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Saturday, June 18, 2022

Weekend Onesie: June Is Busting Out All Over

Weekend Onesie: 
June Is Busting Out All Over

It feels as if all winter long I simply go through the motions, living my life for just one thing: summer.

Well, it's here, again... but I know it will be gone in the blink of an eye.

June is already half over, which I find rather astounding. For some reason - Covid, age, my tiny regimented life - time seems to be flying by at a rate I've never experienced before.

I remember when I was a child, watching clocks, willing the hands of time to move forward more quickly; a half hour would, at times, feel like a lifetime. Back then, I was keenly aware of the passing of time. 

These days? Eight hours can pass without notice. Days blend, occurrences blur. I keep reminding myself to live in the moment, to be more present, but that sentiment, that desire holds no meaning when 5:10 AM becomes 6:05 AM in what feels like a fleeting moment.

It's universal, this desire to hang on to time, to make a moment last, to make the most of it, to live every second, to get the most out of life. If we don't? Why, we're cheating ourselves, right? It's a matter of seizing each day, grabbing on to the good stuff and not letting go. 

Better said than done, I'm afraid. 

Truth is... well, my truth - life happens around you all the time. Other people, physics, and nature conspire to create circumstances and put things into motion which we, over time, find we have little control over. Fighting it can lead to a great deal of personal frustration, or so that has been my past experience. 

These days? I simply allow it to unfold around me. I observe. My input is limited to what positive changes I can bring about. Sometimes that means nothing more than mowing someone's lawn or taking someone grocery shopping. 

It would seem I've lost all desire to have a lasting impact on the world at large. Oh, I do my small part. Voting, for example. I will never take that responsibility for granted ever again. It's my duty. A small gesture, a small voice - one, hopefully, joined by millions of other like-minded individuals. 

And gardening. Oh, I don't do much, but it brings color and shape into the world for a time; something to be enjoyed by myself and others. 

But the idea of creating something lasting, putting my stamp on the world, making a name for myself? 

All of that has become meaningless with the passage of time. 

It's the tiniest of moments I now treasure. 

As I write this... the sun is ascending, catching the leaves of a maple tree as a squirrel climbs up a pole to a bird feeder hoping to rob it of all its treasure. 

That resonates with me, these days; so much more than anything that's come before it. For it is in the tiniest of moments that life occurs. And such moments are, indeed, fleeting: the sun moves on, the squirrel is already off to another task, and, before I know it or wish it, those maple leaves with turn color, dry and become lifeless. 

Such is the nature of time. It's now 6:36 AM and I wonder, where has the time gone?

Into memory? Perhaps. 

Fact is, the time is now. And it would be foolish of me to sit here in contemplation of its passage as it passes. 

June is busting out all over... 

And I, for one, plan on experiencing it.

Seven Days In Sunny June - Jamiroquai


Jimmy said...

What a beautiful post, Upton.

Mistress Maddie said...

I take any day at a time too and let it unfold. But with things getting scheduled again....its making life speed up again.

And it seems the cock is busting out all over too! Yay for that!!!!!

SickoRicko said...

Yes, appreciate it and enjoy it while you can.