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Monday, November 09, 2020

Monday Morning Joe

Monday Morning Joe

It's Monday. 

My head is in a muddle. Can't seem fit to bother with my usual enthusiasm.

So, I'm simply going to sit here with my morning coffee and mull the whole thing over. 

Can't point to any one thing as the culprit. 

I had such a sense of relief. Then joy. This whole election business... bit exhausting.

So, I really thought I'd be back on track after that... made an attempt, but today? Well, I seem to have fallen short. 

We'll resume our regularly scheduled programming soon enough. I actually have several drafts in the works, but they require more research and I don't seem to have the gumption or whatever it takes to finish them. 

Do forgive.

And now, well... my coffee's getting cold. And I do like my coffee hot. 

Don't you?

--- ---

Bear with.
We'll be back up and running soon.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Forty Cups of Coffee - Ella Mae Morse

You're The Cream In My Coffee - Annette Hanshaw


Jimmy said...

Good morning,Upton.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, I feel you, Upton.
After last week, there's a sense of relief but also the knowledge that Cheeto and Co. are trying to fuck things over. IMPOTUS has nothing to lose now.
There's still almost three months of fuckery to go through. And then some.


Bob said...

I think it's election let down, knowing that Joe won, but also knowing that The Loser won't go easily. Enjoy the coffee, and the hot men drinking coffee.

whkattk said...

A weight lifted, I felt like I could breathe. Then the anxiety began to creep in over MoscowMitch remaining as Senate Leader. So, I fully understand.

anne marie in philly said...

if da cawfee don't get you UP, da hawt menz will!

Mistress Maddie said...

I'm in the same boat as you dear. Bring your coffee and underwear clad butt and sit next to me...we can relax together.

SickoRicko said...

All very hot. But I'm strangely most attracted to the woolly mammoth with the espresso cup.