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Friday, August 20, 2021

Friday Fun: Celebrate National Brazilian Blowout Day!

Friday Fun: 
Celebrate National Brazilian Blowout Day!

A total blowout! A verdadeiro extravagância!

Tomorrow, celebrate this fenomenal feriado!

Faça direito! Do it up right. 

First find yourself a hot Brazilian man. (Are there any other kind?)

Invite him over to your place. 

Get him nice and comfortable.

Then, just put your lips together...

...and blow.  

As I like to say: give me a Brazilian man with a beautiful smile?

And I will give him something to smile about!

--- ---

It's the weekend.
Celebrate yourself.
Truly enjoy!
-uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

We Are One (Ole Ola)
Pitbull ft. Jennifer Lopez & Claudia Leitte

Brazil / The Best Disco In Town / Life Is Music
The Ritchie Family


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

No lie: EVERY Brazilian man I've ever known is drop dead GORGEOUS. Seriously. You are not wrong when you ask if there's any other kind. Even the average looking are handsome!
And when they speak...


Jimmy said...

Such beautiful skin tones. My favorites!

whkattk said...

Well, they've certainly given us plenty of reasons to blow. Happy weekend. Kisses.

Gary M. said...

Suddenly Brazil has become my number one vacation destiny....and I may never come back!

bitter69uk said...

I had a Brazilian boyfriend for almost five years and I can vouch for the accuracy of this post! x

SickoRicko said...

Fabulous way to celebrate!

Mark Alexander said...

Many—many—years ago (I think it was 1992), while living in San Francisco I was heading up the stairs from the Civic Center BART station and I crossed paths with an absolutely gorgeous man coming down the stairs. Dark haired, scruffy, and hairy. We both proceeded a few more steps and then looked over our shoulders, catching each other's eye. As I recall, I walked back down the stairs and we met at the landing. He was a doctor (or perhaps a medical student—it has been nearly 30 years after all) from Rio who was in town for a conference. His English wasn't great, and my Portuguese was non-existent, but our mutual intentions were clear. We ended up back at my place for an afternoon of pleasure that spilled into evening. I don't remember his name or exactly what he looked like at this point, but any one of the men above could probably pass as a close enough body double. It was an encounter I'll never forget.