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Thursday, August 05, 2021

Lost Boys: Vintage Images of Ed Wiley

Lost Boys: 
Vintage Images of Ed Wiley

Ed Wiley was one of Falcon and COLT's most iconic models back in the day. They say he smoldered on screen and "was the Marlboro Man of gay porn." 

I can definitely see that. It's there in every photo.

What you can't see? Or more accurately, find? 

Any information about where he came from. His origin story apparently ended up on the editing room floor. But, given his propensity for holding his emotions in check - which is part of his allure - that plays into his mystic. 

For, doesn't a true legend emerge from the mist fully-formed?

What's the 411 on this man? 

Let's dig in and see what Mr. Wiley allowed us to know. 

Ed Wiley
Myles Long, Dennis Walsh, Dan Wessling
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160
Endowment: 9.5-13" (depending on source)

Dates Active: 1977 - 1990
Films: 12
Compilations: 10
Studios: Adonis, Hand-In-Hand, TMX, COLT, Falcon, Surge, LeSalon, Jocks

I could find nothing about Ed Wiley's life pre-gay porn. I did find an alias which I believe may be his real name, Dan Wessling. I did a trace on that and found something I thought might be him, but I am unable to verify it, as that, too, ended up being a dead end.

So we will pick up Wiley's life at the exact point he seemed intent on... 1974.

In an interview, Wiley claimed he was "discovered" in San Francisco. At the time, he was a truck driver with a load (insert joke here) headed for The Golden Gate City. Thirsty (in more ways than one) after his long haul, he consulted a gay guide he had on hand, parked his rig outside The Boot Camp, a leather bar on Bryant Street, and went inside to grab a beer. He fell into the right hands - someone who recognized the real McCoy and Wiley's appeal.

As with most newcomers to the industry, he began by doing photo shoots. In an interview given to Manshots magazine in July of 1996, Wiley said that his first porn work was for Falcon Studios. He ended up proving to be a very popular centerfold model with a long list of credits.

The cameral loved him and those in charge loved what he had to offer... a rugged, toned, manly exterior equipped with a tool capable of making size queens swoon. It's exact length has been subject to debate. Falcon Studios, in an ad for one of Wiley's early films, "refers repeatedly to Ed's 13" dick." And they claim to have measured it. Elsewhere, it is claimed to be 11" long. However, in that same Manshots interview, Wiley attempts to set the record straight, stating that  it is, in fact, 9.5" long. 

DRUMMER 024 1978
HONCHO Sept 1980 
MANDATE Sept 1980
BLUEBOY Jan 1981
HONCHO Jan 1981
HONCHO July 1981
STUDFLIX Vol 2 No 1 1983
NUMBERS Jan 1983
JOCK March 1986
INCHES April 1986,
INCHES Nov 1999


MEN MAGAZINE PRESENTS: Falcon 30th Anniversary 

Wiley's earliest known solo loop (a short film shown in the booths of dirty book stores) is entitled Narcissus 2, which is believed to have been filmed in late 1975 or early 1976.  

His most memorable movie moments include:  Head Trips (with Al Parker),  Prowlers (included in the COLT compilation The Best of Colt 2), Dune Buddies, A Night At The Adonis, Rough Trade, California Boys, Ram Charger, Dirt Bikes, and the infamous Centaurians Of Rome.  

1977 Rough Trade
1978 A Night at the Adonis
1978 Dune Buddies
1981 Centurians Of Rome
1982 California Boys
1983 Bullet Videopac 7
1983 Dirt Bikes
1984 Head Trips
1984 Ramcharger
1984 Ticket Home
1986 Stud Struck
1990 Someone's Watching

And then there's the matter of his escort work. Note the omission of his age, rather uncommon given the platform. But then his maturity was part of his appeal - it set him apart from the other clones and the twinks.  Also note that cryptic description: "slightly impersonal at work."
From ERIC'S WORD - An escort review magazine
 (Spring/Summer 1982) 

As a testament to Wiley's appeal, his 1984 film, Ramcharger was Falcon Studio's first release under their Jocks label and its all-time biggest selling video, as well.

With word of the looming HIV/AIDS epidemic all but inescapable, Wiley saw the writing on the wall and exited the porn industry in 1984. He'd been wise about managing his money and "used his porn earnings to purchase equipment for his house renovation business." 

In 1990, he made a brief return, starring in the Falcon/Jocks film Someone's Watching. It would mark his final film appearance.

His life after? Well, there was a change of focus. He became a personal masseuse, offering his services in a variety of cities. Given that escort work was part of his history, it's difficult to say whether there was a sexual component to his work. If there was, I certainly couldn't find any indication that was the case. 

From 1994 to 1996, he lived in Charlotte, NC. It was noted that, rather than allow inquiries to go to voicemail, as was the industry standard, Wiley would actually answer every call. 

From Charlotte,  he found his way down to Tampa, FL and in January of 2001, he relocated to Desert Springs, CA. And that is where his trail ends. The most recent reference anyone could find about him? Dated 2008. 

And so, Wiley is something of a rarity and certainly lived up to his name. He's a true survivor... of the golden era of gay porn and not many can say that. 

 Yes. Smart beats lucky every time.

--- ---

He is one sexy MF, huh? I had no idea of his appeal or the extent of his notoriety until a reader happened to leave a comment about him in regards to last week's post about Scorpio and the film, Centaurians Of Rome

When doing internet searches for this series, his photos frequently appeared, but I often confused him with Al Parker. Based on what I've seen, they are, in fact, two very different flavors. 

There was something rather reserved about Wiley. He possessed an incredible poker face, a facet that added to his manly appeal, as inaccessibility often generates desire on the part of others. That it translated well to film doesn't surprise me... mainstream Hollywood is full of rugged actors who keep their emotions firmly in check. It's an energy that proffers a certain charm - one with a proven track record. 

And that trademark reserve? It seems to have also influenced his story. He didn't share much about himself. He kept all personal information very close to his chest. Still, despite the limited amount of information available, I found him to be a subject most post-worthy.

For his persona raises the question... is it possible to be a one-of-a-kind clone?

--- ---

That's all for now. 

Leave your thoughts in the comments section. 

And, as always... thanks for reading.

Big Bad Handsome Man - Imelda May

The Man - Aloe Blacc


whkattk said...

What always made him stand out for me: That bottom lip. Instantly recognizable.

SickoRicko said...

I loved him in everything he did, but Full Service is still my favorite.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I'm a sucker for that clone look. I'd be the happiest man if moustaches would make a comeback. A man with a moustache or goatee always gets my attention. And that cock! Damn.
I'm going to have to find that movie of him and Al Parker. Yes.
And I want that Honcho magazine! Now.