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Saturday, November 14, 2020

Weekend Onesie: Wading Into Unfamiliar Waters With the World Looking On

Weekend Onesie: 
Wading Into Unfamiliar Waters 
With the World Looking On

I keep reading about the orange ogre's refusal to accept the outcome of the 2020 election. 

Yes, he's being a total stooge, a tool, a spoiled brat, a whiney loser. A poor sport. But it's being said that his lack of cooperation with Biden's transition could have real consequences. There are funds being withheld from the Biden team and Biden is not being given access to security briefings. 

The orange ogre's cult members/base are all up in arms, as well. This week the founder of The Proud Boys reclaimed leadership of the group and said that he was tired of pretending not to be a white nationalist. He wants to cleanse their ranks on any non-white males immediately. 

Members of the orange ogre's white house staff are also not ready to accept what the rest of the world sees as inevitable. Mike Pompeo recently made a very strange comment about there being "a smooth transition to a second _____ administration." 

And now, Fox News' White House correspondent John Roberts says he's "not sure" who will be the next president - even though his own network called the race for Biden. 

Plus we're dealing with all the legal filings regarding voter fraud and the 234 pages of affidavits complaining about things like a poll watcher not being allowed to stand as close as they wanted (Covid-19?), one being called a 'Karen' and the room cheering once security personnel finally escorted her out of the room (disruptive), and one complaining about a solution being sprayed on a machine (cleaner?) and then the same 27 ballots being run through that machine five times (blank ballots to ensure the machine was working properly) - in other words, routine maintenance. Oh, and Kayleigh (Blarney Barbie) McEnany has promised more such affidavits are on their way. 

The stuff the orange ogre's lawyers are submitting to the courts is such crap that, when forced to defend under oath, they crumble and admit that they have zero evidence to back up their claims and the cases are then dismissed. Still, they keep filing claims.

I would write it all off as futile posturing if it wasn't fueling a new, more dangerous, more vocal, more outrageous right wing strain... it's like the Tea Party on a steady diet of steroids, testosterone and meth amphetamine, armed with an arsenal of AK-47's. Throw in the frightening, violent rhetoric of religious zealots like Michele Bachmann and Paula White (have you seen the videos?) and you have a toxic stew unlike anything we have seen in our nation's history.

And all of this is happening with the half-lidded, weary, anxious eyes of the world upon us. The United States is now viewed as a nine-year old child who is still throwing tantrums like a two-year old. "But I don't WANT to accept the will of the people!" screams the orange ogre, as he flings his flabby, gluttenous hulk onto the linoleum floor of the toy aisle at his local Wal-Mart, where he caterwauls for the next two months until such time as he realizes Mummy's not going to buy him the White House.

Mulling all this over, the above photo sprang to mind. No, America's ass does not look that good (McDonalds), but there is an innocence and vulnerability implied in that figure that captures how the bulk of us feel as we tread our way through these unknown waters, anticipating a possible drop-off with each step forward. 

Fortunately, we all know how to hold our breath.

We've been doing it for for the last four years.

I guess we can continue to do it for a little bit longer. 

--- ---

Wishing you all great peace and security.
Chins up.
We'll get through this together.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

The World is Watching - Two Door Cinema Club


anne marie in philly said...

I like the top pix. and yes, we WILL get through the next 2 months. we have uncle joe and aunt kamala to look forward to!

Bob said...

In his own words ... "one day it'll just disappear."

And then his goose-stepping co-conspirators will all come out and say how hard it was working with him and how they never really supported him, they were just doing their jobs.
As Anne Marie would say, FOAD!

Mistress Maddie said...

And my friends who have moved abroad years ago keep saying how happy they are their not living here anymore.

And even with Biden in it's still not going to go away.

before trump leaves I have the feeling something very vile is brewing...I don't know what, but I feel it coming.

SickoRicko said...

Very nice video.

Now, tell how you really feel about the orange ogre.

Mistress Maddie said...

I found what I was looking for and sent you a email. At least I think it's your email?!?!?! Yikes. Oh well, someone will get a thrill, lol!!!!!

Cali-Boi said...

Hang in there!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I can't believe he's going to be GONE in three months.
Goddess. It's been a hard four years.