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Monday, August 23, 2021

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 64 - Gay Way Books, Part 2 of 3

Acquired Tastes XLIII:
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 64
Gay Way Books, Part 2 of 3

Today, we continue our look at Gay Way books, which very well may be related to Trojan Books' GX Incorporated of Chatsworth, CA.  For one thing, they share a common distribution center, Zorro Distributing Company of San Diego, CA, as well as a similar cover art scheme - black and white pencil/ink drawings on a solid color background, changing the background color every two novels. They also, with the exception of the first four books in this series, have a 'mask of Zorro' icon in the upper left corner on the cover.

Gay Way's story is a bit complicated.

Gay Way began life under the umbrella of the F.S. Publishing Company as Gay Power Line. After four titles, GPL became GW, and after 12 titles in the series, the F.S. Publishing Company became XXX Inc. - both operating out of Pasadena, CA. The reason for all this cup and ball chicanery? It could be a number of things: a means of tax and/or debt evasion, or a means of avoiding prosecution; local law enforcement with the support of the feds were always working to shut these publishing houses down by any means necessary. Censorship laws during the Nixon administration were strictly enforced, the prosecution of those charged, seen as a priority. It was the beginning of the Republican Party's marriage to the fanatical Christian right.

As I researched this imprint, I discovered that many of the books were published without a date. Those that had a date, are from 1970 and 1971. I did my best to find all the covers (35 titles in all), failing five times. Utilizing the archive lists of various libraries, I was able to discover the titles, authors, and catalog numbers for all.

Here are the next dozen titles in the series.

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Naked Cowboy
Author: Jim Wharton
GW 111

I must be honest: I don't think the bulk of these illustrations are germane or very good. They strike me as one-dimensional and a bit sloppy. They lack humor and a point of view. I think the best cover illustrations tell a story; just enough to entice a potential reader to crack the cover.  This imprint would appear to be relying on the titles alone to accomplish that. 

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Suddenly It's Speed
Author: Karl Young
GW 112

At first I thought someone had taken a magic marker and covered up this dude's schlong. However, upon closer inspection I came to realize he is holding either a black leather belt or a badly drawn snake. Which do you think it is? And what to make of that title? 

During the early 1970's, speed was very popular. It sort of snuck in under the radar and was actually considered quite acceptable, especially for suburban housewives struggling to lose weight. It was, of course, in actuality a very destructive drug. I recently read a fascinating interview with Jayne County (see Bitterness Personified in the side bar) who recounts the havoc the drug wreaked in the life of Warhol Superstar Jackie Curtis. It was popular in gay circles, as well... all those queens obsessed with their weight. Thanks to Twiggy, thin was 'in.'

P.S. I just found this one on-line and bought it!

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El Rubio
Author: Christopher Ford
GW 113

The other thing that bothers me about these covers? They're not explicit. All man dongs are covered or concealed. It seems to me, if it's sex you're selling then it should be sex you're showing. No doubt, the publishers adopted this approach in the hopes of avoiding attention from the feds. However, considering they were being sold in dirty book stores, a case of all for nothing. Guilt by association, am I right?

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City Of Men
Author: Richard MacLain
GW 114

More strange genitalia. Someone very obviously took a #2 and penciled over the penis of the prone figure in the foreground. As for what happened to the man behind bars? He appears to have been made a eunuch. The end result? Meh. And exactly what is that man lying on? Corn stalks? A den of snakes? Medusa's spare wig?

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Shadow On The Sand
Author: Brad Powell
GW 115

Brings to mind Wakefield Poole's Boys In The Sand, which would have debuted the same year as this book was most likely published. I believe it was the film playing on the screen during my one and only visit to The Adonis, a gay movie theatre on Hennepin Avenue. I found the cinematography to be oversaturated with light and the content a tad boring. Yes, at the time, I was clueless as to the actual purpose of dirty movie theatres. I actually sat there and watched the film.  

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Christopher's Craft
Author: Christopher Ford
GW 116

Christopher Ford is responsible for a number of titles for this imprint. This title is the first in a series. Hard to say exactly what Christopher's craft is... acting? Make-up artist? Fluffer?

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New Member
Author: Karl Young
GW 117

More drawn on drawers. Something tells me that when the artist handed this one in, that dude with the tat was not wearing a swimsuit in the shower. Whenever I see something of this nature, it makes me yearn for my days working Downtown Minneapolis. I would go the the YMCA to work out, spending 45 minutes on the floor, exercising, followed by at least 15 minutes in the sauna or shower room. Yes... sometimes I got back from 'lunch' rather late.

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Desert Discovery
Author: Bob Cochran
GW 118

This illustration is actually quite funny. I'm not sure what it has to do with the title or the story, but the look on the face of the dude who is showing off his fine ass? It's great, as is the object of his erection's reaction.  Yes. The dude in bed? Apparently, he's looking at a real monster!

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Christopher's Phallusies
Author: Christopher Ford
GW 119

The term 'phallusies' turned up in the titles of a number of books for Trojan Books, as written by Dal Temple - also, coincidentally, a part of a series. Could Ford and Temple be the same author? Possibly. As for the illustration, I like the little trailer. If this book has anything to do with its predecessor, then it's the type of trailer a star on location lounges in while waiting to be called to the set. Actors do tend to get bored while waiting between scenes, getting into all sorts of mischief. My advice. Don't do the black light test on the interior of one of those post production!

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He Whore
Author: Jerry Frank
GW 120
I had given up on finding this one, but now, not only did I find it... I bought it! I tell you, it pays to use different search engines. I have no idea what this book is about, though that illustration would cause me to think there is some kinky medical experimentation going on between these pages. And I have no idea what that young man is holding... a giant test tube? A dildo? In either case, I think we can all guess where it's going to end up!

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Blitz Baby
Author: Michael Lord
GW 121

I find this one to be all sorts of disturbing. "Blitz baby was British slang for a child born during the German air raids upon London between September 1940 and May 1941." However, based on the rather prominent package in soldier boy's khaki's and the shirtless boy he's offering a chocolate bar to... ? It's hard not to jump to certain conclusions. A father and son reunion? Awkward.

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Cut Loose - Pretty Boy
Author: Barry Park
GW 122

Well, I, for one, am stumped. I am thinking it might be about boxing? Organized crime? 'Pretty Boy' obviously has a concussion. And I have no idea what he's hiding behind his back. Oh, this one is a puzzle. What's your best guess?

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Well, that's all for now. 

Next week, we will complete our look at the cover art of Gay Way Books. 

Until then...

Thanks for reading! 

Cut Loose - Emma Bale


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

You are right. The illustrations are less sexy and much more amateurish. And they seem to come from the same artist? I'm with you also about the lack of dongs. What gives?
I went thrifting on Saturday and tried to find some gay pulp novels. I'm going to have to try in the city, because in the little towns around chicago they'll sell you a 1902 iron or a 1960 Life magazine, but they have no idea of what erotica is.


Jimmy said...

I agree about "Baby Blitz. Creepy! But, on "Cut Loose", is that a knife he is holding behind his back???

whkattk said...

Looks like a belt to me....

Why, oh, why, do some factions think they have the right to decide what other read, watch, or listen to? ...sigh...