In fact, all those countries where corruption is king are places I won't be visiting. I'm not sure why such places have not evolved, but then, I look at the United States' current affairs and ask the same question. 

It's the thought of becoming trapped somewhere, with no freedom and no power. It leaves me cold. 

Come to think of it... Mississippi gives me that same feeling.

9/ Someone you could talk to for a half hour just once...

Oh, I was trying to think of someone else, but... nope. 

I just have to go with what I know in my heart.

Janis Ian. 

She fascinates me. Her talent. Her gifts. 

Plus she's on the other side of things now and, I do believe, is much more grounded than ever before. There's a kindness there. A sense of humor. And a bit of humility. 

10/ Someone you could kiss just once...

Sandra Bernhardt. I know that woman knows how to kiss. Plus, she would make it really fun.

Lil' Nas X is my second choice. He's too young, but... I could teach him a thing or two. 

John Amos, Marvin Gaye and Idris Elba. And our own Sixpence... 'cuz - I gotta feelin'.

--- ---

That's it. Short and sweet.

Now? It's your turn.

Leave your answers in the comments section, or post on your blog and leave a link here. 

I hope you had a lovely time wishing. 

Thanks for being here.

Give Him A Great Big Kiss - The Shangri-las

Kiss Me, Honey Honey, Kiss Me − Shirley Bassey


whkattk said...

1., 2., 3, & 4. Nope. If I wish to see, hear, read, or taste something, I just get it.
5. Playing the piano. Yep. Always wanted to.
6. Adam Lambert with Queen. I've been to his solo show, now I want to experience him on tour with Queen. Or Lady Gaga's jazz-piano concert. Seen her live too, but not this concert - yet.
7. Rome. All of Rome.
8. Italy. All of Italy.
9. Either Babs - or Barack Obama.
10. Hmmmm. Have to give this one some thought. IDK.

SickoRicko said...

Too often I wish for the eternal sleep of death. That is the source of my depression.

Jimmy said...

1. The movie called "The Brave", Johnny Depp.
2. none
3. none
4. none
5. snow skiing.
6. Burning Man (early years)
7. none
8. city: Quebec City, and country:Ireland.
9. no one
10. John Amos is a great choice!

Anonymous said...

In 2002 a British/Irish tv version of Magnificent Ambersons was made from Welles original script, cut for cut, starring Johnathan Rhys Meyers as George. Film historians have long felt that a negative of Welles film survives somewhere. But so far not found. Other 'lost' Welles films, such as It's All True, have been located so perhaps one day it will surface.

I have to admit I always felt Agnes Moorehead's acting was hysterical and over the top.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I don't know of a movie or TV program that was never released or cut so badly that I'd like to see/watch. Maybe old Weimar Republic gay movies that were destroyed by the nazis?
I don't have any albums or songs, though. Or books.
I think I'd love to try Beluga caviar? People swear by it.
I wish I could do a great threesome. Yep, I do.
I wish I could have seen Billie Holiday perform. I think the was the GOAT.
I'd like to visit the Louvre. Not a tourist tour. I wanna stay in Paris for a week and go every day to the Louvre.
I wish I could talk to Barack Obama for half an hour. The man is brilliant.
LOL bet you're an excellent kissed, Upton *blushes*